Holy shit I thought this was a meme being spammed around, the tweet actually exists. What does he think he is?

Holy shit I thought this was a meme being spammed around, the tweet actually exists. What does he think he is?


Attached: Screenshot_23.png (586x319, 35.47K)

Other urls found in this thread:


He's not a native English speaker. He's talking about the camera as an item in game, and switching the camera perspective to use certain items in a 3D world which he could never do before in his games.
He's also not a gay.

The worst gaming director of the world.
And the most overrated shit director ever.

Thanks for enlightenment, now I understand what he means. I read the tweet many times and thought he invented in-game cameras lmao.

Alright Yas Forums it's ON. You have to make a game.
What "idea"™ will you come up with?

>Genes? I made them

Attached: kojima.jpg (5500x1700, 652.71K)

I mean he invented an entire genre, the "strand" type games

I'll bring the alien concept of "gameplay" to video games. By the way none of you can use this since I copyrighted it before posting about it.

La Creatividad...

I call it the water genre

>What does he think he is?
He's claiming to have invented being able to change the perspective in a game.

Only he didn't, not by a long shot.

He's a delusional hack.

tongue keyboard
keyboard controlled by the tongue

He is clearly talking about ingame items and is talking about the game itself if you bothered to read past the very first line

Nah there is an item called "digital camera" in mgs1, he just says that he came up with it because now the world is 3D, he wanted players to observe around etc.

Are you not English speaker too? I read it and was able to figure it out first time. Maybe because I've actually played the game though, zoomer.

Are you fucking retarded?

What he's talking about is switching to a first person perspective for certain items.

Fucking ESL third world shitters need to GTFO.

Sounds like damage control. That doesnt make sense

He's a hack. A very endearing one, but a hack nonetheless

The Overrated man

He is a prophet who predicts the future. and while not all of his ramblings are 100% accurate, they've always come to pass in some shape or form. We should all praise Genius Kojumbo and ought to listen when he speaks his prophecies.

Attached: 1542771848778.jpg (640x480, 53.12K)


i will invent the concept called "jump" and create a new type of game called horizontal scrolling ascension

>Get called a retard
>Double down and prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt
This is why your country has failed to master electricity, running water and plumbing, not to mention basic literacy.

>got a blank check from sony
>spend most of it hiring b-tier celebs and travelling around the world
>can't even afford to hire a PROFESSIONAL translator for his tweets
I will never understand the mind of Kojima

>I came up with the item "camera" to switch POV
there's already a button to switch into 1st person view without the "camera"

How does that not make sense?
What other game before MGS (September 1998) is primarily played in third-person but lets you switch to first-person perspective to use certain items?

Super Mario 64?
Tomb Raider?
Jedi Knight?

You know, virtually every third person game from the era and years before it.....

Seething because Dusk Golem got exposed, Xbox cuck?

I call it the Active Dream System. Basically players are playing their games inside the games of other players.

i actually hated that pov camera thing, especially since you could only pan left or right and also it was just inconvenient in general

>Super Mario 64?, Tomb Raider?, Croc?
Those don't have first person. The look button just zooms into over the shoulder view.

Kojimbo is a hack but I hope he just means that he came up with the idea of putting that mechanic into MGS and not actually that he thinks he created that idea.

That's what he said. Sure, it was in broken English.

>>Super Mario 64?, Tomb Raider?, Croc?
>Those don't have first person. The look button just zooms into over the shoulder view.
Nibba what

What's the big deal, he is just describing the thought process behind one of the items in MGS1?

Oh wait you guys are completely obsessed with Kojima and take any opportunity to seethe

>he thinks he invented the stealth genre as well
how can one man be so egotistical and delusional

Attached: Screenshot_20200325-080148_Twitter.jpg (1360x2095, 973.75K)

Dumb Kojimadrone.

>I just call my games whatever genre and they get categorized later
ESL threads about ESL tweets have some really retarded points.

Yas Forums is thirsty to be outraged about Kojima, in part because this place is full of millennials, a generation who, without outrage over trivial shit, would kill themselves, but also because MGSV wasn't a movie.
They've been at it for 5 years now, ever since he took the correct approach to MGSV, which was not paying attention to the plot.

>Those don't have first person.
Yes they do.
>The look button just zooms into over the shoulder view.
No they don't, shut up and fuck off you ignorant fucktard.

>getting this mad over small details in classic games
Autism must suck

Die mad boomer.

When you now look back on MGS2 it's pretty scary. Same with DS and covid19

Thanks god i never touched mgs and played splinter cell instead

>He is a prophet who predicts the future.
Deus Ex is the more relevant game when it comes to real world happenings.

Vehicle controlling type game where you have to control your automobile more effectively than others to achieve rewards

>What does he think he is?
He's la creatividad

>the illuminate
Not really

He’s also a narcissist and probably understands very little about 3D programming.

I come up with the idea of shooting

There are games prior to dark souls that did shit like that

>t. never played the game

Hating Kojima has become a meme.

Yet you haven't provided a single fact to back that up?

>What does he think he is?
El Steve Jobs de los videojuegos

Kojima is just an overrated shit director

I came up with the idea for a shit """game""" that morons pretend is good. It's called MGS4.

an initial d styled racing game with cops

Number one:
Grey Death
Number two:
The virus was a government creation.
Number three:
China going into lockdown mode. (that one is not virus related though)
Otherwise just watch Ross Scott's video on it and the predictions and facts it got right.
Except the internet being a centralised thing.

la creatividad...

The last deus ex game to come out literally ended with the player finding out that jensen's psychiatrist was a fucking illuminati agent assigned to watch and manipulate him
>b-b-but it's not about the luminati!!!11
Lol whatever u say retatd

Imagine being this insufferable and not making any good games.

>nuDeus Ex

In the original deus ex you can literally side with or destroy duh illidanmanti in the ending stfu that meme society has been the primary antagonist from the very beginning regardless of which generation

Ok you win, Deux Ex didn't predict anything.


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