First fucking level is the hardest in the game

>first fucking level is the hardest in the game

on master ninja difficulty anyway

fuck, i can't reach the first save point. I just get fucked by the first mandatory room of combat, and usually die short after.


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Learn to counter.
It's super easy.

That comes at the end of chapter 2.

Be glad you're not playing the sigma version where you don't have access to lunar or nunchucks till mission 4.

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I... I am...
I just used black as a picture because more people like that one.

Fuck, I havent played black, or sigma in a while. Mostly been on 2.

Haven't played for a while. Why does having the lunar and nunchucks available make it easier? Isn't the dragon sword far more versatile than either of them? The enemies are pretty high level on MN, even on the first level. Would the DS be the best?

Untrue. The first level is more challenging than what immediately follows, but nothing in that stage compares to the first first with Alma.

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A true master, paralyzes his opponent, leaving him vulnerable to attack.

Use your shuriken, and wind run when you can.

Just spam wall attack then. It's cheap but it gets the job done. First level also took me a few hours before I even reached the save point.

Mostly because chaining lunar UT's is really broken, nunchucks aren't much better than the dragon sword but at least you get to use them before they becomes useless. Level 1 dragon sword also isn't that great either, it lacks most of it's signature moves until you get it to level 2.

>first level
>enter enemy ninja stronghold
>kill dozens of ninjas
>find their master waiting for you
>slice him with your sword and finally bring him down
>lol just kidding it's just the ninja way of greeting each other

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I decided to emulate Sigma since it actually works well on RPCS3 now, and boy oh boy does the Rachel stuff drag the game down. I know her levels are short but they offer nothing. Up until now I had only ever experienced NG vanilla. The combat and level design are all still good, but I have no idea what they were thinking with Rachel.

I always thought 2nd Alma to be harder than the first.

I can tell you haven't played the game, lol.

Awakened alma has a strat that consistently works (ET --> haze straight slash --> flying swallow --> gleaming blade), Alma just dodges 90% of the time.

I'm in the same sort of both as you with RPCS3, bu I'm not having any issue with Rachel. Yeah, the levels aren't as good, but they aren't outright bad or whatever, and are done quickly.

Countering is easy when its unlocked, its honestly simplest countering mechanic in hack n' slash.
What are you talking about?

Yeah, agreed. It's one of those things where she just deliberately is a gimped version of Ryu (yeah, he actually uses her weapon better than her) and the fights are just tedious and fucking boring as a result. I can't wait until XQemu or CXBX get that NGB working properly. That game has been so fucking elusive while other worse rereleases get shoveled all over the place. At least it's still playable as a backwards compat title.

No, that's not what I meant. Referring to the fact that he didn't know it wasn't available in the first chapter or else didn't read.

Non-Oatmeal man NG games really like poorly designed waifu characters.

At least Rachel gives an actual fucking reason to use the Warhammer. That thing has no place in Ryu's arsenal against the Dali and UF and shit.

Idk about sigma 2 but in RE the girls are all extremely fun to play, I even prefer Kasumi to Ryu in that game because of her grab and windmill shuriken.

The other ninjas had holes in their defense, they wouldnt survive in the real world anyway.

You didnt get hityourself now, did you user?

Obviously you didnt read, because I mentioned later I havent played black in a while, as in I forgot.

This is the most retarded excuse for killing what seem like totally innocent ninja. Like, what, what was the alternative? They are better than you and then YOU die?

Fucking just walk in and ask to see your old pal, not slaughter some fucking teenager who's in the process of learning how to fight.

Ryu is an asshole.

use shurikens just as they attack you to stun them and then quickly attack.
Use the chucks and lunar.
use XYXY to get into the air and avoid being hit while dealing damage on the ninjas.
Before the first forced fight run back outside, jump into the well, run to the end of the well, jump against the wall at the end and then run back up. Now look behind you and you will see a crow perched. Use shurikens to kill it, run back into hte fortress, adn you should be able to use the essence the crow drops to charge an UT.
use wall attacks
chain UTs instead of trying to pick up HP, killign them fast is better than trying to play it slow
if you could beat CH1 on very hard you shouldnt be losing on MN.

this ENTIRE FUCKING GAME filters me

Abuse off-the-wall attacks, they give iframes.

>nooo, i just wanna be a ninja like my animes, please dont expect me to actually get good at fighting.
The moment the brown ninja put on his garb and was training outside he agreed to the fact the weak should fear the strong.

That's not my point. Ryu acting like the ninja having holes in his defenses is a bullshit excuse. What about all those other ninja he killed? His whole excuse for murder seems to be entirely "its ok for me to kill one dude who was weak, and now that his friends are fighting back after I attacked their group unprovoked and killed their friend, it's totally fair for me to kill them all as well. Say goodbye to your children!"

Dude was probably still in training. You can't expect everyone to start off as a literal god with demon blood or something. Fucking RYU was still in training (based on murais comment about continuing his training there), and HE was wearing a garb. Shit's just hypocritical at this point.

you can train even if youre already a fullfledged ninja. Hell, ryu's father is out training even though hes the leader of the hayabusa clan.
And yeah, ryu should be killed as well if he doesnt make the grade. And thats what they are trying.

I think you're paying more attention to the story than anyone that worked on the game did.

That's absurd though. By that logic, literally every single ninja should on sight attack literally every other ninja until only one remains, because all those that die due to being not as good "didn't make the grade".

