The great debate

The great debate.

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I prefer watermelon


god anything but pear...

What the fuck is the bottom left

Why the shit does everyone hate pears though? They're kind of lame but it's whatever.

the cunny fruit aka peach

>that peach

Cherry > Peach > Apple > Coconut > Orange > Pear

pears are generally good
cherries suck
oranges are alright
coconuts are good
there are only a few types of decent apples
peaches are okay at best

I could go either way on Peach and Apple but otherwise this is the objectively correct opinion and we can close this thread

That peach looks like Gutsman's ass.

I got apple
It's boring, I wish I got orange or cherries

>pearfag crying his pearfag tears

I thought peaches were the default no matter what. No idea there were other fruits.

peaches are best since they look like a juicy ass

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I got peach on my first island then I fucked up the username and the island name and did a new one and i'm stuck with apples now

Fuck that shit

Peaches are the best tasting fruit in real life, but cherries are the most elegant fruit in the game and the one my island has. Blue airport too.

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Peach (Prior to NH Peaches were S)

>pears are generally good
go bad too quickly and get bruised too easily
>cherries suck
>oranges are alright
too much pulp
>coconuts are good
too much fat, too difficult to eat
>there are only a few types of decent apples
>peaches are okay at best

Oranges are my favorite fruit. Call me a pleb but they are tasty man.

>literally comparing apples to oranges
What even is Yas Forums nowadays

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Pear> Peach > Cherry > Orange >>> Apple >>>>>> Coconut

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Cherries were my first ever, so they hold a special place. I am a fan of peaches and apples though.

>better then cherries

you're out of your fucken mind


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3,4,A for best meal

2 5 b

3, 3, A

3, 3, A


1 6 A

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Can you get all the fruits from mystery islands? I don't want to have to interact with anyone.

This is the objectively correct ranking.

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Let me guess, you also like Dr. Pepper.

Orange gang. Best contrast

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if i was a dictator you would go to a prison camp for this toast

Oranges masterrace

What's wrong with Dr.Pepper?

3 3 E

Ain't nothing wrong with dr pepper

I'll never understand how anyone likes Dr. Pepper, let alone says it's their favorite.

>no bananas
>no mangos
>no guava
>no plums
European/American fruits are all juiceless with barely any sweetness. apple = pears > oranges >>> trash >>>> cherries and peaches
Coconuts aren't fruit.
I take 1, 2 and 3 if I want well-done.
White bread is an ass, only a nice toast like 4 to make it edible
I'm ok with all the coffee au latte options.

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5 2 e

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my nigger

Peaches in red wine is my favorite desert.

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Got peaches on my island cherries coming in from a gift/island hoping, now coconuts, bamboo and oranges. I can’t find a single apple or pear island for the life of me :(

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3-4 depending on the size of the steak
3-5 depending on my mood
D if tea, strong brewed tea with lots of milk
A if it's coffee

Coke and Pepsi are literally the same. Are you fucking kidding me?

Diet Mountain Dew and Sunkist are god-tier.

literally me

Dr. Pepper is based

Attached: kurisu beach dr pepper.jpg (1920x1080, 786.12K)

They aren't, pepsi feels way too sugary. Both are crap.

14A, 24A are the only acceptable answers. Otherwise you are a fag.

Pepsi is far sweeter.

Coke is the sugary one, Pepsi tastes bitter like drain cleaner
steak elitists are the vegans of meat eaters, I swear to god

>green shit
what the fuck is this from, pacman?

Not for me
