Got that 505 weapon yet?

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No, why the fuck would I raid I have big fish to catch.

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Video games need more fit girls as motivation for people to be healthier

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Body too muscular and tits too saggy

>Coming to Xbox either this year or next year
>Love Death Knights in WoW
What's the closest class to a DK in this game?

could it be... Dark knight?


imagine if she pinned you down and made you sniff her sweaty crotch after a workout that would be pretty gross haha

Stylistically, I fucking guess, but DRK plays nothing like DK.
Yeah, it would be. Would be much nicer if a Miqo'te did it.

Is it gonna be cross platform?

Big gay

>tfw no FemHighlander to ride as she keeps lifting so she cums buckets in your futa pucci

Reee, etc...

microsoft has a tendency to screech when they're not treated favorably and deny crossplat, IE ff11, PSU, but no word on it yet so we don't know.

It'd be retarded if they didn't have it considering PC and PS4 already cross over. Imagine playing an MMO with like 100 people

*blocks your raid*

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post elezen or fuck off

nah, post miqo'te

haven't even started. there's no job I like enough for the amount of attempts needed to PF savage.

build Ishgard user

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I haven't even played the new patch yet, i only keep logging in to keep my house.

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Does FF14 have censorship like FF7R does because they're both made by SE?

They did it with DCUO when it got launched on ps4/xbone. They refused crossplatform play so ps4 and pc played together, but xbone was all alone. I'm not saying sony isn't to blame for their fair share of shit, being the more popular console this gen has made them cocky but fortnite sort of ruined anyone's chance at being smarmy about it. nearly every game that bothers has released crossplat. call of duty, fortnite, rocket league, dcuo (now), dauntless, all crossplat. It's a deliberate choice on the part of the dev to not have crossplat. Or ms paying them.

Nope. Did big dick crafting and got the Saint title. On vacation at the moment. Burnout is real.

They've recently implemented reverse-censorship.

cool i have to deal with you retards in my ffxiv threads too
fuck off
If I rebuild Ishgard will all the elezen women besides Alisae stay there so I never have to see them again?

I tried to squat 195 lbs the other day, I did 3 sets of 5 but my back hurt and I went down to 175 lbs today. I wanna be at 315 lbs by the end of the year.

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As long as you're trying, user.

You're gonna make it, user.

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How does reverse censorship work?

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Thank you very much based Yas Forumsbros

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>Be me
>Eat a lot
>Have a lil' big tummy
>Skinny as all hell everywhere else
I don't know how my body works either, but I need to exercise.

We recently got a NieR Automata based storyline, with Yoko Taro on the team for it.
So we instantly got a full 2B outfit. The leg gear of this outfit actually gives the quite flat butts in FFXIV some definite size
However, this was causing some clipping issues with some gears, so they actually reduced it. People didn't like this, so they went ahead and set it back to being bigger.

they make it lewder for western audiences?

>no pubes

forgot to mention I personally completely disagree with calling it "reverse censorship" they were doing it because they didn't like the clipping, and fans were fine with it for some big butts, so they just changed it back for them.

I have never seen an opinion as viciously the opposite of correct as I have this one right here.

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We recently got a 2B clothes set as part of a Nier Automata crossover, and the highcut+thigh highs leg gear actually increased ass size (where XIV models all have flat asses). The increased ass size ended up causing some clipping with other gear so they reduced it, but then people complained and now we have nice asses again (albeit only with that piece of gear).

Im leveling AST atm and I haven't reached max level yet and it already makes the other 2 healers feel braindead by comparison.

The elezen men can come to my place any time they like. Especially Estinien.
Just keep the ugly women locked up.

I hate to break it to you user, but you're a faggot who likes trannies

We need BIGGER asses

No john, you are the faggot

>like girls with proper vaginas and all that
>tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny tranny
Would you like to share with the class, user?

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The only faggot here is you

Here's hoping we get a Commander clothes set within the next 2 raids.

How did the Ethics Department allow this? Or is FF14 managed by a different dev studio altogether with SE being the publisher?

SCH got hit the hardest with the overall healing changes. AST tho had it nasty as well since their card system is just too convoluted now. I really miss royal road and how each card had its own effect.

the "ethics department" is almost certainly just a pre-test for what will and will not allow certain ratings by CERO, every company has one or makes use of one over there if they're shooting for a certain rating and for FF7R was because tifa's big fat titties would be flopping around everywhere and she'd give off constant panty-shots if she retained her old costume in full

It is cross plat. Phil and Msoft have been pushing for cross plat a lot since xbone s and x were released.

That’s a pretty good start bro. You’ll hit 315 quick.

If CERO is responsible, why isn't Cindy in FF15 covered up or the girls in Tekken 7 and Soul Calibur 6 when they're also rated T.

I've been going since January 1 with I think only one week off but thank you, I think I can too

Fit women never have natural tits that big, unfortunately.

>liking girls
lmao tranny

you’re probably skinny fat. lift heavy, eat less shit more lean protein, and stop drinking sugar.


because tifa's usual design is jiggle-bait and they can either have tifa's old costume or they can have physics-objects like moving hair and rustling clothing, not both
"T" is an ESRB rating, not a CERO rating

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They have been, but we don't know if it is yet, because other games haven't been strictly on MS word. PSO2 won't be crossplat (when it comes out on ps4 in the west, which we know it will, next year), they denied the move to make BDO crossplay, they denied enmasse wanting to make TERA console crossplay, rocket league, and more.

Where do I find a gf like this?

because those games only have fighting and lewd outfits
they do not have fighting, lewd outfits, and other various mature themes.

I wouldn't call that fit

highlander chads report

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Make sure the bar isn't pulling the top of your body forward. Keep a tight core. If you need to, buy a belt. Protect your back.

Just lost my sprout, considering joining that one super edgy FC on Primal cause of how edgy the clothes Tataru gave me are

BDO is cross plat now

So you're saying FF7R is using a different rating system then FF15, Tekken 7, and Soul Calibur 6? Why the fuck would they change?

CERO and ESRB are different entities

slap my ass, didn't know it happened, only a couple weeks ago though so it makes sense. Still, they were pushing really hard for it not to be originally, going so far as to buy timed exclusivity.

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That doesn't answer the question, why would they swap to CERO when ESRB was less restrictive?

CERO is the japanese equivalent to ESRB, dolt

What the fuck are you smoking lmao