Ogres and high elves literally never

>Ogres and high elves literally never

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Feet are too sexy for gameplay.

because it would be a good idea, fun, and blizzard hates those things

Too big and Garithos

Blood elves were high elves that got hopped up on green demon juice anyway, my dude.

Every source of media that's based in California seems to go out of their way to spite and antagonize their customerbase nowadays.

they have stuff like that in their back pocket for when the revenue gets too low and activision starts putting pressure on them
if shit gets real, they will probably pull out ogres and murlocs

Furries at Blizzard. That is all.


was it ever explained why it made the high elves suddenly turn lawful evil and side with the horde?

>Be me
>Play WoW on shit laptop not meant for gaming
>Hop on retail
>Frame Rate drops fucking everywhere with settings set to 1
>Goes on Classic
>No frame rate at all
At least I have Classic.

WoW was never good

would you?

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theres your problem
but for real, you can't see shit in retail because they've added so many fucking spell effects

>high elves

to think some neckbeard beat off to those models back in 2004

They were siding against the Alliance on account of one dude's inexplicable racism. It was the entire Kael story in W3.

No clue. It was probably an issue back then when they were concerned about size, before they somehow got Tauren to work.
>High Elves
Blizzard by WC III was trying to do contradictions to typical fantasy. "Noble Savage" Orcs, Feral, nature loving "dark elves", shit like that.
High Elves were already generic as fuck in WCII, so blizzard had this idea that with Kael's plans in Outland and all the scourge shit High Elves would become edgy magic vampires who'd hunt down demons and drain them of fel blood.
To that regard, they decided, somehow, despite the lore inconsistencies, to make them horde.

Blood Elves were meant to be high elves, those they stayed with the alliance were supposed to be a minority and were mostly elves that had inter-species relationships with humans.
The reason Blizzard refuses to give the Alliance high elves as a playable race is based on the fact that it would nullify Blood Elves.
High Elves are desired solely because your average player is a tolkenist who wants to fulfill the generic setting of humans, elves and dwarves being the lawful good faction.

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I've always used laptops and so I prefer them more. Plus, there's nowhere in my apartment to put a desktop. I want a gaming laptop but need to get a job but I'm quarantined atm.

Mind control, user.

During early BC and post WC III lore shit the idea was that blood elves were High Elves gone nuts after their people got wrecked and their Sunwell got tainted.
Shit like hunting down demons to basically "eat" was a thing. Shit like the Blood elf eating the mana wyrm in the cinematic was meant to show this, as was the BE with the sigil tatoo on the BC boxart.

Of course, that kind of shit wouldn't be tolerated in Thrall's Horde, so blizzard basically justified it by having the already force-justified Forsaken be nice and cozy with the BE's because Sylvanas was a high elf once.

Politically in BC, B's were still basically for themselves first, Forsaken second, Horde third. Of course, what happened was that Blizzard was unable to maintain the interesting idea of BE's being on that edgy path, because I'm sure analyists were saying people just wanted Lord of The Rings elves. So within the very same expansion they had the BE's "saved" by re-igniting the Sunwell with the heart of a naaru.

After that, the BEs were basically lawful good faggots who were always bullied by the Forsaken and always considering joining the Alliance but never going through with it.

>genociding orcs and trolls alongside the humans for hundreds of years
>homeland and source of power gets destroyed by the undead
>they side with the horde of all factions

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>Orcs and trolls for hundreds of years
Orcs were not on Azeroth for that long.

right, they've only been killing them for a couple decades

>lore inconsistencies
That is the entirety of wow. Wc3 casted away the two faction story/system of wc1/2 to make a more complex and rich story and allow for more freedom in the narrative. Then with wow they shat the bed and turned back to the two factions because reasons.

Why do you even care anymore? Why are you even thinking about wow?

bloodelves, undead high elves, and demons loyal to kael'thas should have been their own third faction

Ogres were axed as a player race because they couldn't figure out how to make attractive ogre females.

