any games about regret?
Any games about regret?
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Inb4 simps
I wonder how many viewers she'll lose if she reveals a significant other.
Jesus christ this guy could have got a prostitute many times for that money.
His regret is getting banned.
what a fucking faggot
That's him, mods
That's the guy who posted a shitty fucking Twitter screencap thread
Faggots that give their (parents') money to e-whores, why? You could spend a fraction of it to some barista/bartender who will talk to you, maybe even hug you.
Based Arab thot
Simps get the rope
$4k that guy could’ve hired any porn star he wanted
>That's him, mods. That's the guy who posted a shitty fucking Twitter screencap thread
Extremely based
Batman Arkham City.
Batman regrets killing his parents.
I remember there's even a cutscene where he kneels at the spot in an alley.
Also Batman Arkham Knight. He regrets not saving the robin from the joker.
holy shit based
red dead redemption 2. Perhaps also the first one, been ages since I played that one though.
What is this simp word I keep seeing lately, is it another form of cuck?
Wtf I love Ampharos now
Are you certain of this, citizen?
It's rude to point Ampharos
He could've had a stacy desu
social media turned us into socially inept retards. Through that we get addicted to insta gratification and what’s more gratifying than some “girlfriend” thanking you for donating?
>replying to a reddit message with a reddit image
you sure showed him
its the new twitter term for "simple"
>Berber conquered by Arab 2000 years ago
Around about all of them.
she looks like a mongoloid without makeup
zoomers are so easily misled.
someone who ditches their friends to chase pussy
>Move camp
>Move camp
>Die of TB
Yeah I definitely regretted playing it.
Planescape Torment
back in the day we called em dog cunts
still do
Simps are even lower than cucks. Simps give money to some chick who will never bang them, at least cucks get their gf after Jamal is done with her.
The new white knight buzzword
A 4k prostitute would be the experience of a lifetime
HOLY.......... based
I really don't know, but it's mostly used for guys who allow women to take advantage of them as I've understood it
A man who puts himself in a subservient position under women in the hopes of winning them over, without the female bringing anything to the table
simp = simpleton
colloquially = a (wo)man who supports somebody financially with nothing in return excepts of false expectations
cuck = cuckold
colloquially = a (wo)man who enjoys when their partners is having sexual contact with other people
uh oh
suckas idolizing mediocre pussy
4k american dollaridoos cant get you this
I saw him select the image from his Twitter folder
He doesn't really care about videogames, he just wants everyone to look at his Twitter screencap
>censoring their username
>actually using plebbit
Are there lewds about her?
I'd say it's funtionally closer to "white knight" or "nice guy".
Cuck is applicable any time someone puts up with some kind of disrespect against them rather than taking action about it.
Simp is used when someone acts nice to a girl with the implication being the only reason they're acting nice is because she's a girl and they want some form of positive attention from her (as opposed to someone who is genuinely nice to everyone).
>tfw KHV NEET loser
>but you'll never be as pathetic as a simp
post yfw anons
dangerously based
4k dollas!!!
Ampharos.... that was a Reddit screencap.
Its the word Black people or Niggers as I like to call them use for Cuck.
But Niggers are cool so we gotta use their lingo right fellow whiteys.
I miss the days when we could just call them ''faggots'' like everybody else and be done with this shit. No need to come up with new, shitty words if we have perfectly good ones already
i'm really curious what this retard did to get banned, does he say?
makeup is a tool of Satan
>this is a goddess
What the fuck is a tier 3 sub
simps are fucking disgusting and sad, worse than cucks even Jesus fuck
>this is the guy calling you an incel
Hm, a solid argument. What say you, tranny jannies?
Twitter speak should stay where it belongs just like Yas Forums lingo should, or reddit, or whatfucking ever.
I feel tangible mental damage being dealt to me when I learn things like "stan", "simp" or "chud".
And the worst part is that newfaggots like op and the like keep bringing their neo-ebonics of the degenerate age into an already degenerate place full of barely literate ESL niggers and faggots, only to make it worse for everyone by making them think that it's how hip and cool teenagers talk.
Fuck you
i wonder that the rates of my favorite pornstars are.
I honestly don't get people who are this desperate for female companionship that they spend money in twitch girls.
If you really are this lonely and depressed, hire a prostitute. It's wrong, but it's still better than this. Not only will they fuck you, but I've been told the non-cheap ones are pleasant people, and will often hang around a bit with you after sex and chat.
You would know the difference
Fuck off, faggot
seething cuckold
Regular subscription is 5 bucks, tier 3 is like 20 or 25. No idea what the difference is otherwise.
>the eternal coomer
why is this allowed and twitch doesn't bat an eye? then even ban you if you complain about it. Remember when Twitch was a gaming website not Justin TV, hahaha....
The Based Department has been notified.
>If you really are this lonely and depressed, hire a prostitute
They don't want to get laid. They want the feeling of "providing" for a woman, like they're taking care of her.
cant be real
Literally fucking why
certainly sounds like something a tier 3 sub would do
cringe but redpilled
I looked into one of mine
plus plane ticket round trip
plus hotel room
Paging Dr. Based
All that kike needed was a rug on his head and he'd have been fine. He wasn't hideous. I don't get that shit.
honestly, right is cuter
They get a cut of the donation money + ad money
The funny part is even that evaxephon faggot is better looking than her.
How are retards obsessed with such a basic looking bitch
Both of the things you replied to are happening out of Twitch. No rules are being broken on Twitch and both of those interactions are on Twitter, which is completely unrelated. Twitch has 0 jurisdiction in anything they post on Twitter/Instagram/any other social media, nor what random dudes reply. What are you even expecting?
That's interesting. Is it a natural feeling, or tied strictly to providers?
I would simp for an Ampharos if that meant mating pressing one
am i supposed to feel sorry for him?
It's fake, and whoever's this is has been posting about this twitchthot for months maybe even years.
Holy shit off yourself for giving this thot a minute or even second of your time
Twitch is owned by Amazon and Amazon is all about that money. Twitchs mods and admins are the most corrupt pieces of shit who host sex parties at twitch con with those streamers, so in exchange they get pushed to the front page and earn more money, and amazon doesn’t bat an eye as long as they get money.
Amazon would burn the whole shit down when some investigative journalist would expose the inner workings of the twitch mafia, but all modern journalists are too occupied to call drumpf racist for all the hate clicks
Yeah, I'm thinking he based.
Am I bad person if I find this funny as heck?
> Twitch has 0 jurisdiction in anything they post on Twitter/Instagram/any other social media
Hey what's that anime called user? Looks fun.
Wait you can pay to have sex with a pornstar?
Based ampharos.
Twitch literally banned people from their Plattform last year if they had racist and/or sexist stuff on their social media
Leave Based Bernie out of this, fag
His problems are far greater than his appearance
any games about having no fucking life and posting off topic garbage on video game image boards?
>Twitchs mods and admins are the most corrupt pieces of shit who host sex parties at twitch con with those streamers
I know you said journalists are retarded and won't write on this, but is there more to this story? Got me curious.
Unless you say something vaguely rightwing
Yeah bro most of them are escorts