Holy shit

Holy shit

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also I'm gay just wanted to let you guys know that too

This is the worst dip in the history of video gaming, it sold like 200k copies at best, what a trainwreck and reminder valve drone is still trying to shill this garbage as some revolutionary dogshit

>more people playing Sims 3 than Sekiro


take into account that's vr, not something you just decide to play outta nowhere, atleast that's something i think but i don't really do vr.


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Guess Valves tactic to make this game to sell VR headsets didn't work out, huh.

VR is just too expensive.

Another flop for valve. They should just stop making games t.bh.

They are sold out.. and have been since Late janaury

better make the same shitty thread every hour for the next 2 weeks!

Why have 500,000-1,000,000 players when you can have 5,000 - 30,000 bootlickers?

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they stopped making games like 10 years ago

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VR is shit is the problem, I wouldn't play a VR game if the headsets were free

3 tho

>produce low quantities
>they're sold out

Compare it with another VR game that's actually good.
Oh yea, by the way beat saber was made by bunch of random slavs or something. And also it's on psvr and oculus store.

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Thanks for reminding me to watch Boogiepop

yuro poorfag hours

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>see some positive reviews of Half Life Alyx
>click their profiles
>They either don't even own the previous Half Life games or they do own them but 0 hours played/never launched it
Go do this Yas Forums. You'll be surprised. Absolutely baffles me. The people loving Alyx are majority not true Half Life fans, but nu-Valve fans who came into the picture when Portal 2 came out.

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what kind of cope drives a person to spend time making this image?

cramped too, a common complaint eurofags have about VR is having no space in their house for it since they live like japanese people and cram themselves into cities

pc fags getting filtered by sekiro trash mobs pretty hard. They either start cheating or dont play at all. Thats why the number is that low.

>Luke, help me take this mask off.
>But you'll die!
>Nothing can stop that now. Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes.

VR headset is near $1000 and the game itself is 85. Regardless of how much it sold Gabe himself is sitting pretty, make no doubt about it.

I don't really care about VR, and never will.

>Nintendo does it
>its okay

Valve has spend more man hours producing this game than people combined has spend playing it.

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buyer's remorse obviously

woah alyx shill force is strong today

>Half Life Alyx Confirmed as a Bigger Flop Than Artifact

OH NO NO NO NO, I told you Steam drones Alyx was going to be another flop in a long line of Valve made flops like these, but your simping for VR blinded you to the facts:

Valve can't make anything successful anymore

>Steam machines? Flop
>Steam controllers? Flop
>SteamOS? Flop
>Steam Link? Flop
>Shartifact? You better believe that was a flop
>Source 2? Not even made to even be a flop
>Steam Videos? Flop
>Steam VR? Fired devs and unpopular games
>DOTA Underlords? OH NO NO NO NO
>Half Life Alyx? Critics love it, but who listens to those retards other than fanboys of shitty games?

Literally the only money they have is from rent controlling other peoples games like a corrupt landlord, and that's gonna end soon.

(Reminder Steam drones have never proven me wrong about this list and instead just say things like "NOBODY CARES ABOUT ARTIFACT!!!1")

>B-b-but tons of people bought da index!!!1

A lot of people bought the Kinect too, you pathetic simp.

Attached: bbma.jpg (1624x1134, 275.41K)

Then don't retard, you're not making a stand here.

Meh, doesn't mean shit. I've replayed HL1 dozens of time and finished all of HL2 but it was on a different account close to two decades ago.
Besides, only HL1 is good, HL2 sucks ass.

Bro, nobody is still playing sekiro on PS4 either. And certainly almost no one got through it. The achievements list is low percentile as usual. Don't act as though filtering is some kind of PC only thing. A lot of people either don't care or don't have time.

It doesn't matter how many "flops" they have. Valve owns fucking Steam. They have infinite money to spend however they want.

No, the problem is the inherent limitation of the input system which has neither the feedback of real manipulation nor the direct thought-result of a keyboard and mouse. VR cannot have proper feedback, it is not possible to make virtual objects tangible in real life, so you end up with a system that is basically a classic input method (mouse and keyboard) but without the same effortlessness.