I don't know how she was so shit tier in sigma 1 but so good in sigma 2. Maybe it was the fucking hard hits and machinegun jumps.

not within your clan. And if your entire clan is too weak to deal with 1 (ONE) invading ninja you have no right to exist.

Ryu has fucking demon blood in him though. It's hardly fair. That's like comparing post god Kratos with the armies he slaughers.

are there any emulators to play NG black? any OG xbox emulators?

most of the ninja clans have demon blood with them

No. It's being worked on, but unbelievably slowly.

Honestly though, I'm happy we at least have Sigma 1 on RPCS3. Sigma 2 is trash, but Sigma 1 was mostly fine. Same base experience, with some shit better, and some shit worse.

Whatever Ryu has from his ancient dragon linage is far more powerful by an absurd degree. Fucker has the ability to become a fiend, can weird 100kg swords like they are nothing, fuckin backflip up walls forever, cast fucking magic giant fireball spells whilst the other ninja can only throw exploding shiriken... the list goes on.

Are you good at fighting games?
Pay attention to enemy cool downs after they attack. Then strike.
when fighting groups, dont get greedy. Hit an enemy a couple of times, square square, then block. Go for the kill if your sure you can go for a three hit combo.
Use shuriken to stun enemies.

For fighting murai. Same, look for cool downs or try interrupting his longer combos.
He also likes to punish triangle if you dont time it right. Dont use flying swallow on him until you're good at reading when its safe to attack.
Dont use shuriken on him.

is it better to put the game on a modded ps3 or through rpcs3? any notable performance contrast?

It runs pretty much perfectly on RPCS3, minus the shaders on faces looking a little fucked up (maybe been fixed since then). I didn't have a single issue in my entire run.

At least you admit it instead of acting like it's just a bad game or something.

It's pretty fucking hard. I had to cheese pretty badly at times just to get through normal.

just replay normal and laugh at the early enemies. The difficulty curve is insane but that means going back to earlier parts is amazing since you can now kill enemies that first gave your problems

I just wanna gush about how much I love Ninja Gaiden Black. Borrowed it from a friend when I was 13. Couldn't get past level 4 before he wanted it back. Saw it at a best buy a few weeks later and bought it. Had to unlock ninja dog mode then beat it on that, then normal, then hard, then very hard, and finally beat it on master ninja. I eventually beat all the missions in mission mode and finally put the game to rest. I tried to play 2,3 and sigma, but nothing scratched that itch like Black did. One of the games that shaped my perception of video games for sure.

They would have been fighting actual demons sooner or later anyway and I doubt they were expecting all fights to be fair and evenly matched. If they can't deal with Ryu on their home turf they wouldn't survive their first encounter with actual enemies anyway.

No one could have known or expected a fucking demon invasion. How is that a justification for killing (basically) innocent people who haven't done anything wrong yet?

Again, Ryu is basically a fucking god who could stand toe to toe and defeat a greater fiend wielding the goddamn dark dragon sword. It's absurd to act like those ninjas were just weak, or that that's some fair justification to kill random ninja.

What did you feel was not so great about II?
From what I hear, II is quite fantastic, and many seem to prefer it as a game. It's more refined and fluid or whatever.

my brother from another mother

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>izuna dropping a decapitated enemy

was that really necessary?

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they had it coming

The thing about surprise attacks is that people rarely expect them, Ryu might as well be there to kill their Master and they would have failed horribly at protecting him. Assuming that they are all Japanese Ryu probably spared their families shame and dishonor by killing them during training.
Also considering that Murai kills Ryu when you can't beat him it's probably safe to assume that fighting until the other guy is dead is the ninjas equivalent of a handshake

", Ryu might as well be there to kill their Master and they would have failed horribly at protecting him"

HE'S A LITERAL FUCKING DEMON BLOODED SUPERHUMAN, what the fuck were they supposed to do against someone like him?

Besides, they both stopped fighting before either got any series injury canonically (cutscene overpowers gameplay)

I can't even beat the first level on very hard

kicks my ass too much. fucking windmill shuriken and shit

that's probably the biggest difficulty spike, even bigger than VH->MN

>what the fuck were they supposed to do against someone like him?
Use ninja tactics and stealth instead of rushing him? Poison his tea?
I agree that Ryu is a dick for starting shit with people that are obviously weaker but since no one bats an eye over him killing all of them it seems like the ability to deal with an overpowering foe is the final stage of their training and they failed at that. Either that or Devs didn't think about this at all, they just could have added a knock-out animation or throw in a line about how Ryu was actually just using non lethal decapitation if they wanted to clarify this

>non lethal decapitation

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Dealing with an overpowerful god like superhuman who can kill them in a split second being a part of training would be pretty retarded and an easy way to have a 100% fail state for students.

I think the idea of devs not thinking about it makes the most sense. It's obvious no one actually gave a shit about the story in NG. Fucker literally comes back to life with no explanation and then turns into an eagle at the end. It's all just bullshit.

Obvious the team just figured "wouldn't it be fuckin cool if the game started with the protag just slicing some dude in the blink of an eye?" and didn't consider that it technically made ryu a superpowered dickhead who slaughers people who he knows nothing about, who may not have even been legal adults yet, and didn't even do jack shit to him.


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He used a rubber sword.

It was upgraded 7 times into a flawless labor.

Just because you can't beat it it doesn't mean it's the hardest in the game, pal, the game gets really fucked up later on in MNM. Don't mean to discourage you, but you better shape up.

murai isnt a pussy that dies from a few slashes and the fight stops before youdrop him to 0 hp.those ninjas are dead and ryu was using the dragon sword