It has...?

It has...?

Attached: Untitled.png (1511x936, 962.26K)

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the game has awful combat

it barely works

...some white admixture in the development team.

cringy humour

Bleak setting that is an allegory for the police taking your last turnip.

Its really depressing and soul crushing while being tougher than shit to play.


Game most likely controls like ass and is clunky as fuck.

It fills a niche for a dead genre.

It features alchoolic beverages
NPC's squat sometimes
Atmosphere of the game consists of looking like a diease infested shithole.

Attached: 1572319202675.png (675x1200, 598.58K)

at least one texture

It's similar to any or all of these;

>pc exclusive, literally and philosophically
>broken and barely works
>part of a classic genre that gets few new entries
>immersive and depressed
>its really good and soulful

Attached: fedora.jpg (691x394, 112.87K)

Buggy as fuck along with being incredibly bleak.

But it's a good kind of depressing though, right?

no blacks

It runs on a PC from 10 years ago despite coming out now.

Space Rangers and King's Bounty aren't remotely depressive.

Attached: Амели.png (1280x1024, 2.67M)

a retarded meme-spitting playerbase

console plebs hate it

I've only played KB: The Legend. Steam tells me I also own Armored Princess and Crossworlds. Are those better / worse? Should I play them? Do they have waifus?

Janky but with soul

Soulful jank

Is "there is no hope" a good kind of depressing?

Its liberating, at least. Is it my fault that there is no hope, or did I just inherit/inhabit this no hope?

Not enough black characters

Armored Princess is pretty good.

no style

full of slavs. tho cdpr cucks finally destroyed it and turned into another amerimutt pandering devs

It works on Vista.
And nothing else.


>a lot of them

When you turn the graphics from low to medium the framerate increases

Attached: 1489182692747.gif (500x286, 888.95K)

cant stop getting americanised

Lies. Not a single Russian has ever used Vista.

I used it. And played Cossacks 2 on it. And it worked.

So... Americans are heroes and saviours in Slav games? Last time I checked
Kosovo didn't make any games.

It's full of bugs
Janky as hell to play
Overly complicated
Bizarrely hideous with a huge focus on textures
Incomprehensible plot and weirdly off putting acting
One of the most addictively fun and enjoyable games you'll ever play
I dont get it.


It can use your credit card even though you never shared any payment information with it.

-plays like shit
-out of the world waiting time
-nothing is handheld, everything has to be found out by yourself
-and then you find out that thing is bugged and doesnt even work you thought you understood it
-easily glitched
-no anti-cheat what so ever
-devs have no goal what way to develope

oh wait thats Tarkov

Name 1 (one) game.

cringy non russians pretending to be russians yelling CHEEKI BREEKI xD fuck

based on 10 year old tech

It's still works on xp

Real life

Attached: 20190825114702_1.jpg (1920x1080, 592.95K)

Every aesthetic choice, sound/musical piece and written sentence in the game has been chosen/made with the idea of "everything is shit but we must go on" behind it.

but thats the truth of life isnt it?

>bloated assets with 20K textures
>therefore runs like shit on current gen
>good story
>controls janky as fuck
>no niggers and sjw bullshit
>rarely do sequels

crashes on first run

Makes SJWs and Weebs absolutely seethe by not coddling them.

>made by slavs
Oh shit.

Attached: visual communist novels.webm (640x360, 2.67M)

Vodka in the inventory

Explains too fucking much.

it looks like it was made 10 years ago and performs even worse

it has soul and is dripping with atmosphere

>Makes SJWs and Weebs absolutely seethe

I knew my nigga Пepýн is the one true god.

that’s what I loved a out downpour, it was a nice twist on the silent hill formula from a Slavic perspective... sadly the plot and story was written by retarded mutts