Now that the dust has settled, rank the Doom framchise
Peaked at Doom 64. The worst game is Doom 3
All are winners in my book.
1 > 2 > 64 > 3 > Eternal > ZOOM
1 > 2 > 2016 > 64 > Eternal > 3
2 > 1 > 2016 > 64 > Eternal > 3
DOOM 3 is superior to both 2016 and Eternal and I mean that earnestly. They both are extremely fun and stimulating games, but they are not DOOM games.
yeah I don't buy new games. in 2 weeks when the hype dies down nobody will care about nudoom 2. I'll pick it up for 30 bucks one of these months. I've still got a massive backlog to get to.
>buying new games because muh friends and muh socializing and muh new game threads
pathetic goyim
but Doom 3 is?
1 > 2 > 64 > eternal > 2016 > 3
>DOOM 3 is superior to both 2016 and Eternal and I mean that earnestly. They both are extremely fun and stimulating games, but they are not DOOM games.
Best to worst:
Brutal Doom
Doom 1
Doom 2
All WADs, like TNT, Community Chest
And then I don't remember all the other ones. They don't matter when you have Brutal Doom
You forgot TNT and Plutonia.
Yes. DOOM 3 is what DOOM 1 wanted to be but could not due to obvious technological limitations.
>Doom 64
>no Doom 4-63
You mean
>Now that the Dusk has settled
Best to worst:
Brutal Doom
Centrist cuck.
Brutal Doom: Hell on Earth campaign > Doom 1 > Doom 2 > Doom 64 >>>>> Doom 3 >>>> NuDoom > NuDoom 2
Doom 3 is a boring slog. It was impressive enough to finish in 2004, but that's it.
2 > 1 > 64 > eternal (not a doom game) > 2016 > 3
From those I've played:
Doesn't matter if you think it's a "boring slog". It's design choices and atmosphere adhere more clearly to DOOM 1's original design philosophy. Flashlight is the only thing that detracts from it, that was fucking dumb.
I've only finished Doom 1, Doom 2, and DOOM 2016, and am currently playing Doom 3 and Eternal.
If I were to rank so far it would be
Doom 1>DOOM 2016=Eternal>Doom 3>Doom 2
Doom 3 isn't that bad really, just too slow, and I really hated Doom 2. It felt like a bad expansion to the original game with some of the most annoying maps, especially near the end.
Doom>2>Eternal>Doom 3>2016>Doom 64
Not to say I don't appreciate Doom 64 for what it is, but I don't think the levels are all that interesting. Truly the one of the few franchises with no bad entries.
You really hated 2 that much that you like a game thats practically nothing like it more than the one that you like the most that is super simmilar to it?
the ps1 version of doom is the best version of the game
1>64>Eternal>2>2016>3>3 Resurrection of evil
Eternal > 2016 > 64 > DOOM > 3 > 2
I just didn't like the levels and calling it a new game is a stretch anyways. It's Doom 1 with 1 new weapon, some new enemies and worse levels.
Ultimate, 2, final, 64 >> 3 >>>>> 2016
Haven't played eternal (currently downloading) but I hated everything about 2016
why that one specifically?
seems like an odd choice
>Brutal Doom
Absolute retards.
From what Ive played:
2016 > Doom 3 > 64
64 was trash. Its level design was god fucking awful
You won't like Eternal. It does everything 2016 did and expands upon it. I really enjoyed 2016 yet never mustered to finish it but I'm enamored with Eternal. I can only play it short bursts though because it exhausts me which might be some of the highest praise I can give a video game.
Plutonia > 2 > 1 > 64 > Eternal > 2016 > 3 > TNT
2016 > Eternal = 64 > 2 > 1 > 3
I'll give it a fair shake
>And then I don't remember all the other ones. They don't matter when you have Brutal Doom
Doom 64 > Doom 3 > 1 > 2 > Eternal > 2016
I like horror
they are already in order there, from best to worst
1 and 2 for their music and general vibe
3 for its spooks
64 for the upgraded graphics
2016 for its comeback and angry doomguy
Eternal for his gameplay
Eternal = 1 = 2 > 2016 > 64 > 3
Eternal > 2016 > 1 > 2 > 3
Never played 64.
I never was a big fan of the original DOOM. For me, it was Duke 3D but I won't put it above Eternal. Maybe above 2016, though.
is the MOON wad any good or is it just something you play for a quick laugh?
Is this the poser general?
1> 64 > Plutonia > 2 > 3 > 2016 > TNT
However I think Doom 1 should be ranked by episodes since they're so different. In that case:
E1 > E3 > 64 > E2 > Plutonia > 2 > E4 > 3 > 2016 > TNT
Also with a huge power gap at the end for BFG edition of 3. They ruined it
>now that the dust has settled
There are 7 Doom threads in Yas Forums not including yours
>Also with a huge power gap at the end for BFG edition of 3. They ruined it
anyone else notice you can now buy normal doom 3 on steam again? i swear it wasnt there since BFG
Doom > Doom 2016 > Doom Eternal > Doom II > Final Doom > Doom 3 > Doom 64
i haven't played 64 yet. Best doom is still modded wads in a nice source port.
Eternal>2016>>>>>>>>>Household Chores>>The Old Shit
Plutonia > Doom 2 > Eternal > Doom 1 > Doom 2016 > Doom 3 > any brutal crap
not based
Is it fair to say that 64 is a hidden gem of a game until now?
I'm really REALLY enjoying it.
doom wads>doom eternal>doom 2016>doom 2>plutonia>doom 1>doom 3>shit>TnT
I've enjoyed all of them.
How can anyone think 2 is better than 64?
Doom 2 has the worst level design in the series. All the custin wads for 2 like Final and Master Levels are designed more like 1
Go home, Tom Hall
wow, such an edgy boi!!
So... what are good full-scale wads?
Something that doesn't just feel like a level pack, but a new game. At least SOME progression, new bosses, situations, etc.
There's nothing wrong with brutal doom, purists are the only retards when it comes to replying about that mod. This is a ranking of the actual games though, not mods.