Everything he said is correct.
Everything he said is correct
Other urls found in this thread:
doing it wrong.
too long and I didn't read
this thread sucks, post cute vidya boys
>discard crust
What's the matter little boy? Need mama to cut up the big bad sandwich crust for ya?
No one said that walking simulators and movie games arent games or that they shouldn't be allowed, just that if you like those types of games you're probably a moron.
At least he got the part about rap music not being real music right.
But I liked The Stanley Parable...
I will gift someone a steam game under $20 if they find the exact Penny Arcade panels this faggot traced
Rap isn't music.
It can be, but it requires effort.
Games need to have gameplay to be games.
Rap music isn't real music, nor is it made by real humans.
Cheese crust is an abomination only found in the lowest quality pizza.
Without looking, I assume Nicholas Smith is: a casual, a cuck, and a fatty.
American pizza is just shit, that's why they need gimmicks like cheese crust
>I need to bake cheese into pizza crust in order to make it enjoyable.
Imagine what the fuck kind of person has been making and serving this dumb asshole shitty pizza all these years to actually think stuffed crust is an improvement.
Lets say even if Crust is your least favorite, just use your crust as bread sticks and dip it into something enjoyable at the very least.
Holy fuck that is a tiny font
Stanley Parable is cool in just how the narration naturally moves with how the player interacts with the world. I'd say it doesn't belong in the Walking Sim genre since it's not linear.
So, to what genre it belongs?
Rap music isn't real music you nigger worshipping retards.
metroidvania simulator
I actually like immersving myself in Walking Simulators.
I don't actually like the term walking simulator though, as I find these games similar to some first person puzzle games and shooters. I play all of them for similar reasons whether they have these elements or not, so I feel like there needs to be a more broad descriptor.
Here is a sample list of what kind of stuff I am talking about and what I like:
Portal 1 and 2
Half-Quake (especially Half-Quake: Amen)
DUSK to a point (I especially like the simplistic semi-abstract graphics)
The Stanley Parable
The Beginner's Guide
LSD Dream Emulator
Broken Reality
NaissanceE (although I didn't like it as much as others)
I'd assume Death Stranding would also fit the bill for me even though it's third-person.
Not sure what other good stuff there is, though.
>Portal 1 and 2
That's a puzzle game.
>Portal 2
>Puzzle game
That was a good 'za
I know. However, as I explained, I just like exploring weird shit in first-person at my own pace without it being too action-y (I still love traditional action and FPS games, just for different reasons). So all of these games scratch the same itch for me, regardless of the mechanics they have. They can be puzzle games or shooters, but I just want to focus on exploration of weird places or alien worlds the most.
Sadly, "Walking Simulator" is the closest descriptor there is for these kinds of things, which is why I don't like, as it's not actually the "absence of gameplay" that draws me to them.
Rap is more like poetry then music
>Acting like giving a subject the farthest opposite extreme opinion is proving a point
Just make an actual fucking argument, there is one to be had here but doing that just makes you look like a faggot.
Also cheese-stuffed crust is delicious, you anons are mental.
Where does poetry end and music begin?
Right between my buttchicks. That's also where rap is.
>Rap is more like poetry
uh nigga nigga guns nigga bitches nigga guns
Where is the rhyme?
>"Real music has chords and melodies"
Well, yeah. A coked out nigger mumbling into the mic with a Garageband drum track in the background shouldn't count as music.
Poetry doesn't have to be good.
Why do gamers hate playing games?
It seems everyday we see someone complaining about a game for being too "video gamey"
i wouldnt call shit food desu
Rap is music but it's also garbage.
>"games where you just walk around aren't games
>nigger rap isn't real music
>cheese crust isn't real pizza
These are 100% true tho.
>i have shit taste the comic
Hi guys what's the name of this logical fallacy? Its basically taking a valid argument and comparing it to dumb arguments which have the same sentence structure but unrelated and incomparable in any way. What's the word for that?
>All rap music is about ghettos and guns
This is like saying all metal music is shit after listening to one album by Metallica.
I thought this was a bald and pig-like comic. Also what kind of faggot hasn't eaten a good pizza before?
It's a webcomic, a form of media that is literally built on strawmans.
I want him to cum inside me so I can have his babies
How can you say this is not kino poetry nigga.
I don't know what the fuck you're on about, but that comic is a prime example of strawmanning.
All Rap and all Metal is shit
Music died after 1870
That's not strawmanning. Strawmanning is presenting the opponent opinion but distorted and ridiculous to make him sound stupid. A strawman would be
>everything that don't have a gun in it is not a game
what is tetris?
>Strawmanning is presenting the opponent opinion but distorted and ridiculous to make him sound stupid
Is that not what this comic does?
zoom zoom
>no actualy gameplay
>gamified to no end (persistent ranks, progression systems, unlocks, etc)
>and also jesus
Why are these people so obsessed with Christianity?
Oh actually you're right it's also strawmanning I didn't notice the "levels and button mashing" bs part. He combined two fallacies in one.
Middle one is true
false equivalency
I've never had cheese stuffed crust.
Who orders it? I assumed it was fat fucks.
thats pretty hot user
>there really exist people who dont like cheese crust
This shit should be punished by death
educate yourselves
>reddit: The guide
I'm gonna call you a faggot and win any argument, deal with it nigger
Leftists were trained to attack Christianity as part of dismantling the west.
rap is indeed not music
>not wanting games with a lot of substance instead of barely interactive movies
>there’s nothing really wrong with music that has rapping on paper but people are more than entitled to dislike the shit that gets airplay today
>eating shit Americanised pizzas
I've never understood the rap isn't music argument. What stops it from being music besides the fact you hate black people?
the crust is the best part.
Also, why do these people always attack Christianity for being so 'evil and backwards', but they brush off all the child abuse and barbaric tradition of other religions as 'their culture' while painting me a bigot for pointing it out?
nothing. People just think it's so bad that it's an insult to music so instead of just calling it shitty music they try to dismiss it from music altogether. Sort of like Yas Forums and walking simulators, to bring this full circle
>Me christian, me so persecuted!
it's low effort propaganda designed to keep blacks from improving themselves.
Any black person with a modicum of wit will tell you that rap is for niggers.
instead of baselessly attacking him for mentioning Christianity, why don't you answer his question instead of proving him right?
>imagine unironically defending walking sims, nigger music and mutt food in one post
I'd say Stanley Parable is a good example of how walking simulators SHOULD be done. Sure you're just walking and getting a narrative, but it's the sort of thing that wouldn't actually work outside a video game without being massively rewritten.
Meanwhile most walking sims can just be straight made into movies with little to no noticeable differences.
>people hate music genre
>must be racist
I hate country, and I'm white. Kill yourself nigger.
forced walking sequences are mostly shit though
they're still games but they're mostly bad
there are ways to do it right, the "boss fight" with the sorrow in mgs3 is similar, and walking and talking sequences weren't bad in yakuza 0, but the use of them in shit like nuGoW is just shitty
The mediterranean
I used to think that but then I started listening to rap songs with better producers and more effort so my opinion has changed. I realized I just hate autotune and cookie cutter drum beats from GarageBand (you know the one).
I'm gonna be real, the term "video game" has become pretty vague and kind of antiquated over the past decade. Games where you just walk around and talk to people AREN'T games; they're an entirely new form of immersive media that are called 'video games' because that's the industry they came from and nobody's bothered to make the distinction between them and 'normal' vidya.
I've had it a few times before. I don't dislike the concept, but they use really awful rubbery cheese.