Got an email from advertising company asking if i would take £500 to shill Bleeding Edge

>Got an email from advertising company asking if i would take £500 to shill Bleeding Edge
>Got offered £3000 to shill Raid Shadow Legends (didn't because its greasy as fuck and harms you personal brand more than the money is worth regardless)
>Multiple people i know getting offered a pittance as well
>"You HAVE to tell people its on Xbox gamepass"
>"Use the phase 'The Next Overwatch?!?' in your video titles"
>"Only show footage where you win, no lossses"

I've never actually gotten this from a retail release before. Mobile trash vampire companies sure but this is a new, desperate low for a proper AA pc/console release.

Is this going to be the biggest flop of the year? last i checked its only metacritic positive reviews were fan user reviews screaming about Sony boogeymen.

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is next level pathetic larping.

I doubt it's even AA, the core staff consisted of like 20 people. The marketing budget was probably larger than the game's budget, and it seems like it's doing more harm than good by trying to chase OW despite having zero similarities.
>Only show footage where you win, no losses
That seems silly. I wonder if there's actual statistical data that people are more likely to try a game if they see someone winning, similar to how people are more likely to stick with a game and spend money early on if they win their first matches.

yes even people with xbox pass are passing it up

>That seems silly. I wonder if there's actual statistical data that people are more likely to try a game if they see someone winning, similar to how people are more likely to stick with a game and spend money early on if they win their first matches.

People absolutely do. You have to remember we count as "hardcore enthusiasts" now and the hypercasual 'light user' mainstream casual is the target because they are easy to trick. You don't sell them the power fantasy you sell them the 'you can be the big winner in this easy game!'.

Go back and look at the down with the ship Lawbreakers players and they were giga casuals who, due to lack of competition in a dead game, were pulling a "best fps player in the world at this game" card like DSP with the shitty street fighter 2 PS1 port.

>dad works for Sony
>they pay him to make larp threads against Xbox on mongolian basketweaving image boards

Post proof

Sony must be shitting themselves about this game nobody knows released and/or exists!

It's not stopping people from pretending this is some major Xbox release in this thread though.

>make something that looks absolutely fucking atrocious
>expect people to market it for you for nothing
The Lawbreakers model

Into every year a Battleborne is born.

why western devs don't comprehend that people want to play as attractive characters?

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>The gamepass shills are confused people aren't talking about it
Its Sea of Thieves all over again

Western developers care more about the cisfinder general not turning the social media witch hunt in their direction than making beautiful or handsome characters anymore.

but aren't corporate slaves supposed to not care about anything other than profit? I'm pretty some nerdy statician at their respective publishers can pull up some numbers showing that attractive characters actually boosts sales vs. some loud minority on twitter who may or may not buy your game.

Get your head checked.

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We live in the age where outrage on social media can ruin you no matter what you do. Any profit vs the eye of sauron turning in your direction and making you an "untouchable" is how they think things are going.

>all these anons seriously making conspiracys on a pre-buyout game that's 40 bucks
i doubt ms even gives two shits about this game. Shit was made with a skeleton crew of 20 with the only reason behind it's existence is" lol, might as well finish it!"

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I am happy for NT that they got a chance to release a passion project. I don't like how people try to say overwatch when this looks way more like anarchy reigns.

I played the closed beta a few weeks ago and it's probably the most dull, empty game I've played in a long time, what the fuck were they thinking

>Chasing the woke hero arena combat meme about 5 years too late
>Passion project
i wish i had this kind of naïveté still.

nigger just look at the gameplay, its fucking lifeless and boring
if it wasnt for Gamepass, it would go down as another battleborn

>Make meme game on the cheap
>'Leak' fat woke character
>Hope 'incel rage' spreads word of mouth that makes you look like a good ally to the current regime so the danger hair crowd supports you to 'own the alt-right'.

>when this looks way more like anarchy reigns.
dont ever insult AR like that again
just look at this shit

Gamepass got snoys shook. I have no interest in multiplayer only melee games but I find it hilarious how gags are getting. They dumped this with no marketing. If they were really trying to push this, wouldn't they just tell Ninja to play it? Nah they're gonna hire a marketing company to pay some nobody a couple hundred bucks to play promote it. Yeah ok

Looks slow and clunky.
Damn, that's actually a shame.

game looks great. it will be a success

>Gamepass got snoys shook.
I don't follow console war shit anymore. Mostly since it seems extremely slanted one way. But is this all the xbox die hards have going for them at this point? the last xbox game i heard about was that gears of war thats meant to be mediocre at best and lately i just see this "game pass" thing as some huge selling point for xbox.

