It was like 5 bucks. What am I in for?

I hard it was hard

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You hard right

been playing for about 3 hours and these flying noodle nose niggers are pissing me off. I imagine it gets worse

quit fucking with em then

Im minding my own damn business they wont leave me the fuck alone

Embrace being low om the food chain, run and hide till you get a hold of the movement

Am I supposed to know where to go? Its one of those just walk around till you find something games right?

Just expect a bit of trial and error at the beginning. Patience is the key to survival, since usually you can't kill or backflip over every enemy unless you really get it down.

Other than that, just wander around until you figure out you're going places. Discover the rest for yourself and you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Try to follow the little yellow helper

Jesus the way shit moves in this game freaks me out. Makes me feel itchy

Get that checked, could be corona

No its just the weird fluidity everything has. Like those fly trap pole things and twitchy things on the ground with the blue tips

>Am I supposed to know where to go?
No, go wherever you want.

Just skip most of the game via Wall

honestly if you don't know what you're in for you're likely going to hate it. i recommend watching matthewmatosis video on it

literally who lmao

I got throught it without any guides just fine, you just need to experiment with stuff. I think the only bullshit moment was the bunny deers because interacting with them really isn't very intuitive.

Also just got it.
I've just been going out, grabbing food, and going back.
I also ate a flower, and have tried to kill those worm alligators by throwing my spear into their backs, but it doesn't do anything.
Am I doing it wrong?

No, nothing wrong here, play as you want. Spears hurt them, but green gators are buffed compared to other breeds.

They need at least two spear stabs to die.
Try to explore and try to go the way the little yellow thingy wants you to go if possible

>They need at least two spear stabs to die.
That's other lizards, greens are bulky and need more poking.

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it's not a guide at all, and he recommends going in blind, it just attunes you to the correct mindset

WEll now I know how to progress at least I've been walking around the outskirts for 6 hours not knowing what the fuck to do

Good luck surviving and be prepared to find it unfair and hard sometimes. The game creates the harsh nature atmosphere really well, but that doesn't mean the gameplay that comes with is always fun.

>worm alligators
disrespectful to our lizard friends

when the fuck are they going to add the switch content to PC?

There's switch content?

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kill yourself brain damaged retard

Not much, unique ending slides for Monk and Hunter.


how can you even reach the end on the switch version? not even the ps4 version can handle 5 pebbles and i heard the switch version has constant input lag which makes wall jumping impossible

good thread lads

kill yourself

If you go anywhere dark or wet, turn back

I am unwilling to discuss this game with such fools, here i depart.

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This, honestly. The only real advice you SHOULD get is that the area you should be progressing to out of the starting area is called "industrial complex", and if you end up anywhere else you've gone the wrong way. From Industrial Complex onwards there is no wrong way.
That said, people have told some awesome stories about how they got through Drainage System as a total newfag in an epic quest of endlessly repeating cycles.

That happened to me. I ended up going through Shaded Citadel, Memory Vaults, up The Wall to the back entrance to 5P using a grapple worm

Autism is the most powerful force known to man. Unironically kinda jelly that my route was the single most optimal route you can take. I didn't even go through Unfortunate Development.

I beat it. I didn't understand the ending.

Bebbles is 25 fps-ish but nothing gamebreaking, and I managed to get here on Switch, so walljumps are doable.
> spoiler
How is that hard to avoid UD? Area looks like "hell no, I'd better explore somewhere else."

What's your lore knowledge level?

>How is that hard to avoid UD? Area looks like "hell no, I'd better explore somewhere else."
I don't fuckin' know, I took one look at the name and thought "nah I'll check out the other route". But everyone else went through it.

I don't know.

I finished it once in easy Monk mode and read ALL about the lore on the wiki, and was staggered at just how much shit there was behind the scenes. I liked it very much, but even though I appreciate what the devs were going for I only have so much patience to just go around and collect pearls for tiny bits of lore. I think I will do the Hunter some day

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I have never even gone through UD or visited Moon. I took a very strange path it seems.

