Now... What's the most important aspect about any game?

>Now... What's the most important aspect about any game?
>Well being able to fucking play it!

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I was still absolutely floored when I heard there were people on this board that valued anything over gameplay. Especially music. Gameplay is what matters most. Everything else just supplements it.

inb4 someone posts the "he's gonna take you back to the past" natalie mars pic

>eceleb thread
Yawn. How about we talk about actual video games?

Visual novel fags btfo

..try going into a thread that does that?

Must be hard to go through life actually thinking your opinions are objectively correct.

>Let's talk about philosophy
>I think the works of Socrates had some interesting poin...

Gameplay is such a blurred term for me. Like what exactly is gameplay, timing your button pushing? Aiming your reticule to a specific point int the screen? Micromanaging statistics? All of this can be more or less boring depending on factors that are not gameplay, like visuals, sound and story.

What's your favorite video game?

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I don't play video games. I actually have a life.

E-Celeb thread

i used to have this opinion and it seems like it makes sense but it's not actually always true, believe it or not

Or maybe it's actually about those lines

It think it’s too broad of a statement to say that gameplay is more important than any other feature of the game. The gameplay of Fallout and Planescape are really clunky and a complete mess and yet they’re regarded as one of the best games of all time. Same goes for Hotline Miami, the game wouldn’t be as nearly as great without its stellar soundtrack

then why are turn-based RPGs so popular? objectively the worst gameplay mechanics around

I think gameplay would be the way all the individual mechanics of the game interact with eachother as a whole. The part the player *does* would be the gameplay.

A life full of video games is still a life.

>I actually have a life.
And you're here.

they are not that popular.
also, there is things like exploring, character building, combat strategy and such. your kind ruined final fantasy.
not that final faggotry was that good to begin with.

I just had another rape fantasy roleplay with my gf who is 9 years younger

how's your life?

>Hey there son, back from the theater? How was the moviewatch?
>That's a great novel, how do you like the bookread so far?
>That looks delicious but how is the foodeat?

English is embarrassing.


>9 years younger
>Not 9 years old

I don't think 9 year olds can have sexual fantasies user

retard detected

I want Yas Forums to leave

holy fuck you are gay

>Natively speaking a doomed language
>Calls others retarded

You are wrong, gameplay is perfectly acceptable has isn't atonal. The examples you used are also non-existent.

Good gameplay alone and everything else bad can make an 8/10 game at best
Good gameplay, good story, good music will make a 10/10 game

rape is a trash fetish whether male or female

Chasm Spasm is better than most modern games.

shut the fuck up

Now that the dust is settled, are videogames officially art?

little gay slut get fucked

>food analogy

bad gameplay but good music examples

Dragon Ball Z ultimate battle 22
Final Fantasy 10, 10-2, 13 and 14
Donkey Kong Kountry
SSB Brawl
Call of duty black ops
Robocop nes
terminator snes
twisted metal 3
Double Dragon

Anyone see the embarrassment that is his Sonic review?

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Yeah, I actually do get get fucked regularly. How could you tell?

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cope harder faggot

I fucking hate what he's become. Holy fuck.

no it's not

I bet you do, pedo

It has music and lots of fancy features and animated bits, but more importantly it tells a story. It's more likely on the same level as modern games.

Yes I am a pedophile I love little boys

Are you by any chance a democrat?

I'm libertarian you idiot

Your God is going to be killed by the coronavirus so he can't needlessly stall bills anymore.

What the fuck? Music is arguably more important than graphics. The music is what helps establish the tone of a game, and it really ought to be be good considering you'll likely be listening to it on loop for the duration of the game. There are so many video game locations where the accompanying music track is just as iconic as the location itself. Out of all the elements in a video game that could be considered secondary to the gameplay, it's amazing to me that you want to complain about people valuing the soundtrack of game.

Graphics and story for me.
Games like Smash Bros are fun but I can't keep playing them forever, without a story it doesn't hide the fact that it's just wasting your time.
Games need gameplay to get your attention and a story to keep you hooked.

Story is absolutely unnecessary for a game.
Just look at smb.

imagine being this guy

It does tell a story
You're some random plumber named Mario and you have to rescue the princess from this evil turtle guy called Bowser
When people think "story" nowadays it's 5 minute long unskippable cutscenes but a lot of old games had good stories too

>t. has been raped but hasn't raped

Just watch movies.

Ever heard of cardgames? Chess? Tic-tac-toe? All turn-based and loved by many. If you can't find a turn based game that you can get into you're a dope, and if you need a story to keep you interested you should probably just watch anime or something.

>It does tell a story
It's as much of a story as "i need to go buy food"
Sure it is there, but it's nothing more than an excuse to do what ever you do in the game.

I do, I also play visual novels and I enjoy movie games like TLoU.
Movies are fine but the interaction you get in games make the whole experience much more engaging.
Not to mention that you're comparing a 2 hour story with one that can easily span 50 hours sometimes.

Just watch shows

Again, no interaction.
I thought you were the user arguing FOR gameplay, not against it.

i enjoy females enjoying being dominated or whatever situation their in
both rape and femdom completely sour anything for me

But you don't want gameplay, you want story.
And any actually good movie or TV show blows overrated shit like TLOU out of the water in story.

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You have a problem.