Hidden masterpiece from the 90s

>hidden masterpiece from the 90s
>is turned into a coomer shit for dirty money

Why is this allowed?

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Porn is 90% of why SD3 is remembered.

zoomers are dumb

op is a fat Australian

OP is a faggot

Original game has Magus, which was lewd also


Attached: Magus.png (821x1666, 849.32K)

She regularly flashed her bare ass in the original and also slept naked.

Attached: aE5Phh4.jpg (640x558, 67.35K)

>turned into a coomer shit
why do you pretend to be retarded
you're smarter than this, op

HD graphics sure are convenient.

Attached: a_magus.gif (92x128, 2.13K)

Is he really?

Do people really see a cute girl in a game and immediatley pop a vein?


Not really, the girls in this game are cute but their tits are too small to give me a boner

Big hips plus average to small boobs is a kino combination though,

Every playable character in this game is coomer bait.

The demo was really boring

>turned into coomer shit
i bet you were born in 2002 you stupid zoomer, the game always had sexy designs as well as many other japanese games in the 90s

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The massive flaw of always putting an RPG demo at the beginning of the game with no abilities unlocked.

Literally anyone who is online and likes JRPGs knows about this game cause no one has been able to shut the fuck up about it for nearly 30 years now. Nothing hidden about it. Fuck I never played the Mana series and people furiously masturbated over SoD3.

uhhh...not really there, chief

the remake was censored because of zooms zooms like you

Erect Sawaru.

Only for Snoystation


she doesn't sleep naked on pc either

The sleeping sprite didn't show anything below the shoulder aside from the knees, the OP pic is less covered up than that and it will be her regular state.

>99% of sd3 porn is reisz

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Man, there's something about 90's manga style art.

What the fuck do you know? You're a westerner. 99% of the people who even knew SD3 existed before last year were Japanese, and the only reason they care about the game is riesz doujins.

It's Angela's turn.

Attached: a1615be2708809aa149c4db4ddd95dda.jpg (700x840, 333.79K)

it's a mix of nostalgia and soul


Yeah, I'm saving tons of money, $60 from not buying censored shit

I hope the owner of that site and anyone who works with him die a slow and painful death. Preferably soon

Imagine having testosterone so low that the site of an attractive girl makes you angry. Why would you not just kill yourself at that point?

Should happen more often desu

Fuck off Billy

>Get to watch boob jiggle, butt juggle and Charlotte spanking her ass all over the place
>Dude they changed one class attack, it's not worth it anymore!
Get a life

>those hips
>those thighs

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nobody triggers trannies like billy.

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Nigga, I love Angela and SD3 and getting to watch her shake her tits in glorious HD was my dream for over 15 years. Fuck off

Cant believe we have to wait until launch to find out what Sony censor

not even coomershit with good gameplay either

>design decisions in a remake
Fuck off

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the art style doesnt bother me and the game seems like itll be fun to play. it is oddly sexual for a game with such cartoony art but i think thats more just how japs are. id have a bigger problem with them changing the art to help it sell in the west. because that wouldnt help and games made to just move copies are less about games and more about money.

>Imagine playing SD3 and not messing with the layers to see half naked sleeping Angela
I know we've all been there

What does the word censorship even mean anymore?
When I read the title of the article I thought the remake had differences for different regions, but is he seriously comparing the original and the remake and making it an issue of censorship?
The remake is also missing the AGI-Stat the original had. Is that censorship as well?
Riesz doesn't have a pink ribbon in her hair, but little wings now. Is that censorship as well?

I hate prudent changes to appease a certain loud minority as much as the next guy, but don't search every game for every miniscule design-choice and cry censorship, especially when the game obviously doesn't care, see

OAG is a troll website.

You're a fucking faggot, this game is a miracle with all the lewd outfits unchanged and that retard is bitching about a changed animation

It's a reason that amazon had been getting porn for 25 years.

Ive always been a leotard fan so im happy Angela FINALLY about to join in

Why can't westerners appreciate skimpy female designs anymore beyond seeing it as fanservice?

this goes for coomers and sjwfags alike. There is so much more to feminine beauty and skin than being fanservice bait.

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Everyone's too horny to even think that the female form is for anything more than getting a boner these days.

SJW's are envious of women like that and jizzheads post fapbait out of spite and nothing more.

Because it is just fanservice. You just happen to love fanservice because you're the fan its servicing. You believe thats not why you like it because you're a braindead coomer.
But theres nothing inherently wrong with fanservice or liking fanservice.

I see that discord trannies are on a warpath to label anybody that likes fanservice as "coomers" in a weak attempt to shame people for like attractive women.

user you're on a forum where people regularly get filtered by retard tests in popular video games designed to appeal to the least common denominator and start threads convinced that they'll turn the tide. Expecting Yas Forumsirgins to appreciate aspects of beauty in design is a fridge too far.

I'm a coomer and you bet when my welfare cheque comes I'm. Buying the game

You never played the game nor got to a point of class change, so shut the fuck up.

Riesz has been a coomer-tier character for 20 plus fuck years.

>Don't notice shit because 2D low-res sprites
>Details are more noticeable

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