best looter games?
Best looter games?
Reminder that if you are not 85+ years of age then you are not in peril.
you should go out and get it
but half of the deaths are people under 50
yeah i just heard the other day that a young fit lady died from it
it was only later mentioned that she was also born with some heartdisease or similar shit which is pretty much every case. its either old or has already deadly disease and is only alive due to modern medicine
It still makes you sick, just probably isn't going to kill you unless you're an old person.
Probably had previous health conditions.
>mfw have the virus and have been spreading it in my beaner infested walmart
anyone who is seething at this post is a glownigger or a shitskin and there's norhing you can do to stop me
Go back to work goys
lol of fucking course.
>get permanent lung damage
no thanks
The Warriors
>probably isn't going to kill you unless you're an old person.
probably isn't going to kill you often with extreme medical machine intervention required, even for 30 year olds
>often with extreme medical machine intervention required
often it literally just passes through people without the need of a hospital
Man, if only this virus targeted inconsiderate people instead we might have less of a problem.
It's not permanent unless you have it really bad. It causes the same type of damage as pneumonia, which heals over time.
>Corona thread
Let's just get this out of the way
>100% infection rate
>no cure can ever exist
>all infected will die
>affects all age ranges equally
>everyone will die
There, that's the entire thing.
I have asthma. I would either die or if I somehow survive it’s going to be a painful as hell experience. That and I don’t want my parents to go from this world yet so I wouldn’t want risking them to get it either.
Except for the people who recover.
Proofs? No stats I see supports this. Shows 15% death rate to 80+ and 0.12 for under 40
This desu. It's basically just the "it's just he flu" people with another excuse. Good luck going to the hospital if you have a car accident or some other health problem when the ER has a 5 hour wait.
No, that isn't how these threads go. We ignore everything and push the theory everyone will die.
user, stop spreading dangerous misinformation. The Covid-19 permanently causes fibrosis in the lungs of an affected person. Even if it doesn't kill you, you are going to have damaged lung functionality for life. This is very serious, so please get educated for once.
Its anyone with pre existing conditions user, older people tend to be the most ill. Regardless of your health having the illness causes scar tissue on the lungs which does reduce overall lung capacity. You will get better, but you will still have suffered for it, dont just go and catch it like its no thing, it has long term effects.
That isn't half...? You have to combine all the others to come anywhere near that 85+
godspeed user
Might wanna contact youtube. They are passing around a vid with over 10 mil views that says that it is only in severe cases.
That would only be true if it caused pneumonia. It's not causing fibrosis in the lungs of people who are asymptomatic or only showing mild symptoms. And even with severe symptoms, I haven't seen anyone site sources saying it causes fibrosis in every case or even most cases.
Fearmongers go away. You cause more harm than good.
>all infected will die
so if you avoid corona chan you will never die?
Why even take precautions if it is that bad? Just speed run it
>muh hospitals
Yes but you fags have been saying even with all the precautions now being taken, it doesn't matter. So just open everything back up since none of it matters, right?
100% will be infected.
>doctors are fearmongers
Sometimes I worry for the people of this world.
But you just posted numbers and statistics that proved yourself wrong? Now you are saying those same statistics mean nothing? Also deaths and hospitals aren't the same thing. Also, according to you, a huge conspiracy is happening to fudge the numbers? You are reaching HARD to fear monger.
Most doctors are shills. Even then, random user #1 and #2 are not doctors.
literal normal pneumonia can give you permanent lung damage
i've got scarred lungs from when i got pneumonia as a young child
YouTube would put out disinfo? Stop the fucking presses.
imagine actually dying from shitty beer lmao how can your immune system be so shit
So what does lying about this even do for you? Do you have a bunch of stock in Walmart or something?
user were already in a state of fucking lockdown, what effect is telling people to actually listen to professionals fearmongering. Im more concerned that some spastics are looking at hte lethality rate and saying "well Im young, my children are young, It doesnt affect me so whatever, Ill just carry on as normal" as weve been seeing where people are just using this time to go to the beach and throw parties.
That's what happens when you drink American beer. It's fucking garbage.
Doctors told me the vast majority of people have mild symptoms and barely 20% need any care. They also told me they found treatments with 100% success rates. But none of that matters. Dooooooom!
Why lockdown if it doesn't matter and we are all doomed?
>A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analysis of U.S. cases from Feb. 12 to March 16 released Wednesday shows 38 percent of those sick enough to be hospitalized were younger than 55.
Your article proves him right though?
People are fucking stupid, user.
Pretend you're not actually schizophrenic for one moment, user, this could affect your family members and friends as well.
Yeah we're in lockdown because the people in charge fucking waited too long to acknowledge it and now they're panicking - panicking over a big nothingburger.
So even if you get the disease as a young person you have less than a 1/4 chance of even feeling slightly unwell enough to visit the hospital. Less than 5% chance to need a ventilator, thanks for the nothing burger.
Vitamin C,plenty of liquids, healthy diet, and sleep are all you need.
We actually dont know if the scarring is permanent or not, as many people who got the scarring later showed some degree of healing though they were still there. It's still too early to tell.
Immorality here I come
Why do you need to swing from one extreme to the other? You do know medical workers are also learning new things about this spread, right?
Yes and so could a car accident, which has a far higher chance of occurring and a much higher chance of being fatal. I'm not going to be even slightly concerned about this virus because there is nothing even slightly concerning about it.
My man, China covering it up initially is the zero point, not the US or Europe. The blame is squarely on China and the CCP.
corona is mexican beer
We've known about it since November of last year. They've had plenty of time to take precautions and they did fuck all until a few days ago.
Some people just don't have grandparents/know about old people.
How is it extreme to point out the holes in doomers dooming? Getting sick of faggots like you getting upset if someone isn't predicting human extinction from a 1% death rate.
Inb4 fallout 4
It's the old, sick, and people with weakened immune systems (usually due to lousy diet of MSG, GMO etc.) who are vulnerable.
>MSG is bad for you
stopped reading there
Same here user. And apparently 70% of Americans will get it? I'm pretty scared but my asthma isn't terribly bad. But the past 3 days I've had trouble breathing, difficult getting a full breath.
Oh shit I guess if literal normal pneumonia can give you permanent lung damage then it’s totally cool, I’m gonna go out and contract both right now!
ay yo fuck corona man
*loots store*
My nan lives with us and we all got it. I was shitting bricks since she's got COPD but she just shrugged it off.
lasses from the sottish islands are made of different stuff I tell you hhhhhhhhwhat