Being a child is thinking Tom Nook is evil

Being a child is thinking Tom Nook is evil.
Growing up is realizing he's completely reasonable and just misunderstood.

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Why do you suck dicks OP?

OP why do you play games for brainlets?

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Stop sucking dicks

I wish Tom Nook was my dad.

I liked this thread concept. I guess we're both faggots.

sucking dick is great though

Some guy who's based already broke it down in a thread earlier.

Even as a child I never once thought he was evil. That meme was so stupid

I once loaned my neighbor 2000 dollars when his house got broken into to replace his stuff. Had to skimp on Christmas presents to do so. I told him to pay me back when he could. He just bought a new car a few months ago. Now he gets defensive whenever I bring it up and has been super aggressive towards me when he sees me. I don’t even want it all at once, just like 50 bucks once in a while to show that he’s not planning on just never paying me back.

>Growing up
>he plays animal crossing on the bing bing wahoo system

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i just want him to bring me back my cutie-bo-booty

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how close are you to him? if you didn't have 2k to spare without having to skimp on shit coming up, why would you loan that?

Nook is a kike and Animal Crossing is boring. I'm already a debr slave in real life, and real life isn't full of furries.

>real life isn't full of furries.
if only you knew...

You fucked up, hes gonna scum bag his way out of it somehow.

He is not misunderstood. You just don't know shit as a kid. And when you grow up and face the reality, you fucking wish there was a Nook IRL.

he's literally leading a cult by getting the young and impressionable to call him supreme leader and president.

If you grew up, why are you playing video games? And on top of that, one made specifically for small children?

Tom Nook is charging you rent during a pandemic where you can't work.

He's a slumlord.

Tom Nook is against usury.

>watch some random streamer/youtuber play New Horizons
>every single time Tom Nook shows up they regurgitate the same exact "haha whoa hey guys capitalism sucks" jokes again and again
I can't tell you how grating this shit gets
And before you give me shit for watching streamers, it's because I can't fucking leave my house and I muted my own AC game ages ago because of that fucking song, so I need more background noise

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>Nook is a kike
>no interest
>no deadline
>no bullshit about "credit"
>loan for the trip to the island can be paid off with tom nook funbux you get for just helping him clean up the place
>first house loan is so obviously lowballed that you can pay it off in about an hour or two
If you think Tom Nook is a kike, you're a fool.

>I muted my own AC game ages ago because of that fucking song, so I need more background noise
FYI, Once you get Resident Services, it switches to the usual AC hourly music system. I don't know why the fuck it takes that long, though.

>being nice to people
>with money
Congrats, you’re a fucking retard.
Never give people money, help them replace things with other things but never givethem money and expect to be payed back.

I don't know, I haven't played any of the games

he looks like a funny guy though

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i would like to be rich but the core of me rejects it. I find self made men and entrepreneurs very cool and capable people. I want to be among them, but the core of me is very emphatic, and finds capitalism repulsive. I'm a venturecap-aboo

Tom Nook is Christian.

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Nook is honestly based
No interest pay as you like housing loans? That's downright benevolent, who gives a fuck if he pushes upgrades on you when you're done

>be on a video game board
>complain about video games before for kids

Why are you even here?

Slash his tires.

I don't fault you for being nice but you honestly should have expected this

>tfw caroline was one of my randoms along with audie

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As long as you have the money to give there's nothing wrong with giving people money. You can always use it to get something out of them. There has been studies done that show giving people gifts makes people feel a sense of owing you. It also lets the person know that you are better than them. I don't give out large sums of money, but from time to time I might PayPal them some money to get a game on Steam if they can't afford it, or I'll buy pizza and tell them to not worry about paying me back, little things like that. It works to my advantage because I am able to mooch beer from them, or get rides and save on gas money, or constantly bum cigarettes from them (I don't smoke anymore, though, shit is gross.) In the long run I end up saving money from what I get back.

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Defend this, faggots.
>b-b-but he was just joking!!!
Yeah so was the guy who broke my kneecaps

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Wisp the ghost literally threatens you in NH too.

why can't you hold Nook hostage on your island and make him pay you 10000000000 bells?

>tom nook gives you a 0% home loan

he's based in my book.

NoA being NoA. Not part of the JP translation.

I wish they'd be NoA with the new games, it unironically added a ton of charm.

Coon goons should have slipped through the cracks.

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Being a child is playing a game made for children, as in Animal Crossing

>made for children
See This series was Nintendo's answer to Grand Theft Auto

Tricking children into indentured servitude is reasonable and misunderstood, haha yeah based am I right?

Old usury nook, preying on the goyim.

>Interest free loans on property
>Never once worries if you can pay it back
>Always ready to help
>Craftsmanship means no issues
>Always there to listen

You wish this nigga was your mortgage broker/landlord.

The AC Main character is a young adult.
>indentured servitude
How? You're not obligated to pay him off at all.

Tom Nook would force the Villager to continue paying off his debts after he was laid off from coronavirus.

I doubt Timmy and Tommy really want to work for him. Imagine being cooped up in a shop all day, all night. Tom is brainwashing kids and homogenizing the islands.

He's the goddamned hero we never deserved.

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Nook probably only donates to charity for the tax writeoff.

Nobody can beat Nook's non-existent interest rates, he's incredibly generous honestly.

Oh I know, but I started a bit late and I'm still on day 3.

Not to mention being able to pay back your loan with his money. Technically speaking, anyway, from all the items earned by selling it to him. That part never fails to make me chuckle.

I never considered him evil, even as a child. He provided a product and service to me, I should be expected to pay for it. An evil thing to do would be to take that product and service and expect or try to keep it for free.

You're going to take your gay conversion and love it, bigot.

Truth. He's just trying to make people happy but needs returns on his investments.
Capitalism is based. There's nothing wrong with Nook

Only socialist retards disagree with Tom Nook, a 0% loan is unheard of even.

>to show that he’s not planning on just never paying me back.

If Nook didn't exist everyone would starve and there would be no houses to live in, they'd all be cavemen tier. Makes you wonder what the hell everyone else contributes to society.

that's just how he hooks you to millions of bell worth debts later on dipshit

Tom Nook is just a reference to Atlas Shrugged.

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>Technically speaking, anyway, from all the items earned by selling it to him.
only because he has monopoly on all the island economy, so he is a buyer AND lender

>that's just how he hooks you to millions of bell worth debts later on dipshit
except guess what faggot, that debt is entire optional, both to take on and to pay
it's practically not even debt, it's reimbursement, the dude's closer to a fucking contractor than a landowner

t. poor person who doesn't understand how taxes work

>that debt is entire optional
so is buying heroin, what is yoru point?

>and to pay
it just has no time limit, it has to be payed eventually to unlock more upgrades

Jokes about Tom Nook being a loan shark are equivalent to jokes about Mario getting high after eating mushrooms

>this whole post
Stop (shit)posting anytime

>so is buying heroin, what is yoru point?
comparing construction work to heroin is laughable
>it has to be payed eventually to unlock more upgrades
which you don't need, retard
the debt is solely to pay for those upgrades, which you do not need, and have no obligation to actually pay unless you WANT to upgrade, in which case yeah no fucking shit you need to pay the man for his work

>yeah but hitler fucked jew corpses what about that???
why can nobody formulate a proper argument on this board

Timmy and Tommy aren't even his, he adopted these kids and invests in their futures because he cares, just like he cares for you and gives you the opportunity to not only have a good life in your town but to build character as well. Tom Nook is a beautiful man.

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this and key his car