Pocket dimension theory discussion
Half life alyx
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You're a fucking idiot.
On more than one occasion, one of them being the end of HLA itself, we see G-Man literally making the world change around us down to the smallest fucking detail.
He can absolutely do that.
Where the FUCK is the map editor Valve?
It's a good and reasonable theory, elevating the story to kino we never thought possible with nu-valve
based user.
I remember hearing a line from russel like "put on the headset alyx" near the ending sequence, anyone remember this?
Just gonna post two more screencaps from the last thread.
everyone says "that's wrong pocketbros" but noone gives their own theory. is this a case of there being no theory to give (like being agnostic as opposed to being a theist or saying you know god doesn't exist).
this, not only that but in what fucking world does an interdimensional time stopping being get "captured" by the a shitty alien race and they DON'T throw everything they have at it to try and protect it.
At BEST they throw like 10 combine at you near the end, meanwhile the citadel they are throwing fucking striders, combine elite, and soldiers at you at every corner to stop you.
Shit doesn't add up, even if you think "M-M-MUH VR CAN'T HANDLE MORE THEN 10 COMBINE"
>smooth turning is fixed
Now to wait for Valve to patch in a jump button, a sprint button, and even slightest bit of melee damage. Not much but just enough to allow you to bash in a headcrab with a cinderblock.
Pocket dimension...when he can just fuck around in the true timeline, do we forget who this being is??
Hope they bring Leidlaw to the next one, we know that there's a huge possibility of a Blue Shift 2.
I had a theory, that they actually had traveled through time, but that user's theory makes more sense.
It's OK to be wrong user.
>gordon wanking
Please elaborate.
Shitty alien race that can't learn how to teleport.
He DID fuck around in the true timeline, by removing Alyx and saving Eli
where did the second advisor go bros? Thats the biggest mystery
A message to all the VRlets who will attempt to derail this thread: Seethe.
A basic melee damage would solve the soft locking this game is plagued with.
Based, this theory would be kino
yeah that's what i heard, walked forward expecting to find it, i thought after the fact i might have just missed the headset floating past in the vortex or something, indicating that we'd lost it from that point onwards. might be worth a replay of the scene
sounds neat, but it's not what Valve was going for (probably)
>virtual virtual reality
Holy based
You "play" as Gordon on the post-credit scene.
Sure he could have stopped the time there on the actual world and then done his fuckery, but we wouldn't have a game then.
>Rewinding time 5 seconds is the same as creating a new world, down to details.
dude pocketbros just keep goin
I always see the hl universe as very meta, our roles as the player controlling alyx and Gordon is what makes them special to the gman. I think this has to be taken into account when thinking about the universe as a whole.
Couple of quotes from the lone vortigon in hl 2 when gordan approaches him that make me think along these lines
"Far distant eyes look out through yours"
"Your bright face obscures your darker mask."
"We are a tapestry woven of vortessence. It is the same for you if only you would see it."
"How many are there in you? Whose hopes and dreams do you encompass? "
"Could you but see the eyes inside your own, the minds in your mind, you would see how much we share."
Lots of great quotes, half life is great scifi
Near the end, after you hear the mossman wannabe talk, they mention Gordon Freeman, and unironically won't stop wanking him off literally calling him "THE SAVIOR OF HUMANITY" despite not saving jack shit.
Every other line from then on mentions how Gordon is a fucking GOD at every step, it gets really annoying but kinda makes a little bit of sense if you think this is a pocket dimension, where Alyx views Gordon as a god (because she's literally seen him in action)
Dog probably fucked it up outside?
>still no argument
>Jail came crashing down killing many is not as guarded as it could be,
>Jail is powered by Vort energy which has proven to counter/stop Gman from EP1 opening.
epic bro
No, dog comes in AFTER eli is succed, theres 2 advisors.
When Alyx kills the advisor about to succ eli theres only 1
and I fucking DOUBT after 5 years, they'd forget a detail like that.