Source: The WoW Diary by John Staats

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>Be Blizzard
>Players like Mage Tower challenges
>Don't bring them back
>Players hate Islands and Warfronts
>Make multiple new ones
>Players like the idea of Ogres and High Elves
>Don't add them
>Players hate allied races that are just boring reskins
>Add Void Elves, Lightforged, and Highmountain (I will give Mag'har a pass because they actually have unique skins to represent multiple clans)

Blizzard seems to go out of their way specifically to avoid adding things players like while working on shit they hate.

guess they figured it out in bfa with kultirans

>have to be attractives to be in the game
literally why, I'd fucking main an ogre without a second thought, they are meant to be big scary cunts, not pretty chubby fairies


Theramore as flat out alliance,rather than maybe alliance leaning is bullshit imo. As for the forsaken and the night elves, I can't really see them joining up with the other factions. They make such a big deal about how far off and unknown kalimdor is, and yet it's close enough that the forsaken would depend on the horde? And why are the xenophobic night elves joining up with the alliance? Warcraft 3 ended with peace, which doubtlessly included the orcs getting the fuck out of their forest and stop cutting down trees.

Same reason why they retconned the draenei

Give it a few minutes, the furries will be here any moment to pretend high elves would make no sense,but every shit bipedal animal is ok because yiff.

Full or half Ogres please.

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I want nagas in the game because lore and they help fight against the legion.

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>night elves are high elves
>but i want to be white and upper class
In a nutshell

oh true they should have made orge halfies an allied race. mag'har could have just been a customization for orcs

WoW should have initially been entirely set in Kalimdor with three factions, Theramore (humans, dwarves and elves), Durotar (orcs, trolls, tauren and ogres) and Hyjal (Nelfs, with gender locked classes, each sect of druids being its own class for males like claw and talon etc, invent a couple of new ones)
Fuck the whole "everything needs to be symmetric between the factions" design principle
Each race should have come with its own roster of classes, with overlap but not identical to any one other

>playing retail

Blood Elves joining the Horde was explained well enough in TBC, it was just scattered through the questing experience (which wasn't a bad thing). When you go through the 1-20 Blood Elf starter zones you're playing in a timeframe just before they officially join the Horde. The NPCs and quest dialogue are all about how the elves are pretty fucked with most of their shit still in ruins, people succumbing to mana addiction and becoming wretches, local fauna going fucking nuts, the wards that kept Quel'thalas safe and isolated for so long still deactivated ever since Arthas barged in, etc. But the elves are also prideful, arrogant, and independent as fuck so you're doing your best to handle it on your own.
They're also still open to talking to the Alliance at this point. There's a Dwarf diplomat there trying to extend an olive branch, but you find out he's got a bunch of Night Elf spies with him in secret so you kill him. The Night Elf spies and soldiers continue to show up in the Ghostlands, and the Blood Elves don't take too kindly to it. Meanwhile the Forsaken show up also extending an olive branch, which goes over a lot better since they're led by a former Blood Elf of high standing and very importantly DON'T send any spies or assassins in secret.

You team up with the Forsaken and kill all of the big bad Scourge generals in the Ghostlands, and it culminates in you getting the official letters of request to join the Horde signed by Lor'themar and Sylvanas, and you bring them to Thrall. The letter ends with a section which says something to the effect of "we looked into that matter you care about and yeah it's on", which you don't really know what it means at the time, but basically the Blood Elves had already made headway into Outland at that time (since Kael'thas was already there and had already reconnected with some forces from Azaroth when the Dark Portal reopened) and knew that there were still native Orcs there.

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finally my moment to shine and correct a lore-nerd, Sylvanas was never a Bloodelf.

>paying for wow in 2020


>Belves joining a faction that contains two of their former killers
You can't tell me this kind of writing isn't pants on head retarded.
Sylvies an undead Helf.