I just hate the whole 'you can't complain lmao poorfag" which isn't true. I don't like VR. its sad that 13 years later we finally get a new game but on a platform I don't really want to use. Imagine if a sequel to a game very iconic was a Kinect exclusive. Imagine that. Its not the same thing, I know, but visually, it is.

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>ngu idle

> 10 times less people play it 2 days after release

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Hop into an oven, you niggerspeaking faggot

You realize profit margins exist right? Do you genuinely think that profit margins on the Index, a kit that Valve is trying to desperately push, are good? Even normal consoles sell at a loss, the Index has TINY profit margins or might be even sold at a loss.

>all these VRfags pretending that Half Life was going to save it
Get with the times retard, HL is not Fortnite, LoL, or Minecraft, it has almost no power as a brand anymore, the vast majority of Steam users were probably not even born when HL2 released.

A little bit of an overreaction to a word, eh Steamie weenie?

>Besides, only HL1 is good, HL2 sucks ass.
based, true

If you have 1 headsett you get the game for free
If you have 1 index controller you get the game for free

>Even normal consoles sell at a loss
First year maybe.
>might be even sold at a loss.

Attached: Press my Tralala.jpg (1300x516, 125.13K)

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its a 5 hour game. imagine paying 100s of dollars for this. All the people done with the game in 1-2 days, their VR headset is now in the drawer gathering dust. B-but Valve saved VR guys!

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Yet there are how many threads made by shitposters?

Attached: VALVE CONTROLLER PARTY HARD.gif (300x240, 56.42K)

Valve doesn't care about profits anyway, this is just an experimental toy to try to placate the growing masses of restless young men that modernity is producing.

This image doesn't give a reason why you would drop $2000 on upgrading your PC for one game still.

Maybe your shitty PC plays the old games you want it to, why would you upgrade for one game that looks OK and an expensive gimmick device?

Whoever made this must be running out of fat neckbeard dicks to suck on VR chat, desperate to get more.

>No, the problem is the inherent limitation of the input system which has neither the feedback of real manipulation nor the direct thought-result of a keyboard and mouse. VR cannot have proper feedback, it is not possible to make virtual objects tangible in real life, so you end up with a system that is basically a classic input method (mouse and keyboard) but without the same effortlessness.

VRfags will deny this, but there will never be VR games as good as Dark Souls, Sekiro or RE2 remake, all of which came out in 2019.

Pewdiepie said the N word and had minumum 2 nazi/jew jokes in his videos.
Even lets plays

One writer in valve(which makes borderline zero games) means shit

In a time when companies only care about profits, where every game is loaded to the brim with shitty DLC from day one, where games are boring garbage that's by the numbers and has to have multiplayer etc, isn't it fucking MIRACULOUS to get a game that is so perfectly focused on being an incredible single player game with no DLC and just great content? I for one am so happy with what we got and I can't wait to see what's in store. That was the best game I've played in ages.

Yep, it's dead.

>term coined by twitterfags and redditors
>is defensive about it
Maybe you should take the hint and go back, fag :^)
I don't give two shits about valve, shill.

Also meant DMC5, but there will never be a VR game as good as Dark Souls regardless

Damn someone spent time making this shit? Has anyone but VRfags even read past the first panel? I sure didn't.

>Pewdiepie said the N word and had minumum 2 nazi/jew jokes in his videos.
>Even lets plays
yes, and?

>$2000 on upgrading your PC for one game still.
It would be a mayor upgrade on EVERY GAME you idiot.
If you gave to shill out 2000 on upgrades, then your pc is shit to begin with.
a 970gtx can run HL:A
>1k headset
You can even use a 399 headset, fuck.. you can even use a PSVR connected to your pc with third party install(Still requires a controller;vive and what)

people pay 100s of dollars to bang some hooker for 5 hours, with the VR set you get more out of your money. If youre not a poorfag 1k aint going to matter much.

>They either don't even own the previous Half Life games or they do own them but 0 hours played/never launched it
>he didn't played HL before steam release
>he didn't pirated HL2 on release because "launcher" thing sounded horribly and anti-consumer(downloading a lot of things back when internet was limited) at first

>isn't it fucking MIRACULOUS to get a game that is so perfectly focused on being an incredible single player game with no DLC and just great content
>great content

VR games can't inherently be good.

