Any games where the day/night cycle is more than just visual?

Any games where the day/night cycle is more than just visual?

Attached: Empire_State_Building-_Day_into_Night_(21637448828).jpg (2177x3000, 2.17M)

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What the fuck else should it be?


Pokémon gold and silver.

environment changes?

Red Dead Redemption
Animal Crossing
Bethesda RPGs

Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask. Minecraft. I'm pretty sure there are specific things that happen at night in at least the last few Elder Scrolls games.

Castlevania 2

zombie games


Whatta shitload of fuck

Attached: gjdpt-A3EQ5Y7KVBZ-Full-Image_GalleryBackground-en-US-1525191146196._SX1080_.jpg (1080x608, 61.95K)

The Dead Rising series.

Witcher 1


Dying Light


>different / more enemy spawn
>vampire related stuff
>hide bonus / less hit chance
>shops closed, NPCs go home
Plenty of things user.

Attached: masterwork.jpg (720x720, 56.08K)

I haven't played for years and probably not what you're looking for, but in Dota there are champions who have advantage when night falls and some heroes can see farther than others. One hero has an ultimate which can bring night for X seconds.

Dragon's Dogma

Different enemy spawns and you literally cannot see unless you bring a lantern or have light magic

that guy in the third picture is really fucking fast

I love how fucking dark the nights are in dragon's dogma. If you don't have a lantern you're not seeing shit and I thought that was so cool when I first encountered it.


If its night time in the game the console should shut off so you are forced to go to bad

Games with a night vision stat?
Night lighting in games looks like some nightblind asshole just randomly took the backlight out of parts of the screen

>>shops closed
yeah nah

minecraft has more enemies at night

Are there any games that follow irl time?


Where have you been the past week?

World of Warcraft IIRC. Pretty retarded. MMOs shouldn't do that.

Grim Dawn. It doesn't affect much though.

Pathologic 1/2.
Town is an entirely different beast at night.

Ocarina of Time

What's wrong with it? Even skyrim has that.


Attached: 533950-the-elder-scrolls-arena-dos-screenshot-on-a-terribly-cold.png (320x200, 13.81K)

I know MGSV and Far Cry 2 have different enemy positions for day and night.

Seiken 3

Project Cars 2. Rest of the game is a bit wonky though.

Literally every game with a day night cycle ever. I'm hard pressed to come up with a game that has a day night cycle, but is only aesthetic

There's nothing wrong with it but Skyrim is the last game you should be referencing


I think real time is ideal for MMOs. It really helps with immersion, if you log in at night then its also night time in-game.

What enemy is that?

Unless the game has a mechanic that allows the player to skip through time (like resting at an inn for example), then you're fucked if you ever find yourself needing a specific item at the store, unless you're willing to throw money away at the inn as mentioned earlier.

I think WoW removed nights after cata anyway. I loved playing at night, made the barrens and durotar’s red colors bearable. Playing in those zones during the day burned your eyes.

Sekiro. Some stages like Sunken Valley become harder, but to make that happen, you need to change the order of beating bosses. This is not so well known.

Animal Crossing and Pokemon.

While Skyrim doesn’t use a real time clock you can make hours last 60 minutes if you want. There’s probably a real time clock mod somewhere.

For real?

In most recent pokemon games it's only really aesthetic, gen 2 and 4 are the only ones with meaningful differences between day and night

that's not a day/night cycle tho, it's like in bloodborne, it triggers with game progression

First witcher

Wait... wow doesn't have night anymore? That's really fucked up. I loved the day/night cycle and you are right about it making certain areas bearable - but I played wow in its golden age so I don't care that much that they changed whatever fucked up thing they changed at this point. They could insert BDSM furry roleplay as canon and I'd just shrug.

Xenoblade chronicles

Different enemies
Certain events are day/night only
Can't see shit at night
Quite a few bosses have to be fought at night
Different things to buy from the NPCs

Even the moon's phases affects things, like what the NPCs sell or certain spawns

cities skylines
stardew valley

Most Zelda games

They didn't remove nights, it was Cata's new engine rendering the old maps too brightly. Newer zones have Duskwood-style night time, especially in Legion onward.

As for the night/day differences, the last time I remember dealing with it was with that one optional BM Hunter artifact quest where you gather mats to create an appearance swapper for Haati. Some of the mobs involved only spawned at night.

Attached: highmountain1.jpg (1854x983, 292.43K)

You could also only catch certain fish at certain times of day. Different hours had different catch rates for fish.

And on the topic of night time, they also introduced this pitch-dark effect first used in Legion Hunter quests. It can be replicated by using this consumable from DMF.

Attached: 634050-night-of-the-wilds.jpg (1332x781, 283.61K)

Escape From Tarkov

I think Witcher 1 and 3, more enemy spawns

Dying Light

Dragon Quest