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classicfags ate the boomers of wow prove me wrong

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haha yeah just to think about it haha

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Sounds like the blood elf intro was the beta test for the much more successful dk intro

>reluctant allies just like the forsaken
This has to be wow's biggest problem, they'll drop racial storylines the moment a new expansion comes out. They should have done more to show how the forsaken only joined the horde out of convenience and didn't give a rats ass about the orcs, trolls, and cow people. But both them and the blood elves seem perfectly happy to be horde now. The undead didn't even seem to have a crisis of identity once arthas was dead. Aside from survival,they had revenge to strive for, without that, what were they?

Look like fucking trannys

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>roll naga
>got to instance
>boss drop shoes

So Thrall takes in the Blood Elves since Sylvanas vouched for them, they proved themselves able to handle their own problems, and it gets the Horde additional power in the Eastern Kingdoms and establishes a presence in Outland. You don't get much more about any of this until you get to Outland proper, way later in the leveling process. As you quest there you learn from NPC/Quest text that the Blood Elves were told by Kael'thas that Outland was basically their promised land. They could tap mana straight out of the air since the whole ruined planet is just sitting in the twisting nether, and soon enough they wouldn't need the Sunwell or the Horde at all. The Blood Elves in Hellfire Peninsula specifically refer to themselves as pilgrims for this reason. Then, y'know, shit hits the fan, Liadrin defects, Kael'thas goes nuts, etc.
Yeah, they were clearly trying out a new way of storytelling in TBC, and they kept trying new things up until Cataclysm when they kinda settled on in-game cutscenes and phasing rather than open world scripted dialogue sequences. Honestly prefer the latter, though. Taking control away from the player makes it lose the sense of a big, persistent world and has it feel more like a mediocre single-player game.

You can easily fix this by showing like several quests and NPCs have already proven: the Ally's aren't lawful good and have their own issues, murderers and skeletons in the closet. But Blizzard is lazy.

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successful how? yeh the dk quests were pretty good because you were a scourge dk. its complete shit the moment they arent

Dark iron dwarves,zandalari trolls,and the mag'har are the only good races on there.

So Sylv helps the blood elves but genocide the humans because she's racist? Forsaken are the biggest cucl lmao.

>high elves
>when we have THREE elves, two of which originated from high elves

I agree that the WoW team never really handles writing that kind of story well, but to be fair the Blood Elves did at least get an "ending" to their story in the finale of TBC. The Sunwell gets restored thanks to Velen using M'uru's core on it, and the Blood Elves get to channel magic from a pure, light-fueled source.

The shitty part being that it solved basically all of their problems and made them completely uninteresting from then on.

>no Orc or Tauren babe to settle down with

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>To that regard, they decided, somehow, despite the lore inconsistencies, to make them horde.
Why do you guys keep toting this like the elves weren't completely in the right and had tons of build up to join the horde.

There's even several blood elf quest givers for horde in classic.
Before WC3 high elves were already distancing themselves from the alliance as they didn't do jackshit in dealing with the amani, the deal was basically teaching magic in exchange for helping defeating the amani, by wc3 shit turned even worse as garithos was going hitler mode on their fucking current king.
Picture it, you were already dicked over by humans, so you slowly cut contact and softly leave the alliance.
Then you get shit on BY A HUMAN who destroys your land and fucks up your entire race and lifestyle, and then you're kicked around and shit on AGAIN by fucking humans.

Meanwhile your ranger general is welcoming you with open arms, a gigantic number of the forsaken are elves and it gives you an essential ally against the amani menace while also giving you a much needed foothold on northern eastern kingdoms.

Not to mention night elves like the gigantic cunts they are, the race responsible for 90% of azeroth issues, absolutely hate blood elves and will not sit back and watch them rejoin the alliance, they WILL fuck them up no matter what and this was evidenced everywhere even before TBC.
Either way the way they handled blood elves in general was absolutely atrocious, Kael'thas was such an important key character and they just killed him off to have a recognizable loot pinata just like Illidan.

