Well Yas Forums?

Well Yas Forums?

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Manly protagonist

It's good

Ugly women not for comedic purporse

All the black women are staggeringly ugly.

trannies and gays

virtue signalling

Inclusive for all
Good balance of gameplay and story
Mediocre music
Strong lore

It's fun

Gameplay is built around the story.

devs put pronouns in twitter profile

Either poor or non-existent/'ambient' soundtrack

Poor or non-existent bosses

Generic Tolkien fantasy or sci-fi aesthetic

>Man-hating feminist propaganda
>Ugly female protagonists who look like men
>Outdated punk hairstyles from thirty-forty years ago

>Open World
>Hunt Animal for upgrades
>Radio tower/normal tower/whatever that unlocks new parts of the map
>White man with rugged beard and no patience
>The devs won't let you forget

Majority of characters' race looks nothing like any existing human races but it's brown and formless.

all third person aaa shooters are an RE4 clone

It's shit

tranny voice acting

Racism against white people

So eastern games?

Why are Americans so obsessed with race?

It's not as polished as or has had more effort put into it than its Japanese counterpart.
I love JRPGs too, but you gotta step it up dude come on.

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>Unattractive characters
>Bland designs
>Crude humor involving bullying or body related things (fart jokes etc)
>Takes itself too seriously
>Dialogue is boring and unimaginative(Everyone remember the entire script of MGR but not one western game)
> Uses gore or some other edgy theme like rape to make the game seem mature
>Tries to be edgy to be appealing, fails, does not know how to make based edge only cringe edge
>Shoves politics in your face does not even try to hide it or expand on the theme just gives to your face.

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Picking a male or female playermodel isn't "choose your gender" but called style, bodytype or some other bullshit

Day one DLC.

all POC characters are fugly as hell

Just like real life.


are based.

Americans are psychopaths for the most part.

>military background

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I'm not playing videogames just to mimic real life.

gay as fuck.

its dogshit

>set in 1892
>tumbleweeds everywhere
>shootouts in the street at high noon
>cowboys riding horses everywhere
>protagonist dies from TB at the end

dumb thread

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This is the strong female lead.

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Because the country was built around oppression of non-whites?

Actually, come to think of it, you're right. These leftist game devs have a weird habit of showing ugly as fuck poc characters.

when reddit praises it its a masterpiece

>Unattractive characters
Stopped reading right there. It's obvious you only see beauty in anime crap and that's it

Actually sells.

>this thread

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ugly trannies and gays

these fellers get it

So eastern games too?

>>Unattractive characters

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Spotted the cultural marxist retard

Male protagonist acts like a man.

trannies desperately defend it

The writing reads like it wasn't written by an autist.

Everyone talks like they came straight out of a Marvel movie.
Usually involves generic sitcom-tier "comedy."
Typical scenarios include
>Some setpiece happens, followed by "That...wasn't supposed to happen [pause for audience laughter]."
>Horribly mocapped and choreographed fight scene that's supposed to be badass but almost always comes off as laughable thanks to the shitty animations
>Some hamfisted analogy for racism written by a 23 year old white woman who got a job because daddy threatened someone
>Fanfiction-tier romance subplots that are very obviously written by white women

Whitey a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong!

Wow, sounds like these non-whites have it bad. They should probably leave to a country that treats them better.
I mean, it's not like they need white peoples resources or anything like that. Not like they're races of beggars or anything.

This one covers all of it

>The writing reads like it wasn't written by an autist.
Shit, you need to point me to some of these western games, because all the ones I seem to play nowadays feel like they're written by the same autistic white woman.
Outside of maybe indies (and only the ones with little to no focus on story).

Natives were doing just fine

India, South America was just doing just fine.

Whites took it to a whole nother level, but the world did not need them.

it's shit

no characters can make a joke about trannies and gays.

Bullshit western games in the past were full of sexy female characters, at least as much as graphical limitations allowed.

Today having attractive female characters in games is actually an anomaly. A sacrifice on the altar of "realism"

Sup Rashaad

>Natives were doing just fine
>India, South America was just doing just fine.
Imagine being this delusional.

all male characters are soibois who are "inoffensive" to anyone

Characters don't all share the exact same face

>Top Tier Gameplay, Sound Design and Music
>Completely unknown by ironic weebs revealing themselves as blatant normalfags obsessing over AAA shit on par with "games journalists"
>Loads of references to other games and pop culture
>Guns and Projectile Weapons out the ass
>Politics are hamfisted or Non Existent
>Developers are cool and hounded by outragemobs or they make complete jackasses of themselves on Twitter
>Causes controversy over extremely minor shit
>Fapbait or completely sexless

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>UE engine full of bloom and green everywhere
>explosions or places will crumble like in Indiana Jones movies
>independent woman
>[heavy metal music intensifies]

Your point?

>Colonialism is bad only when whitey does it
Literally every race on Earth has participated in some form of colonialism. Cry me a river, Marxist faggot.
Also, 'Native' Americans aren't native, they came from Asia. And they never had a nation, just a collection of near-constantly warring tribes.

All the women look like men.

Actual real women look better then vidya goblins.

full of censorship to pander to chinks

But he's 100% right.
Shit sucks if you're into, say, black women, because 90% of black women in western games look like complete abominations.

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Jew propaganda

It was made in the west.

>whites didn't enslave blacks and genocide native Americans

Ok retard

It's a plot by jewish women and their beta orbiters to subvert black people.


game journos love it