Seriously, I ask VRfags to name a good game, and all they can show me is tech demo looking garbage - and Alyx looks like the peak of tech demo garbage - maybe it's the best tech demo, but it's still a shitty tech demo at the end of the day

>Defending pewdiepie
Go play some amnesia and make like one :^)

If you have to spend 2000$ to play HL:A then that is your problem, to be quite honest.

Its over user. You wasted $1000.
Just admit it, you bought into the hype and despite the warning from both every gamer on the planet AND valve itself, it failed.
You will NEVER get that money back.
Valve scammed you, well not really since they did deliver a VR game but you didnt want just a VR game didnt you?
Maybe you'll take this experience as a warning for next time never to fall for false hype and brand slavery.

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>Maybe you'll take this experience as a warning for next time never to fall for false hype and brand slavery.
I burned my self on the Wiiu
Still had a bunch of fun with friends and what not on local games, but daaaamn did that thing flop.

Attached: Best usage of wii u pad everDOTJPG.jpg (1936x2592, 1.34M)

Have you slept under a rock? Corona hurt production hard.

itt niggers tell me that buying a headset at less than 400 dollars 3 years ago wasn't worth it because the playercount wasnt more than fortnite

game was good, you're all retarded

I knew this autism looked familiar.

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By that definition... every game is a tech demo.
Even mario
So why even "play"

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As much as I might want to, HL:Alyx alone is not enough to make me upgrade. While I've got a 1st gen Vive now, my PC isn't powerful enough to even take full advantage of that, let alone this game and a newer higher resolution headset. What I'm hoping this does is push VR tech forward a little more, and based on what gameplay videos I've seen so far it seems to do that, at least in terms of interactivity. Hopefully we'll get some more games in the future that can take advantage of those advances, and then maybe it might be worth dropping several thousand dollars on an Index and a new machine. Maybe it's just a delusion, false hope, I dunno. But, might as well be optimistic so long as I believe I have a reason to.


I played HL1 when it came out so I dont have it on steam, and I played the orange box on 360,so you're logic falls flat.
Alyx is fucking great though, but I do agree, there's so much more explained about the lore in the game that I feel bad for poor people not being able to play this, and watching a 15 hour playthrough sounds like a bad time

>pointing out spam posts
>haha you're just mad he's criticizing something

> unknown
What's that? A virtual device that emulates hmd?

Maybe upgrade your pc to handle games above 100fps before doing some other VR shit?
prioritize your game time.

>singleplayer linear game doesn't retain players over time
oh no, game is a failure, everyone hates it!

Take a look at literally every other game around it. Stop using these fucking statistics, they're meaningless.

I'm replaying Dark Souls and Rockstar's The Warriors on a PS2 emulator, and those are not tech demos.

VR games ALWAYS look unfinished. ALWAYS with slow enemies to account for your moving like a new born. They always just look like shit.

>was thinking of buying VR a year or so ago
>decided to put the 1.5k (VR plus upgrades) into crypto instead
>bought Link at $0.40
>sold at $4
>mfw made 15k instead of losing 1k on a gimmick that got no games
By no means reached lamboland but sure was a good choice.

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Poor lol

Coming into this thread to laugh at the sour grapes. I’ve enjoying my literal 10/10, top 3 all time game regardless of the fact that the plebeian masses are too poor to afford the future of gaming. Don’t bother trying to get (You)’s out of me, I’m going to go finish the game now.

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>it sold like 200k copies at best
it also sold 100k Index kits at $1000 a piece and they probably only cost $100-200 to produce, so

Why would he care if he wasn't a Valve fanboy? It's like he sees threads criticizing Valve, then digs up dirt because he has no arguments

I know another group who does that...

Yeah that's actually definitely the next step. I kind of fell for the ultrawide meme, and while it's not bad, I certainly enjoy the extra peripheral space, I'm really wishing I had gotten a high-refresh rate monitor with HDR and good color space. I do a fair bit of creative work anyway so I kind of big brained it getting a monitor that didn't prioritize color accuracy.

kek vr fags btfo

this guy gets it

>Half Life Alyx? Critics love it, but who listens to those retards other than fanboys of shitty games?
I do, and people say it's best VR has to offer.
With that said, I'm not shelling out even $100 to play a beautiful-looking nu-Life spin-off and some rhythm games. I believe there are many people like me. Not even HL3 would make me buy VR, I like to relax my hemorrhoidal skinny ass so much... Valve might have succeeded with extracting money from VR enthusiasts but I think that all this "dawn of the VR era" is a pathetic cope.

