Who is this dude? His design rocks ass. Looks like if Hiei and Kurama had a baby.
Why did this anime get so retarded anyway? I mean, even for Shonen standards.
it ended after they saved rukia; everything else was dog tier.
>You are the Getsugas, Ichigo!
Tite "The Hack" Kubo.
>anime returning to animate the best arc
Suck a dick, nigger
>everything else was dog tier.
I'll agree that the quality and story dropped dramatically after the SS arc, but at least the Arancar/Espada arcs had some solid villains and fights.
What a shame, I never read the Quincy arc but heard it was the biggest pile of shit.
Burn the Witch looks better
simple answer , kubo
real answer Aizen
was Bleach written by a 12 yo?
This show got so retarded
pic related is the best form.
The Thousand Years Blood War arc was a mistake.
The Sternritter were a mistake.
Yhwach was a mistake.
The Heart.
Best fight in the show too.
Bleach Brave Souls would be an amazing game if they made their combat system more collision-based like "Legacy of Goku II"
But thats Mugetsu
Hueco Mundo and False Karakura Town were great, FOH.
bleach is shit, i suggest you drink some
>The Thousand Years Blood War arc was a mistake.
Was great until the Zero Division got immediately BTFO'd. Then it dragged on, despite some good moments.
Horrible villain, plot armor out the ass.
Yeah I watched this but then at some point lost track of the show, what happened to his inner hollow?
Is the 2000s edge coming back? I've seen so many video essays pop up on shit like Naruto, Bleach, Halo and whatnot.
I watched some 2 hour long autistic analysis of Bleach and it was actually pretty fun.
Every bit of bleach was good even the filler. Fucking fight me moeweebs
What the fuck are his moves and transformations in Jump Force? I've never watched Bleach except the odd Toonami episode and I don't really understand what the fuck is going on. Someone posted a pic earlier explaining Ichigo's entire power history and my mind is spinning.
ichigo from bleach's final form, he basically becomes a manifestation of the concept of death
I'd be completely down for 2000s edge, as long as nu metal doesn't make a comeback
>Since when were you under the impression that the Espada were ordered numerically
>it... it can't be
>そうだ!I alphabetized them by their corresponding months!
The fullbring arc was underrated as hell and had the potential to be near the quality of the first arc and the soul society arc had Jump not pushed Kubo to end the arc and bring back the shinigami fan favorites already. It was the closest Bleach ever came to being straight up psychological horror. It was also the only chance Kubo had to really give Chad the spotlight he deserved.
Why is she so smoking hot, how can any man resist?
hot springs
Ichigo should have married Rukia
And no I will never stop being mad
Post that Kubo+shades gif
The fuck there's more forms?
I stopped watching with Bankai... I thought that was the strongest thing
It's a special form he only used once to beat aizen because you lose your power forever... Except when he gets it back with fullbringer power.
Tsukishima was based.
God, Yoruichi was too fucking sexy
That part was so fucking metal.
I stopped reading at the "Dirty Boots" chapter. That was just too stupid for me.
I certainly hope so. It seems like the media goes into nostalgia mode for a certain period after about 20 years passes, hence why we're getting remakes of stuff like Resident Evil 2 and 3 and Final Fantasy VII.
>Bleach coming back
>Half Life coming back
>The Matrix coming back
Should I read Bleach? I kinda want a long-running shounen now that I've caught up with One Piece.
The artwork looks pretty neat, to be honest. Does it really take a nosedive later on as people say?
Imagine if bleach was a hack and slash.
It's certainly worth checking out. The first two arcs are great, and the third has some great villains and fights, even if it's clear that Kubo was starting to spin his wheels a little bit by that point. There's a clear cutoff point after that where you'll probably lose interest, because that's where most people drop off.
>Burn the Witch showed that the villains are right and the Japanese Soul Society is completely fucked and needs to be rebooted
>Does it really take a nosedive later on as people say?
It's a great ride, but the latter end drags on a bit, and the ending is seriously, what the fuck?
Does it drag harder than the Ninja War arc in Naruto? Because I honestly skipped a lot of that shit since it was just boring fights with boring characters and barely any plot advancements.
Really hoping that they go Rebuild of Evangelion with the anime, and drastically alter that shit.
It doesn't drag on as much as the Ippo manga but Kubo too used entire chapters just for "[X] arrives, [Y] reaction face"
He fused with his Zanpakutou and became Zangetsu itself.
Yes, and in two ways. Entire arcs that serve to do nothing more than give Ichigo a new power that's never used again, and even more literal whos than in the ninja war arc getting their fifteen minutes of fame. And since the pace is glacial it's more like fifteen chapters each, for a character that's never mentioned again.
On the other hand, some of the longer running characters do get neat scenes that aren't too drawn out, so it's not all bad.
How do I become a genetic freak like Ichigo?
The arc makes no sense.
Only plebs and powerlevelfags think Fullbring was bad.
i say check it out, alot of the fun of the later arcs were the threads and the memes that came from new chapters like pic related, but i think there is still some fun to be had reading bleach.
Such an amazing character introduction...and then she only shows up periodically. So lame.
>Bleach memes
>tfw first anime crush was a cat i thought was an old man
From what I understand Kubo was really sick and wrapped everything up in three issues to get closure on the series in case he died.
Bount arc is best arc
zanpakuto rebellion arc is better desu
Since when were you under the impression that you aren’t?
No, he was fine but his constant illness and delays lowered the interest in the series and jump shitcanned it. They (supposedly) offered him a one-shot for bleach to end properly if he wanted, but he made BTW instead.
unfiltered kino
So uhh... What happens if you kill dead people again? I kind of forgot that almost everyone in Bleach are ghosts.
they get recycled into new souls basically
bleach fillers have better quality animation than the non filler arcs sadly
Reincarnated. Unless a quincy kills a hollow in which the soul is just destroyed.
You die, you become a lost soul. either purified by the shinigami, or devoured by a hollow, to become another hollow. Hollows killed by shinigami are purified as well, cleansing the soul of it's corruption. Hollows killed by humans (IE quincy) just further spread it. Once a shinigami dies, their soul is sent back to their equivalent to some sort of lifestream where it just reincarnates entirely.
I stopped paying attention to Bleach after they defeated Aizen but a few days ago I was curious and read up on a synopsis of the rest of the manga and the twist that Zangetsu was actually the big bad and Hollow Ichigo was the real Zanpakto was pretty great not gonna lie. I bet Kubo executed it poorly but the idea is good.
Why does death look like an edgy faggot?
Hollow Ichigo being Zangetsu was actually stated way back in Arrancar arc but everyone forgot.
You're both faggots.
did they find that one piece yet?
>it ended after they saved rukia
Been saying that for years user
He melds with the sword zangetsu to achieve the form in the OP and disappears when Ichigo loses his shinigami powers after using that form.
Based. The only time OP is not gay.
Which one's still going, huh?
Break piece needs to finish it's fucking story already, it's being drawn out worse than god damned fighting spirit.
The real One Piece was the friends we made along the way.
>needs to finish it's fucking story already
Barely halfway in kiddo. The ride has only started.
Naruto's story was actually finished and it actually had a baller fucking ending too.
Yeah, Roger found it
I wonder who they'll get to do Yhwach's voice for the new anime.