wtf how?
this fucking skinny fat insecure midget
wtf how?
this fucking skinny fat insecure midget
Other urls found in this thread:
they literally have an open relationship and she's a decade younger than him (less based than u think)
isn't he literally being cucked? It is fair to assume he is also being used as a paypig. You too can hire an escort, user.
Tremendous moxie for his size
Oh fuck this shit, you can literally watch the video where destiny steals her from some other cuck. Its on youtube and its fucking cringe
Why are you posting dunstiny on v? Fuck off
he's a gamer
>steals her
user, you could literally be fucking her right now if you had game.
>Yas Forums - Video Games
plebbit get out reeeeee
God that CRP debate was mind numbing.
>wh*te people
LOL y'all remember when he defended using nigger in private with trihex. god fucking damn he is like robot with no soul
she got the dead coalburner eyes, how to spot them? even tho her eyes are blue they look brown or very dark in almost every photo they take, coalburners literally have no soul and so their eyes are not bright and only reflect their dark putrid soul
sour grapes. He's probably a dick like most streamers but you're only jealous he's got a hot teen gf. That's pretty pathetic.
the anime girls you fap to have no soul.
>wears his own merch
It's the jaaaacket!
seething coalburner, look at the photo of the OP, look at this photo, then you will find photos of her with a lot of lightning thrown into her eyes that show the real color of them which are really blue, but they always look dark, I hate seen this stuff with every single coalburner
You’re a cuck too for making this thread
retarded schizo.
He is a literal cuck that neglects his child to pretend to fuck young women while his girlfriend fucks other men.
>that "I'll fuck him when you leave" look
sugar daddy website
>if you had game
Lmao she fucks literally anyone, no need for game.
why does he reach for his gun as soon as he sees a black man in front of the door?
Cause the black dude literally walked with his gun already out?
Wow, it's almost like women like power and money or something.
post your eyes coalburner, I am sure they are soulless
hating a guy for not being super tall is kind of retarded.
t. manlet
You're joking right?
Have you seen their crime rate?
Something you niggers lack.
You wouldn't want to hit that she's a disease ridden junkie who leeches off people for their money and fucks about literally anyone.
because he's prejudiced
making fun of an uppity mouthy midget is understandable
That isn't why people hate this retard.
she looks disgusting naked
why do destiny fans false flag to make it seem like anyone gives a shit about this spazz
Is this one of those threads now? Nice.
what was he grabbing for?
because the store had been robbed twice already and that guy's walking in with a gun
i wonder what's about to happen
Imagine being such a faggot that you care about edrama shit like this.
He died, too.
Seems like you're the insecure one
I'm not a woman. We both know you're still sour grapes.
>Elecman Stage
this guy is actually insane
I googled Melina Goeransson nudes and found this
Absolutely badass
how have you made it this far?
omg this is so brave and beautiful can't wait to spawn one of those in 9 months
umm Have sex
men are such catty bitches.
viral marketing
>he got to acknowledge it before he died
man, that moment must have sucked.
He sure is a fan of his job
>glowing hot
is this some kind of hot extrusion?
boom'd and tomb'd
he may have died but at least he got to spin around one last time
very satisfying.
Nigga had his own death animation.
Good one retard
To bad nymn is an actual faggot who doesn't like woman
Kinda fucks shit up for your meme theory
>that action roll
these are good but don't post video of kids getting hurt I don't like that.
Which game
I only have killing floor 1 on steam right now
Wait so does this guy just go around harassing people at conventions?
Seriously. Fuck the guy who posted the car one.
why do underages think its cool to post vids of people dying?
>Unloads the whole mag in him
Very based but he probably got some dumb charge for that.
Based schizo
this kinda shit actually terrifies me
like I'm too much of a pussy bitch to defend myself
If someone broke into my house with the intention of killing me and stealing my shit, i would be so fucked
topical, destiny thinks is should be legal to perform sex acts on underages
because it is cool bitch ass nigga
why does he lower his gun before he gets shot?
>abandoning your son for a 5/10 swedish thot
shameful, desu
>sees black man
>hand already on holster
based as fuck
>e-drama and gore vids
yep, underaged alrigt
no. google philadelphia metropcs shooting
you always shoot to kill
Anybody got the one with the suicide bomber in the train station who blows up the kid?
Wait, what?
he didn't see "black man" he saw "black man with hoodie fully drawn over face entering store"
everyone knows not to do that, especially black people.
he has a kid with an ex wife. he left the kid to go to LA and bang mfc whores. (she is one)
what people
it is cool #based
xD hows high school going?
that's pure metal (most likely aluminum), I think it cut his head off at the end.
Damn he died like he was in Link to the Past.
saints row was a fun game
you forgot your pic sir
So the kid is being raised by a single mother? Shieeet so much for white men.