so Yas Forums, you always said you wanted a shooter with a cute anime girl, well here you have one coming out in a few days on March 26. So you better keep your word and buy it!
so Yas Forums, you always said you wanted a shooter with a cute anime girl, well here you have one coming out in a few days on March 26. So you better keep your word and buy it!
this isn't anime
nice graphics though
>anime girl
>made by chinks
>not even anime
No, thanks.
Not even anime and looks like shit.
>Shilling on Yas Forums without actually knowing your audience.
>and looks like shit.
come on now it's a tech demo with some gameplay, there's nothing to seethe over
>you always said you wanted a shooter with a cute anime girl
Your image isn't anime, and I have never wanted this
I might buy it because I like playism but why does it look so slow?
Nice graphics!
One person made this?
Even their "anime" girls look like they had plastic surgery.
I bought this a long time ago. Nice to see the actual game is finally coming out.
You linked the old proof of concept version.
This is the one that comes out tomorrow.
To my great disappointment, nobody copied the gameplay from Bulletstorm until this, and nobody copied the Nemesis system from that LoTR game.
Reminds me of Shadow Warrior but with a cute girl but with better movement options.
>one man team
>Unreal Engine
it's gonna run like shit innit
Some gameplay.
Was one of the first games I played with RTX.
It's not one guy. The dev says this to boast, but if you ever say anything that might fluster him he says it was done by a teammate or subordinate
Even the original version was more than just him, pretty sure
Shill faggot. I don't want episodic shite
Infinite is the full game. OP linked the old one.
The EA version ran very nicely for me. I had 3770k and RX 580 at the time.
Not anime, fuck off.
EA version of the girl is prettier.
looks decent, but I hate anime shit
>chink shit
So where's the info that it's coming out on March 26th? Only thing I can see is they're showing the GDC trailer on the 26th since GDC was cancelled
Only English info I could find. Rest is in chinese and shit. Also OP is really bad at making threads. Linked to the old test bed game.
Is this real? Looks better then zoom eternal
>buy early access game
>dev releases finished version as its own game
Why do single player FPS games like this insist on having hit markers? It's pretty obvious when you're hitting the enemy and this isn't online or anything. In fact single player games are better without them since it adds tension; did I hit him/is he dead/is it safe to move forwards? There's absolutely no need for them in a single player FPS.
Open the full image, the thumbnail makes it look more western 3pd then it actually is.
Did you not read or something
>you always said you wanted a shooter with a cute anime girl
Those melee swings look like they pulled it right out of Skyrim. There's no impact when it hits enemies. Unless the lore is that she's swinging air and the air pressure cuts the enemies up.
Definition of Koreachinkese soulessness.
I've played the early access last year
the early access prototype is pretty short but for $7, its a very beautiful game
7 fucking dollars
Looks nice and I haven't played a shooter in a long time, so I might give it a try.
They made extensive changes to the engine and had to make a new version of the game. They did manage to stuff an RTX demo into the old one. And if you own the old one you get the new one free so whats the problem?
>anime girl
Looks like some disgusting k-pop whore.
I had a lot of fun with it. Reminded me of Shadow Warrior.
Thanks. I held off buying Episode 1 since it was so short, but since it'll get me the full game I guess I might as well
I would be 100% okay with a k-pop whore. This looks like an animated sex doll.
>cute anime girl
>posts old hag
>Isn’t aware of the 15+ year old “Anime Girl TPS/FPS dream game”
Concept is older than Deep Sea/Pressure threads.
why is everything chinese so soulless
You mean the western 2B VA ugoo?
The jap one. Chink gives no shit about hiring whites to voice their games.
>The jap one.
Then gonna buy the game when it's on sale.
I've played it and its fucking awful
Why are these chinamen releasing a game masking it as a japanese game?
he can't, user. that's what happens when you're dumber than a nigger.
I love chinese stuff, do we know how long the full game is going to be? I'm interested, based shill
I can't even run this.
>skyrim melee system
>slow mo
>ue4 default graphics
u can't trick me lmao
It's $7 now. If the full game is released I reckon he would stop giving the full version for early access people and jack up the price of the full game.
By the sounds of it you tricked yourself friend.
Would you like more screen shake in your game sir?