Okay. You, basically, escaped cycles of (guilt) mortal struggle by swimming in sea of Void Fluid, fluid that dissolves everything, even concept of self and such. That fluid was discovered by "people" who lived here and was used to safe suicide.

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it's a metaphor for enlightenment, freedom from the cycle of death and rebirth, i'm sure you'd crave a little void juice too if you spent your days being ground up by pole mimics and vultures

>or visited Moon
o shit nigger what are you doing
get your arse to the thiccest big sister you've ever had
In Buddhism, there's an endless cycle of cause and effect which (You) and everything else are caught up in. Everything (You) do has an effect, and everything (You) do was caused. You can't escape it. You're bound to it eternally. Not even death can stop it. Death is just a transformation; the chain of cause and effect keeps going on.
UNLESS you cease participating in the endless cycle. If you stop causing, you'll no longer be affected. If you stop being affected, you'll stop causing. In order to do this you've gotta realise certain things are illusory (e.g. "you" don't exist in the way you commonly think you do, family and other social inventions don't exist the way you think it does, good and evil actions are both equally mistaken). You've also gotta put this shit into practice, i.e. become a monk.
This is what causes you to respawn all the time. As says, it's what makes you suffer the eternal dance of eating and getting eaten no matter what you do. The ancients knew about this shit too. At first they became monks to escape the cycle, but this is haaaaaaaaaard. Then they discovered Void Fluid (tm), which instantaneously yeets you out of the cycle and into oblivion [except not really], and they all went nuts over it in an orgy of self-genocide. Before they oblivion'd themselves, though, they built massive supercomputers with the goal of figuring out how to oblivionate all the plants and animals.
The supercomputers are all a bit batshit, because they haven't figured out how to oblivionate the plants and animals and they're so fucking tired of living. Also, the Void Fluid doesn't actually work unless you're already a detached Buddhist monk, it just scalpels away all the worldly parts of (You) and leaves them behind.

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But what about his family he was separated from?


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Family is an illusion we mistakenly hold onto which keeps us attached to the eternal chain of cause and effect. Family is just a name we give to a fairly arbitrary group of people (and "person" is just a name we give to a group of thoughts, memories, feelings, and actions). Leaving family behind is one of the hardest parts about becoming enlightened.
Jainism is kinda like Buddhism but with added autism. People will literally starve themselves to death in order to escape the cycle. They reason that by doing literally nothing at all they can escape the chain of cause and effect and die the final death. They've got a list of dangerous thoughts you have to beware of while killing yourself, and it's pretty heartbreaking. There's shit like "avoid missing your family", "avoid wishing for a better future for your family", "avoid hoping your family can one day join you".
Daoism, yet again, has somewhat similar metaphysics (a bit), but they take the ultrachad route of taking one look at the cycle and saying "yeah, so?" and then throwing a spear at a lizard because it's fun.

You gotta let go user, even slugcat himself did

Actually, now that I think about it, interpreting the story from a Daoist POV sure does change a lot. One of the biggest deals in Daoism is that animals are already in some way enlightened. They experience the universe correctly, without any illusions. They act spontaneously, without any thought given to the arbitrary dividings-up of the universe humans come up with. It was when humans achieved the intelligence to create these arbitrary philosophies that they needed to become enlightened again.
That means Five Pebbles actively fucks you up by making you intelligent. You were doing just fine until he gave you the intelligence to form illusions and thirst for enlightenment. This also means that the entire purpose of the Iterators is self-defeating. Animals and plants don't need to be enlightened; they are enlightened. They don't seek to become nothing because they don't need to become nothing.

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>watching someone else and therefore ruining the experience this game offers

It's not a walkthrough, though, and it's spoiler-free.

>Literally the whole game being about figuring all the shit out yourself
>LMAO just watch an explanation of all mechanics

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it's a spoiler free video that only shows outskirts

but that's not what he does? he says that mechanics exist but he also says that discovering them for yourself is half the fun, hence why he won't talk about them. why are you retards so fucking retarded?

Stop trying to eat their children

Mechanically, Rain World is very interesting because it uses procedural animation for everything based on physics interactions and model joints.