Isn't it just a case of shit not being high quality enough to support sales by itself so they try to lock you into a netflix style sub hustle where you pay repeatedly for a handful of games are hundreds of shit games that otherwise would have go no players?

How does that have any company "shook" when it seems like desperation?

>Nah they're gonna hire a marketing company to pay some nobody a couple hundred bucks to play promote it. Yeah ok
sure is the Microsoft way of doing things

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That's just a Yas Forums autist overly attached to his console choice.

game is fun though, it's just too team dependent, like league of legends tier snowballing.

Fortunately, there are plenty of non Microsoft games also available on gamepass some on day 1 release. I know I'm a shill boogeyman for saying positive things about it though. This is definitely a b movie netflix type of release but games like forza and halo Infinite are going to be gamepass too. I'm looking forward to gears tactics.
Not reading that shit. You have mental illness. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people falseflagging as MS shills here.

>no true scotsman

Do you really believe Microsoft are hiring people to go onto and post the exact same outraged paragraph on repeat? No, it's an falseflagging autist whose only respite in life is bideo game consoles.

This game is out?

>would MS advertise on one of the most popular videogame boards on the internet?
gee i dunno

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Cool but you cut out the detail that they're spamming the same paragraph (that is very clearly falseflagging)

Am I a retard for not understanding money deals? For example, if they offer you money but you have to use their script, I mean, everyone knows it. Everyone knows its all false claims and reading a docket, everyone. Who genuinely would be like "Wow, I guess it is the next Overwatch now that I've watched a video from my favorite youtuber™"?

Raid Shadow Legends in particular, who the fuck is playing it? Who the fuck is spending money on it? And all those other fake game ads like the "level 1 boss" things. I genuinely don't understand it.

Cool but you cut out the detail that they're spamming the same paragraph that is very clearly falseflagging. I mean seriously, read it.
>you fucking Sony boys sheep are still believing them after all those years
>Wake up shit heads. Sony is tricking you. AGAIN.
>All you little Sony and Nintendo fanboys
This is written like a conspiracy theorist's ravings and does not make me want to buy a Microsoft product

he's not saying that they don't shill. But saying they're shilling some 40 dollar budget game is retarded when you have ninja legally obligated to shill your budget project on not-twitter

The sad fact of videogames overtaking movies in revenue is if you pay enough actors to sit on a soundstage made to look like a 'hip gamer streaming house' they can convince people the worst game ever made is the hot new product everyone is playing.

Apparently companies like EA call them "watercooler gamers". They dont actually like games but games are the new substitute for personality when interacting with co-workers on break so they buy anything a influencer drops the 'get hype' payload trigger keyword over, often as a prepurchase they sell on craigslist within a week after playing for two hours.

>they would never hire shills when they have ninja
Which is exactly why they do dumdum. You are already distracted by the blue haired depression machine to consider other positive buzz could be shillvalry.

>similar to how people are more likely to stick with a game and spend money early on if they win their first matches.
Judging by the fact that all major companies do this, and I'm talking about huge companies with millions of users and unparallel amount of data to do AB testing and statistic analysis on, I'd say it's true.

This. The only shill i've legit fallen was Pan Pizza shilling Hypercharge Unboxed and he was litteraly not paid at all

RSL is getting downloaded and played because it's become a meme. This can be credited to personalities such as Pyrocynical and Internet Historian turning their ad-reads into jokes so people don't feel inclined to skip it and don't feel like they're being advertised to. Brute force is a good way to do this too, that's why it seems like everyone is getting sponsored by RSL. A similar thing happened with TheLegend27 and That's how mafia works.

Dude, you're fucking embarrassing. Believe it or not, gamepass is a good deal at the moment. When its 9.99 or 14 99 a month, maybe not so much but some people got locked in for three years for a $1. Xbox is clearly making good faith moves to win back consumers that jumped ship after xbone launch fiasco and are generating some positive buzz. You have to accept that a small percent of positive Xbox threads are from genuine fans, but most, especially Xbox SeX threads are literally pc fags baiting snoys.