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Well Sylvanas was a High Elf (during a time when all the Blood Elves were High Elves, too) and a particularly patriotic one. TBC had that locket drop in the Ghostlands that clearly showed she had some feelings for her past life still. Meanwhile all she ever cared about for humanity was her one ranger fuckbuddy, and he's forsaken now so no reason to give a shit about the rest of them.

Honestly, it kind of pissed me off how they did kael'thas. Having him "go crazy" and join the fucks responsible for the scourge was lame was fuck to me. I think they realized how bad they messed up by killing off most interesting characters when added the multiple dimensions/time travel and brought illidan back.

>Ion joked about blue eye contact lens options for Bloodelves
lmao, I can't wait until Shadowlands customization reveals eye colour options for all the old races, including blue for Bloodelves.

>mountain niggers that can have the great backstory of worshipping a mud shark or worshipping some fire like a caveman
>boat niggers that turn hentai into reality but are scared of witches
>Moon Guard Futa Variety
>Taking the gnomish pleasure device joke too far
>high elves but not really
>cows that have 3 fleshed out tribes to larp as
>brown orcs everyone wanted with a bunch of fleshed out clans to choose from and 5 total heritage sets because of WoD
>uglier blood elves with the same story
>furfag bait
>wakanda forever with magic animals

Mogu for the alliance pls

why are ogres in demand anyhow? do wow players desire to play something fat and ugly like their irl selves?

They are literally bringing kael thas back in shadowlands.
They butt fucked their own lore so hard they don't have anything left

As the guy i responded to posted, the entire reason for belves joining the horde is in their 2 zones. But people in this thread dont have that atention span.
The dk reason for joining the factions is more clear and concise because you’re locked into the intro and npcs talk

>Holding Grudges for hundreds of years
Thats the dumbest part of any fantasy game and takes me out of the game immediately


Then they should have made it clear it was an alliance between the forsaken and the blood elves with them technically joining the horde out of convenience.

Blood elves joined the Horde because they were busy being evil Draenei-genociding angel-raping maniacs and they needed allies who had no problem with that sort of thing.

Because the place the lore for this is at is too many words for these frothing elf retards

Your post is too many words for people whose entire argument is
>i want to be white and upper class but on the blue team >:c

They look like real dolls and not in a good way

The villains of TBC got the shortest end of the stick, yeah. Kael'thas' jump off the deep end was retarded and there was such little reason for us to kill Illidan that they went and made an entire expansion explaining how he was actually good the entire time. Vahj was just sorta there.
I did like the Isle of QD daily setup, though. Felt like they were trying to do an AQ-type of event without all the problems it had the first time around. It wasn't perfect but I wish they would've done more of that and kept iterating on it instead of not touching it again until Isle of Thunder. Firelands is shit and doesn't count, what a catastrophe.

no, it's more like the fact that they were almost in and Metzen mentioned them so now everyone wants to bandwagon and try to get them in.
It'll be the same thing as KT and Mechagnomes where new ugly races have a 1% player population.
Rexxar and the Mok'nathal however would be more aesthetic, rich in lore and don't need to deal with being too big or having two heads.

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Sylvanas then
>What joy is there in this curse?
>What are we if not slaves to this torment?

Sylvanas now

>that wall of text
Who cares about wow dumb justification. They admitted the put blood elves into horde because of the chinkz. And yes high elves were arrogant so it makes them joining the horde look even more retarded.

>Then they should have made it clear it was an alliance between the forsaken and the blood elves
Was the letter that you deliver TO THE WARCHIEF, given to you BY SYLVANNAS, which you took by using the DIRECT TELEPORT BETWEEN UNDERCITY AND SILVERMOON, the event which you spend 20 levels building up to, not enough?

Are you guys fucking retarded?

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Do you enjoy being a long lived doormat, user?

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funny thing is those damn ugly Mecha Gnomes barely have mog options because their mechanical limbs can't be mogged or changed by gear.