Half as long as RE2AKE

>half as long as RE2AKE
>which was only 4 hours long
>shit multiplayer that won't last more than a weekend at best
>obviously rushed with AI that can be cheesed
>literally soulless
Why are we hyped for this again?

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Yas Forums are not. It's already confirmed to be a blunder. REmake 2 is still the best RE game.

>REmake 2 is still the best RE game.
lol no REamek2 is dogshit
its either REmake or 5 depending which type you prefer

The cracks are already starting to show


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Shill thread

Jill looks like Milla there.

>>half as long as RE2AKE
It is? Picked up! Padding is tiresome they only make long games because they're scared people will feel gypped if it doesn't take a weekend to beat.

I'll be playing it for free like I do every game. So no biases here.

>unironically thinking 5 is one of the best

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Yep, all these Fortnite fans coming into the Resident Evil franchise and have no standards

Why can't you dismember zombie limbs?

I've mostly forgotten about it already. which is funny since it's not even out yet. capcom is dead to me after canceling mml3. I wasn't even looking forward to it, but I saw how much the fans' passionately outpoured, and how capcom refused to acknowledge or care. bitch move.


What I told you from the start, no one asked for a remake of re3 but everyone wants the re4 remake, don't know why they are wasting time and resources like this.

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Because it was made by B-team.

You didn't play it with a friend did you? It was a blast. Or maybe you're one of those onions critics that were faggy about it being set in Apefrica.

Why does RE4 need a remake?

>unironically thinking 5 isnt one of the best

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They can barely remake 4 hour games with lots of backtracking and that's with cutting lots of corners. I don't know why people think they can remake 4 which had an insane amount of environmental variety, monster types and weapons + Seperate Ways + Assignment Ada + The Mercenaries. Not without cutting half the game at least which I've come to expect from Capcom.

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Wasn't RE2 B-team efforts?

Why did they use generic footage of riots for the intro instead of actually showing zombies attacking Raccoon city?

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No REmake 2 was A-team through and through. You could tell it was quality based on the demo alone.

5 is still my favorite re

What if they do it in multiple parts like FFVIIR?

why would it need a HD texture mod?
because people want it.

Don't give Capcom any ideas.

5 was peak RE
not that zacefron & goblins shit the we have now

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most sold RE game at 11 Million.
Even if Yas Forums tries say "most sold doesnt mean best"
Well, this game keeps on selling and selling and selling. It's fucking GOOD.

thinking of bying 5 again on the pc this time.
i figured it about time to change from console to pc,
is the online still active lads?

its obvius that how well a RE game sells is directly in line how big Chris' biceps are
which is why RE5 is best selling, followed by 6 and then its huge downhill from there

It's incredibly sad!

because shitter consoles can't handle more than like 5 dismemberable zombies in the same room without fucking combusting

>only 4 hours long
Show me someone's 1st playthrough being 4h or stfu nigger

you mean shitty japanese coding right?
there are plenty of other games on the consoles with dismemberment

It's just common sense really

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>retards will pay $60 for a 2 hour long game bundled with Umbrella Corps 2

>RE2 remake was 4 hours long
Why do you lie on the internet user?

Fuck Resistance, i want Raid Mode. The combat is actually good enough to carry it and unlockable costumes and characters would be a no brainer.

>pleb filtered
Gameplay: 5 mastered the 3rd person combat system
Story: Wesker instead of random baddy and leprechaun Napoleon (4)
Graphics: improved from 4
Dialogue: cheesy but satisfying

well if people are retarded enough to buy a re2remake for $60 without multiplayer.
re3 is fairgame

Gameplay: it's okay, good improvement on 4
Story: COMPLETE GLOBAL SATURATION (with my fake blonde mindraped partner, so sugoi lol)
Graphics: fine
Dialogue: cringe

It's a good game, but not a good Resident Evil

dont forget best girl shevaaaa

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I'm only getting it in the hope that one day there will be a full overhaul mod.

Replace Nemesis mod
Classic Jill mod
Uncensored gore mod
Classic weapons mod
Classic voice lines mod (Jill delivers the famous "I'll give you STARS" line at beginning of the game instead of the finale.)
Classic music mod
Level redesign mod
Shotgun spread fix mod
Jill can explore RPD mod
Nemesis drops weapon parts mod
I can go on.

Oh shit, I forgot the most important one. Original RPD last stand opening instead of the nu-live action one.

you can add
>make a better remake from scratch mod

>Classic voice lines mod (Jill delivers the famous "I'll give you STARS" line at beginning of the game instead of the finale.)

She says that when she figures out that Nemmy is unkillable. I think it makes sense.

remember last year when Yas Forums was saying REmake 2 was a blunder?

it's always fun and games, until Capcom starts deepthroating Valentine

That's a big mod.

sorry but those arent realistic enough for our vision.
plus resisdent evil fan want the game to focus more on realism and less videogamy stuff.
nemesis droping weapon is to much like chris punching bolders, for resident evil fan that way to cringy and yikes

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it is

maybe in your tiny little delusional world.

stop posting your shitty opinions, RE2 remake is amazing, they walked on thin ice and they delivered

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its a shitty abomination of the originals mixed with the action ones and ends up doing both terribly
if you think its good it means you have no standards and eat up any shit japan puts out(which is basically majority of Yas Forums anyway)

>caring about a game nationality
literally brainlet

Remember that those devs who where crying "muh realism" were japanese, brainfart

Just a reminder that Resident Evil 3 was originally shit out pretty quickly

entire Yas Forums is japan good west bad retard regardless how shitty games japan releases
REmake 2 is great example of praising a shit game

take your meds

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well, it was rushed out because Capcom forgot they had a deal with sony to make 3 games on psx, they were working on Code Veronica which was supposed to be RE3.
Yet Re3 is revered as a classic and Code Veronica sucks ass

Nope. Yas Forums was mostly pretty hype about REmake 2.

i finished REmake 2 in 5:30 and i never played even the original RE2 and so it was compeltely my first blind run regarding RE2 ever
that 8 hours is if you are some super casual retard

Online is actually broken. You can't do private sessions at all, you need to quickly send an invite to a friend if you want them to join and you have to hope they can. Sometimes it's better to just have your friend try and join through random searching, and you as the host boot anyone who isn't your friend