We need a gun for the good guys

>we need a gun for the good guys

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>we need a country with some of the most liberal gun laws in the world and one of the lowest murder rates on earth
>say no more

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>Americans think civilians should be allowed to play with these

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I think you should hand these into the authorities sweatie

Shit bait. Go get stabbed by a paki named A-abkir mohammed mohammedine.

The last one is an M16A4

Fuck off leaf/yuropoor

Pic unrelated?

that' not an ak

sag nicht mehr

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>back when a trained person could fire one round per minute
>sure, let people have a rifle, good to scare off animals and bandits
>today with full auto +500 rpm weapons
>we should probably update that rule about weapons, right?

He meant "good goys", obviously

Reminder that long guns kill roughly the same amount of people as falling off ladders every year

and free speech only applies to printing presses and quill and ink. the internet was never invented at the time, right leftishit?

>Every religion that wasn't present during the drafting of the bill of rights isn't covered
>Lel, the 2nd amendment only covers muskets! That's why we sold our navy cannons and all to the citizenry!

Learn more american history if you're going to shitpost, faggot.

leftist eu faggots fuck off

What's a good reason for civilians to own assault rifles? Shotguns and pistols I can understand but who the fuck ever needs an M16?

Switzerland doesn't have a nigger problem

if the govt is allowed full auto weaponry then the citizens need the same weaponry to defend agains potential tyranny, simple as

the constitution itself can be interpreted the same way

Why not?

Civilians can't own an M16 without proper license.

Almost no civillian owns an M16 tho. Most of these said "assault rifles" are in fact semi-automatic versions of the AR15. They aren't capable of firing full-auto or bursts of various shots.
The only REAL "assault rifles" in civillian hands are owned by massive gun autists who spend small fortunes just to get a legal automatic firearm.

>Also Americans: NOOO! You can't do that! This is clearly tyranny! Somebody do something!

>free speech
Not an effective argument against them, user... They want to ban this too

>we need a broken piece of shit gun that will always be overpowered
pic attached: any russian gun

You forgot to write there that muskets and other types of ancient firearms were the things that were literally used by soldiers in war as their weapons.
The average civillian can't own the standard US soldier rifle nowadays.


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oh cool it's a false dichotomy and blindly following authority thread

>We need a gun... for EVERYONE!
>*crowd cheering*

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>we need a a gun for the middle eastern terrorists in the tutorial level

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You can have these in canada too fyi
However, you don't hear about gun violence here because Canadians are lacking something else that America has

The Gatling gun was made before the 2nd amendment. Also, it allowed privately owned warships and cannons.

>we need a gun for the good goys
Fixed that for you

Fuck off Biden.

Yes, civilians should ABSOLUTELY be allowed to play with these, or anything that shoots whatsoever.

>Back when gatling guns existed and one of the most important invocations of the Second Amendment was allowing civilian ships to arm themselves with cannons to defend themselves at sea
Fixed. I want my chainguns and cannons. Or in today's terms, my automatic rifle and a fucking rocket launcher.

Because the government is allowed to have them ? Do you think they're superior to you ? Fucking pathetic cuck.

>The Gatling gun was made before the 2nd amendment
No it fucking wasn't

>the same idiots who call trump 'literally hitler' want him to disarm the public so only the government has firearms.

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Swiss here. Fuck this chart, period. It makes the gun seems "too accessible" for the average nogunz and average leftist, therefore it's a detriment to us.

Besides it's outdated. Now to purchase (rifles and PCCs) under 60cm with more than ten rounds you need a different permit with a proof that you are a sport shooter.

>"no u"ing
the only thing ameri (literal) niggers can do, sad.

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That's not a Gatling gun

>“The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birth-right of an American … the unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people.”
-Tenche Coxe, The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788

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>We need a gun for people who just bought the game

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user our Muslim are whiter tham usa mutts

>We need a Space Skorpion

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God dammit

Fucking cowards using firearms, spears and swords will always be superior to your shitty boomsticks, if not in practicality, then in looks.

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>moving the goalposts
For the record, I agree with what you're trying to say, but saying that the Gatling gun existed in 1776 is flat-out retarded.

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>Yas Forumsmods don't ban these leftist anti-whites who constantly spew their leftist commie agendas
Really makes you think.

Don't like to get shot? Don't push people. I can't conceive how much humiliation man living comfortable 1st world life has to suffer to be ready to forfeit his entire life just to kill someone. If you did something like that to anyone you definitely deserve to eat the bullet.

My mistake, I meant the Puckel Gun.

>we need a gun for the Czech cops

M16A3 or A4

Hmmm, wasn't aware. Thanks for educating me anons.

>>today with full auto +500 rpm weapons
It's really no surprise that gun grabbing commies know nothing about current gun laws. Full auto is illegal or extremely hard to obtain. Meanwhile, the police have been militarized for the past 4+ years and BLM useful idiots turned it into an issue of race.

Drown yourself in semen.

Same argument could be made about literally anything.
>who needs a $3000 gaymen pc
>who needs a big titted gf
>who needs burgers when you can survive on moldy bread, spam and rain water
>who needs a car when you could just walk everywhere
>who needs firearms when you could defend against attackers using a sharpened spoon and taekwondo

No one cares what you need. You're legally entitled to own auto rifles, you have a right to by law and for a good reason. Any attempts to limit this right are a dictatorship.

i liek spam

>we need a futuristic gun

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What does
>user our Muslim are whiter than usa mutts
have to do with being left?

>dont be in EU
>have no niggers and muslims
>wtf low crime rate

Me too, user, but that's not the point.

>legally entitled to own auto rifles
Why do you lie?

Literally this or a P90

Kind of a moot excuse when Americans have been under tyranny for the last 14-ish years and haven't done shit about it, man

>all those near-future settings in mid-2000s shooters that should be taking place right about now
>we're still using the AR platform instead of the guns in those games
We were lied to, bros.

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>I'm not leftist, I'm just antiwhite
You're really going to make me post it, huh? D&C shill, go back to Yas Forums. You marxist and leftist and antiwhite and antigun faggots derailed a good thread with your political agendas because you marxist faggots say "everything is political" then force your politics everywhere. Die in a car crash, asshole.

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I'm glad we at least moved past these ugly shits

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Shouldn't troll hard dude, the bell tolls for thee eventually.

God, I love SG550.

nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

You faggots ruin everything.

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>utter whiteness

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>back when a trained person could fire one round per minute

Try 3, frog

>98.6% of our 56% are white
Sure showed him

>how to get a gun in America

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That second picture gives me a brain tumor. Who would do a presentation and word things like that, holy fuck.

>having little or no practical relevance
It works on my end, but maybe that's just because I'm from a primarily English-speaking country. I wouldn't know how you guys use it over there

You can't even buy guns at Walmart any more

even if you dont like guns what is the point of outlawing them anyway niggers get them all the time illegally

What a fucking moron

That kind of logic is racist!