OP, be serious with me and don't lie.

Is this game the next Overwatch?

If it is, I will buy it and tell all of my friends to buy it.

Attached: PS4 Not Shilling 2.jpg (737x1722, 660.55K)

>Buy console after it came out the gate shitting on the consumer
>Entire lifespan is zombie IP's shitting out the worst entries in their respective series to sell a brand or total flops like recore or sunset overdrive
>Being a fucking subscription box to play mediocre multiplay trash is now the only selling point.
Remember the days of Gamecube vs PS2 vs The DUKE? god xbox is such a fucking disaster.

It is Lawbreakers 2, Battleborn 3. Please clap.

It's Battleborn 4 user. Battleborn 3 was BfN

literally me, except I’m a neet and do it for free

>Bleeding Edge
>Halo 5
>Gears 5
>Crackdown 3
>Sunset Overdrive
>Dead Rising 4
>Quantum Break
>Project Spark
>State of Decay 2
>Sea of Thieves

I'm trying to think of a Xbone exclusive that isn't dogshit and coming up with Forza Horizon 4 and nothing else. Was the "b-but muh forza tho" meme true?

The game is actually really good and comparing it to overwatch is a bad idea I think it's not a shooter at all. It does need ranked play I feel

>major Xbox release
odd because all the posts on my screen prior to yours are discussing how it's barely AA and focusing on the marketing strategy

Was State of Decay 2 that bad? I quite liked the first

I dunno man. I have a ps4 and didn't get a bone til I was gifted one late and now play it much more. Started out because I was playing a lot of multiplats on ps4 anyway and I figured I'll buy them on the console that's most committed to backwards compatibility. Then dirt cheap gamepass came along and saved me money while keeping me busy gaming. I'm not gonna say Microsoft published games have been all that great this gen and they caught a bad break with three turds from competant devs with ryse, sunset a d quantum break. Still the awfulness of their games is exaggerated. Halo 5 is a good game. Forza horizon games are fantastic. I personally played well over 500 hours of gears 4 multiplayer, the campaign was shit tho.

I would have maybe given it a try if it was free. But for actual money fuck no.

>Went from dominating a significant portion of the west to seven straight years of mediocrity where their only market is the US.
How the fuck did this happen and stay happening for this long?

I got about 5 hours out of it and stopped because i was conscious of the fact i was not having fun and could do anything with my time and it would be better spent. Its a full retail price release that feels like a shitty early access survival crafting meme game from 2011.

State of decay 2 had a very bad launch it's pretty steller now just started another community

OP literally suggested it's going to be the biggest flop of the year

>Halo 5 is a good game.
No its not. The rest can be up to taste of shitty reasoning like "plays other hardwares games from last gen" which is reason to buy a 360, not a new console at full price, but Halo 5 was an objective disaster. Its indefensible. From the only boss being the same copy pasted fight seven times to fucking funpay minibuy card packs in multiplayer it was fucking shameful and shame on you for saying that abomination is good.

For you

>Halo 5 is a good game

Even Xbox shills won't defend that game. What the fuck are you smoking?

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Bu bu bu bu but Xbox cucks told me based Phil has the cash to splash these days???


>Xbox gamepass"

This shit killed it for me more than anything else about the game. I MIGHT have been willing to check it out if it were on sale or something but I'm not going to make another fucking account just to test out some game.

Fuck you Tameem you greasy cunt.

Looks pretty shit gotta admit, not what I expected.
So slow, looks like a MOBA.

Show email then, faggot pretender.

#1 reason marketing exists is that so people talk about your brand. If everyone's talking about a game, your brain is tricked into thinking that it's probably not that bad a game, and you'll be inclined to give it a try if, in this case, you've got 20 bucks, got tired of Overwatch and want to buy a new multiplayer FPS

Raid Shadow Legends' players are people who either saw their friends play it or heard about all the related memes, and wanted to "give it a try", to see "what all the fuss is about". A post like yours stating that you don't get who could be playing RSL is a complete marketing success

more importantly, does this game have gender neutral bathrooms?

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