Dragon's Dogma

post your arisens

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Why is Dragon's Dogma so criminally unheard of? The only people I've seen or heard talking about the game was Angry Joe and people on Yas Forums. I can see how it might not explode in the West, but do the Japanese hate it or something?

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Im gonna start a new run and im gonna make a fat, pudgy kid as the arisen, with his grandma as his pawn and nobody can stop me.

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Can you make a cunny slave pawn?

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I thought it was kinda popular in japan though? It was at least popular enough to get an MMORPG spinoff although it recently closed

Does anyone have the old pastebins for building pawns, specifically their inclinations and AI?

who's that ass?

Why is white hair cool?

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My pawn

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2 please Itsuno...


I have this on xbox and never played it. It on sale on switch right now, should I buy it on there so I can also not play it while I'm at work?

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I miss my pawn like you wouldn't believe lads. Wish I can go on an adventure with her forever.

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Finally, a fucking good game on this board.

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My uncle bought me this game for PS4 on a trip he did to NY back in 2018, haven't had the time to play it with new releases and backlog.
Want to play it after I finish my replay of Bioshock and Nioh's DLC so like in three days, what am I in for bros?

I made a Larry David one but it was years ago

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wake me up when the sequel is announced

A fun, but also flawed experience. Following things will make sense when you start playing:
You can kick the ox to make him go faster.
The game starts pretty slow, but picks up when you reach the city.
Don't obsess over stats, change classes.
Avoid guardian and nexus.
Don't go down the guild before you haven't finished the witchwood quest.
'Tis weak to fire.
Main missions can cancel out sidequests.
Just take noticeboard quests and forgot about them, you can ignore escort quests.

The story is really great, but most of it happens at the end. Combat never gets boring, travels feel like actual travels, pawns are charming, kinda dumb but can turn into being able to solo the game. The add-on is a big dungeon with increased difficulty and horror-like atmosphere.

Lewdthrendel, best Ethrendel.

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>Just take noticeboard quests and forgot about them, you can ignore escort quests
>ignores all the lore


It's got a painfully slow start where the game feels like total ass until 4 or 5 hours in, when you're knee-deep into unlocking your vocation's skills.

pawn inclination is one of the most important mechanics in the game and it isn't explained at all. a few of them are useless and an inclination that could be good for one class won't always be good for another. you should read a guide, it's simple enough to understand and it will make your experience a lot better.

Post guides faggot.

this guide pretty much covers everything but some thing it doesn't mention is that guardian and nexus make your pawn focus more on where it's at than what it's attacking, making these two tied for last place with medicant not far behind. also scather and utilitarian are the best inclinations but never put scather on a staff wielder unless you think seeing a mage scale a griffin is funny.

Nice shegoat

sorc bros where are you

actually these are all dogshit
but they are OK as secondary inclinations.

My Pawn.

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is that armor ingame or is that a mod

In game bro

>you could make alts and hire your own pawns on ps3

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excellent, thanks user

It's called a delta guard. You get it by purifying lvl2 armour in bbi.
Her chest is the silver chest guard or something. It places a shoulder guard over certain cloaks.
Legs are dragon beards.

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Thanks for the tips. I was honestly hoping for the old /ddg/ guides which got really autistic about which order to give elixers and everyhitng.

wolves hunt in packs.. apparently

You can do the same thing on the PC can't you?

>Start new game plus
>Get bored midway through
>restart in hard mode
>get bored again
Man I wish I get some motivation to play again, I didn't do post game Everfall and BBI that much. Should I just ignore sidequests and go right to post game?

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If you're feeling the drag - yeah just rush it to BBI or Everfall. Eventually, if you get back into it, you'll want to give yourself a nice timeline to play those dungeons in. Or at least that's how it is for me. I like to have everyone with an idol and to have all the discout items for myself. As well as multiple wyrm rings ect. ect.

The realms in a right state, eh?

Yeah I figured so. I'll do the sidequests that I missed the first time, then I'll go straight to endgame. Thanks user.

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nice to meet

Is it a faux pas to post Pawn ID codes?

post thick arisen

Remember that making a sexy pawn and not dressing her in that stupid dress increases the chances that someone will pick her up.

Who cares? People used to do it all the time on /vg/ but that's /vg/. What's the worst thing that would happen?

I've got that one too.

Now we're cooking. I'm getting back into this game over the recession so the more info the better - at least until Itsuno announces the sequel.

By the Maker...

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I was just wondering since people keep talking about renting out or hiring Pawns, yet offer up little to no information for people to do so. I figure posting codes would just simplify the process.

I might have to fix her inclinations but she's been doing pretty well as a Sorcerer so far.

How is the Switch version bros

I wanted to try and make what I thought a crusading archer or ranger might look like

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Wish there were one or two more bosses as difficult as Daimon’s phase 2
Once you can beat that the rest of the game feels absurdly easy and I feel forced to retire my character

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Did the game perform poorly? I feel like this should of gotten a sequel by now.

Thanks for the replies, Anons, we shall see how I like this game.

i heard the fps drops when shit gets real and enemies fade in and out with distance. that's just during handheld mode though supposedly it's great docked.

It met Capcom's own criteria for sequels, in that it sold more than 2mil copies or something like that.

it performed well enough to get ported a thousand times

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