What games are you playing during the quarantine?

What games are you playing during the quarantine?

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The Bleacher

RIP Harambe

>tfw no nubian queen to worship and impregnate mutt offspring with

Uhh...why are you posting pics of me here? That's pretty weird sweetie.

doom 1&2 and blood

show pusy

Now remove makeup

Animal Crossing.
Also delving into PS1 library since I missed out being an N64 kid.

Resident Evil 2 was my current focus but there are nights where i'm too uneasy to play it. Mostly just playing the well known platformer games besides that.

cute thread now gb2africa

Post proof.

She looks like she fucks white guys.

Me want fuck.

imagine the smell
(do not do it)

that photoshop has a little bit of woman on it

Lol niggers are just so unattractive wow

Thighs too large

warband. playing gekokujo daimyo edition

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Animal Crossing
Tetris 99 dailies
A first playthrough of Final Fantasy 9, and when I'm done with that I'm starting 8

If the quarantine gets real bad, she can fashion her eyeliner into a crude spear for protection.

post more negresses

She's not a nigger.

>meme eyebrows
>Rat claws

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t. asian beta male
arghghgh hnnngggg



>Give it to me sugga

The second one is hot, fuck you.

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What does any of this even fucking mean

RE2. The new one.

I know it takes all types but what the fuck is wrong with you?

so what exactly is she?
Pokemon Yellow and MTG Arena. Trying to stay Comfy.

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Sorry, jiggaboo


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>so what exactly is she?
A pretty lady.
>Sorry, jiggaboo

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just some racist bullshit Yas Forumstards like to spew to seem superior.

Unironically has nothing to do with race retard but good thing for outing yourself as the Yas Forums obsessed libtard you are. Like always it's always projection with you people.

10/10. I wish I picked it up sooner

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Passer by here. For once it actually isn't.
He's just saying her drawn on eyebrows look bad, the nails are too long and that her hair style isn't appealing to him since dreadlocks tend to be rather unkempt.
Literally nothing about that is racist and it could all be applied to anyone wearing eyebrow makeup, fake nails or dreadlocks.
And personally I agree with him, they don't look great. It's a shame, if she didn't have the nails and eyebrows she'd look so much hotter.

Pic related.

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I just started it, but I don't really like the combat. It feels like you just want to endlessly chain shit together since no enemy really fights back if you do. Granted I only just killed runt.

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i love you

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>rat claws

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More pls

I've seen women of all races do this shit. Unironcally have you never seen a woman before? Have sex incel is what I'd like to say but you can't because of corona. Well not like you could before corona but still.
Follow your own advice and fuck right off back to Yas Forums then

I hope Coronachan makes my sperm stop swimming like I hear it can... so I can buy into the niggress meme. I'm serious too not trying to be a dick.

I've been playing Civ 6. First Civ game. Don't really know how to play the game correctly. I just research what it tells me too and try to win fights with my random units. While I commence border gore.

I like what they did with combat, it feels like you really need to practice to get good at it. I never did practice though, I find sneaking, archery or simply talking way more satisfying way to solve problems. Swordfighting is just one mechanic among many, and it's from my experience it's not necessary (aside from 1-2 instances).

black girls are honestly disgusting in both looks and personality. Never met a nice one.

Mass Effect 2, it took me 5 years restarting the first one but I eventually finished it and now I'm half way through. As somebody who mostly plays JRPGs it's interesting seeing a Western approach but this and the other WRPGs I've played feel more rushed and buggy but have better physics.

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Lads, I'm so attracted to black women.

I bet you drop that makeup and she's still crazy fuckable

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Yeah, I liked the archery, and swordfighting becomes a lot more important later on, I'm guessing you haven't reached the point I have, without spoiling anything you basically get thrust into the middle of a huge warzone and you have no way to get a good perch for archery or sneaking. It's basically "hope you got a good weapon mate". And the swordfighting isn't necessarily bad, and it CERTAINLY doesn't require practice, but that's sort of my issue, you just chain strikes together. Whether you win fights is more about your stamina and strength stats than anything else, determining whether you break guard. So long as you backpedal otherwise, you're invincible.

She looks like she doesn't look like that

I want a nerdy/weeb black gf who calls me her white boy

That looks like an ape demon. Might be a nice person but she should be oceans away with the other Negroids.

Yas Forums has a serious jungle fever but whatever
trashy looks are trashy
dreads, sharpie eyebrows and huge fake nails make every girl look worse

Yas Forums poster here. They have good points, you're just obsessed with us.
Also, Yas Forums is not one monolithic entity who all believe the exact same thing. Some of us think black women can be very pretty.
Basically the only thing we all agree on is that it's the kikes.
btw plenty of black user post on Yas Forums too, retard.

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See now this
Is actually racist.
Learn the difference, it could save your dignity.


nazis must die

my biggest problem is that it's too dependent on the Warfare skill and it's only really fun when your enemy is about the same level as you
if the enemy's Warfare is much higher, you have no hope of pulling off combos and you just chip away at thier health
if yours is much higher, you push their shit in without needing to take a break

Right back at ya rabbi

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Will be replaying AC china

I want a black girl to femdom me