OFFICIAL Nintendo Direct Thread

We're just 4 hours away from a Direct announcement. No this is not the same bullshit you dumbfucks do every week. This time it's real and it's happening. Talk about what you want to see. Personally I just want a new Smash Bros character and a new Metroid trailer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Smash was ruined by Anime shit.

I want to see a Prime 4 trailer and info on the new Zelda.

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if a nintendo direct gets announced today i will crush my balls in a vice

Kill yourself

It's not happening. Furukawa cancelled general directs. Give it a rest already.

Please post video.

Nigga this direct would have been ready before the breakout. It's happening whether you want it to or not.

You people are utterly pathethic.

Indie World was the Direct. See you at E3!


>ITT: We laugh at OP and Bingtendo fanboys

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>single-game and indie Directs happened so now the goalposts of this shitpost had to be moved to just mean general ones


Olay sweetie, whatever helps you cling onto life. I'll be here in 4 more hours ready with my Groudons. And then we can do the same song and dance next week.

how can you be excited for things that will not happen? I swear to you, I promise to you that there wil not be a direct this week, or next week, or the week after. I am fucking telling you. Screencap this all you want you will see that I am right.


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>using discord emotes on Yas Forums


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>No this is not the same bullshit you dumbfucks do every week. This time it's real and it's happening
you say this every other day. give it a rest

So, uh, a Japanese news twitter posted a tweet saying the Direct would happen on the 26th and it would feature 2020 Switch games plus BoTW 2, but the tweet got deleted and the link that was added on it that sent to the japanese page with the announcement got cancelled.

I think it's happening.

Any source with screencaps or at least talking about it?

>you say this every other day. give it a rest
>It's always the same person

>he doesn't have a hacked switch

"you" is plural in my first post, referring to the general populace of the posters who make "OMG GUYS NOT A DRILL THERE WIL BE A DICKRECT ANNOUNCED RIGHT NOW YESTERDAY YASSS" threads

>if you're excited about new video game announcements you're a consoomer

Those people are retarded and had no idea what they're talking about. I know for a fact it's happening in 3 hours and yet you wont be here to admit you were wrong.

its not happening lol you are so desperate

Nintendo has no obligation to give you updates or news about new games, especially since the Switch is still selling well. Deal with it.

>No this is not the same bullshit you dumbfucks do every week. This time it's real
I'll believe it when I see it pal.

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>no, no, no, THIS time it will be a thing for realsies!
they all said so too and yet were all duds. give it a rest already.
reminds me of this clip

Im going to sleep
If there is a god, I will wake up to a directless world

I'll be honest, all I want is Super Mario 3D World Deluxe with a playable Wario

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I just want these TWEWY2 rumours shattered and turned to dust, be it positive or negative.
I've been on this ride too long.

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It's not a PNG, but I can try and send it, if it doesn't work I don't know how to do it

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This is your last chance
If the direct is not announced today, you're going to be executed, and Switch will officially have nogaems in 2020

>Fiscal year is over at the end of this month
>Nintendo about to go into the next one with absolutely no confirmed release dates for revealed games and no major titles revealed, not even for the holidays
This is ridiculous

and you're believing that? man you retards are to easy to scam it's not even funny anymore

today i will remind them

>Exit the Gungeon
>K O W A S H I T A I
>Pokemon DLC

>nogaems 2020

>indies and DLCs
yes that is nogames by the usual standards

Nintendo directs aren’t real turns out they were all a dream

I want a new tomodachi life pls

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>op makes a thread just early enough for it to fall off the board by the time the direct announcement would have been
well played faggot

All I want is Bayonetta 3 and No More Heroes news

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If 7 direct announcement today

>I want to see a Prime 4 trailer and info on the new Zelda.
Well that isn't happening lol

well we're already two hours in and i dont see any usual signs of an announcement
OP is full of shit

If 9 Nintendo is cancelled because of COVID19

Game_Watch deleted it because it was fake.

why would japanese fake leaks be better than english fake leaks?

Aw look what ya gone and did clown

What frustrates me is that the Switch had the capability to be "The Nintendo", that magic system befuddled tech illiterate parents go hunting for around Christmastime; it can play Switch games, Wii U/Wii/GameCube ports, and emulate anything before that. It could have been an all-in-one Nintendo experience device you can play anywhere.

But no. Search the eShop for things like Mother/Earthbound, Wario, or Metroid and you're going to find jack shit. Nintendo could be selling their back catalogue to people, but they wont because who the fuck knows why.
It's inexcusable.

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I will now use the Switch exclusively for Smash Spirit limited events and for Youtube, Nintendo can lose every single investor now

This, let them commit seppuku
They need to learn the lesson

I'm scared, bros. What if nothing happens again?

Labo was the direct, wait until E3!

announcement in 2 hours and 15 minutes.
Opens with Paper Mario 64 remake and ends with Super Mario Odyssey 2

I have faith it’ll get announced today, bros...B-But what if it doesn’t?

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>This time it's real and it's happening.

No it's not. It never is and it never does. Nintendo will not do another Direct until the Chinese Flu has run its course. And since that won't happen this year, Nintendo will probably not announce anything else this year and will probably not release any more games this year either.

>Paper Mario 64 remake
Trash. Make a new fucking game

so literally nothing then wow

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>It's real this time
>It's real this time
>It's real this time
>It's real this time
>It's real this time
>It's real this time

Why would they not even release anything?

direct will be 42 minutes long

>Prime 4
holy shit I forgot that existed