>regurgitating that one fan theory youtube video line for line
>Argument ignored 4 times now
Even when it didn't come down, the thing that literally is keeping it up is guarded by no more then about 10 combine and 5 manhacks.
I wish I was kidding, something is super fishy about power levels here with the combine AND I AIN'T BUYIN ITS CAUSE VR MAKES IT HARDER
Maybe Alyx merking the advisor with her lightning was symbolic of the changes actually made to reality.
Maybe when dog fucked off behind the hangar he caught the advisors early?
>when you leave the sewers and the real game actually starts
>that entire fucking JEFF chapter
I apologize VRchads. I just finished the game and it was amazing.
I share a vortesense with that guy then because I don't know what your talking about lol
I'm watching it through streams since a decent VR headset costs about the same as a car where I live, but my lord, this game is fucking great.
It's good to know Valve can still be Valve when they feel like it.
Jeff was the best part of the game. I remember screaming at the headcrab that was knocking stuff over. and I trapped Jeff in before noticing the electricity was out. I followed the wire and saw I had to let him back out and really enjoyed that
Goddamn that's so much better than the other shit floating around
we still have another announcement later in 2020
So, if the next HL title is a possible Blue Shift, how it would be?
Also a prequel?
Barney basically joining the Civil Protection and basically doing the Combine's job as beating people up and doing "cleanups" in buildings.
Would be nice to have a very "morally grey" HL title.
Jeff wasn't even that bad, he was more annoying then scary.
HOWEVER, I will say that he was very enjoyable.
The antlions however can go FUCK themselves, whoever thought it was an okay idea to trade their jumping, for weak points on the arms and ass needs to be trampled.
L4DVR baby. I'm picking Francis
You ignored the entire post.
That has to be the case, on some level. G-Man being willingly imprisoned by the Combine, in the middle of City 17, makes no fucking sense otherwise.
I'm waiting, where it is?
regular antlions were okay, and i appreciated the small amount of them, but man, the fight with the spitting ones AND the combine shooting from above, only place where i actually died due to feeling overwhelmed. still fun, and i suppose it made me appreciate the balancing around the rest of the game, but fuck
What I'm excited for is Valve making a VR game that DOESN'T completely cater to casuals now that they've made Alyx.
So people are coming around and lapping up nuValve's dogshit, huh? not surprised in the least.
"It was all a simulation"
I know you trolling fucks arnt fine with this
There's one thing that can fuck up the Pocket theory.
And i'll give it to you pocketbros to discuss as it's the one lose end here:
Why did G-Man go easier on Alyx then he did on Gordon? Gordon had to go through literal hell and fight hundreds of aliens and humans to fucking scale his way through xen to kill the Nihilanth with no way back.
Meanwhile Alyx only gets like 5 enemies thrown at her at a time and is a suitable hire, and I doubt Gman is that desperate to find a hire that he'd hire Alyx after giving her the easiest trial ever made.
>no new IPs
>I apologize VRchads
Why are you apologizing? This is literally the only full, complete VR game so far. Everything before it is either a 2 hour long tech demo, a piece of shit or both.
Because Alyx is easier to manipulate and is grounded to the world because of her father.
Gordon is a hyperautist.
>people aren't allowed to post in the same thread and discuss shit
Who said willingly? Maybe the combine were tipped off by some OTHER force and so they gathered there elite worms and enslaved vorts to trap him
Because she had already proven her worthy by running around with Gordon.
Since Gordon unexpectedly managed to escape his hands, he needed a new substitute and the only option he had at the time was Alyx.
Plus using Alyx will make Eli to use the Aperture technology instead of destroying it, which is something that the Combine and Gman's employers seems to have huge interest on it.
That was my first post in the thread, why are you lying?
Gordon proved himself in Black Mesa, that wasn't G-Man testing him.
>Plus using Alyx will make Eli to use the Aperture technology instead of destroying it,
here's something that'll make pocketbros shake in their boots: if g-man can fit a dimension that big in his pocket just imagine how many dicks your mom can fit in her coochie
I know how many 1 and it's mine ;)