>facebook filename

coronavirus hours, everyone is at home

it can also run on a phone
you’re comparing microsoft flight simulator to angry birds

cope, alyx is shit dude



>>Coming into this thread to laugh at the sour grapes. I’ve enjoying my literal 10/10, top 3 all time game regardless of the fact that the plebeian masses are too poor to afford the future of gaming. Don’t bother trying to get (You)’s out of me, I’m going to go finish the game now.

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have you played it or you just being retarded? was fucking great

I played every half life and I bought none of them

>I kind of fell for the ultrawide meme
Why you keep falling for this shit?
Why don't you do some propper research before tossing your money on the line like that?

Attached: Muh WIDE Displays.webm (1440x270, 2.68M)

>first things modders did is increase the difficulty by removing the obvious parry prompt thing

>sour grapes
>poor f-fags
the only poor thing is the dead vr playerbase

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I was able to get one for very cheap, like around 200 dongs, so I had kind of figured "why not". But yeah, no I don't know if I really regret it or not but I am wishing I had a higher refresh rate at least.

>only cost $100-200 to produce, so
imagine beliving this
get your life together or kill yourself, you dont know how this world works, their profit margin is 10% at best, that's the reason why its the most expensive vr device

Clock it

>NO only games with high playercounts matter
>Only service games with hundreds of hours of grindy worthless content matter!
>Stop making games that exist to provide you with a complete experience!
>I hate fun, stop wanting games to be good!
I fucking hate nouveau-Yas Forums.

No, I'm comparing two VR games.

Uuuh.. Rude

Attached: GDC Morpheus shooting.webm (720x405, 2.86M)

>and they probably only cost $100-200 to produce, so
it's probably $800 in hardware alone, maybe more because china is unfit for work right now

and then add the 5+ years 90% of valve has spent on developing this shit.

It came with the option to factory overclock to 70hz, which is nice, but I'm not sure if it could go any higher. If it could, I've no idea how not to fuck it up. Never really done that before. Do you know of any reliable sources of info on that, or would a google search do me just as good?

I couldn't care less about Alyx but I want it to do well so it finally makes VR more appealing to devs and players so that the technology goes forward and prices go down.

Attached: Cbctv3_g-man.jpg (1440x1080, 555.14K)

Number of poster and post times.

I pirated the whole half life saga before even knowing steam was a thing

underrated post

whoo I'm just big braining it all day today aren't I

>10% profit margin
That would be terrible for them. they have 40-20% profit margins on them. R&D isn't cheap and making physical product with 10% profit margin is suicide.

>I certainly enjoy the extra peripheral space
They don't even give you that. What they do is chop off your vertical peripheral vision. You can just get a screen that's as wide but in a non-retarded aspect ratio.

The ratio of our vision is closest to 4:3 out of all the common screen ratios anyway.

Surprise, surprise: No one has VR. It's too fucking expensive and they released a game for it during a recession.

I'm sure it's a fine game but they gambled on a niche technology and lost, doubly so because of bad timing.

Why are you defending a game that costs $1000 and will net you only 5 hours of gametime?
You are a fucking idiot and I'm glad valve stole money from you

>produce low quantities
>they're sold out
Regardless they sold out which means the sales exceed expectations. How that's not a success?

Solid numbers, up 25% from same time last year.

About R&D, they are still published some information about Index for free on GitHub, not sure if it's possible though to make VR headset+knuckles yourself.

You upset some salty poorfags with this one. Kudos for showing them the truth.

I've not played it, I don't own VR and I don't care about this shit specifically. What I care about is autistic poorfag niggers like you screeching because your one game for the month isn't designed to be a worthless grindy piece of shit.

A lot of games curtail your vertical FOV, definitely. But there have been a few that have proper ultrawide support that essentially just glues more screen space to the sides of a 16:9 and that's been pretty nice. Planetside 2 seems to handle it surprisingly well. doesn't make me not terrible at the game though