>69% on metacritic
Why did most game journos think this was a mediocre game? It's one of the best games I've ever played in my life, seriously. What a fuckign wild ride.
>69% on metacritic
Why did most game journos think this was a mediocre game? It's one of the best games I've ever played in my life, seriously. What a fuckign wild ride.
seriously? the gollum looking dude that would repair your car was lame. I also lost interest like half way through.
I'm glad you liked it user kun
pretty fun game
only real turn offs are that gasoline is plentiful to the point that the upgrade tree for it is completely useless.
also wish that weaker enemies would still spawn after completing zones so that I could squash them with all my upgrades.
>I also lost interest like half way through.
You were probably being obsessive about checking every scavenger point or camp along the way, the game is waaay more fun if you just put the pedal to the metal through the main quests and sidequests and ignore everything else. It's not a game for those who are OCD about their vidya.
I did, even though it stresses me the fuck out. The combat, the car chases, everyone being ugly as fuck both inside and out, it's a very visceral game. It's an amazing achievement in vidya.
its definitely underrated, they nailed the whole Mad Max thing, the storm chases are crazy
It's a bit uneven. Avalanche really worked their chops with the car combat but the on-foot segments feel awkward, even after you get used to the controls.
one of my favorite games as well, underrated gem
It was good but I got bored halfway through.
I think it just hit at a pretty bad time, the market was really saturated with Bam Ham clones, so the decidedly mediocre combat stood out even more. Considering how well polished every single other part of the game was, it does seem like it got an overly harsh reception, but its definitely got a niche following to this day.
>Arkham combat
>Driving through an open-world of just fucking SAND
Honestly, I love Just Cause 2+3, love all 4 Mad Max Movies. I trusted Avalanche and wanted to love the Mad Max game, but it couldn't hold my interest.
Maybe some kind of desert Vigilante 8 would have been more fun than ANOTHER open world
Because they got filtered
>It's one of the best games I've ever played in my life
Play more games.
The game doesn't have an original bone in its body.
And to add injury to insult, every so often the game just ignores you pressing the counter button
It came out the same day as MGSV
I've played plenty of games. This one is still a stand-out.
It has a better combat than the Arkham games
Pressing a button and hitting the air > Pressing a button and instantly sliding at super speed to the enemy to punch them
One of the few modern open world games I enjoyed.
It was pretty damn fun. I still reinstall it on steam every now and then.
I love the setting being a Mad Max fan, the gameplay was alright, car chases are great and the map is absolutely fantastic but upgrading my car was a mistake, it became too Easy near the end. Never finished it though, but now I have time to kill so I might go back to the wasteland
Oh and all the fort bosses being recolor of the same dude disappointed me
I'm playing Far Cry 5 right now and I think a similar gameplay would have benefited the game and made it even better and more immersive
>This is the same company who made RAGE 2
What went wrong
I loved this game, i wish there was more content though.
Clearly not enough. Don't worry, eventually you'll remember your post and feel embarrassed.
I only did all the camps just so I could make muh veeate the biggest, meanest, supercharger whiniest machine ever. Also, playing this game on a good stereo that can really do the explosions and veeate roar justice or else it becomes a touch underwhelming. Also the difficulty really makes you think fast and to only use your shotgun as a last ditch against a crowd, especially in the airport section during the Buzzard ambush or the fight against Stank Gum and the lack of a difficulty setting only makes it more fun.
About the shotgun, I've gotten some reeeeaaally lucky shots where I took 5 or more out with a single shot and a stray projectile would hit a barrel and cause an explosion, taking out even more.
I did this partially and when I finally got back to the main quest I was like 15 levels above the recommended and it was just braindead at this point. Part of why I dropped the game.
was rage 2 really bad? looks like your generic open world n shootan
The airport part with the vultures was great but i sadly dont remember much else. Average, I don't regret it though!
This is my biggest issue with open worlds. I feel like I want to do these side activities at least once, then it turns into me doing only those for like 4 hours and I never want to load the game up again afterward. Especially if I do a side activity in a specific area and then the games main plot sends me there later to do something similar to what I already did on my own.
Because it is mediocre. There are all of 7 things to do and you do them over and over for way too long. It looks good, nothing is broken, it just really didn't try very hard at all. I'm not even knocking the game. It's just very bland to always repeat generic objectives.
i played AC origins to 100% completion, and then moved onto odyssey and realized i had made a horrible mistake
I don't remember why, but I hated this game when it came out. I pirated it so my opinion is objective and unbiased. I remember thinking the game is dogshit and it had dogshit mechanics.
The best thing about Rage 2 is the combat. It's basically Post Apocalyptic Doom... and that's the issue. Basically the game is utterly boring when you're not in combat and you do spend a large amount of time driving.
I could forgive this if it wasn't for the fact the game has EIGHT missions in total and the only way to unlock them is by doing secondary activities which feel like a chore. Y'know, the usual meaningless activities such as destroying bases/towers. Ever played the Just Cause series or even Mad Max? Remember the side activities of those games? Same deal except this time you're forced to do them.
And even with this forced way to make the game longer you can still beat it in under 8 hours with an underwhelming final boss and rushed story.
RAGE2 is so mediocre it makes Far Cry look good.
Yas Forums hates it because of the neon hair color and that LGBT pin that one time
muh Ess-Jay-DoubleU's
% on metacritic
do you have any suggestions, o master of good vidya taste?
I liked it, but it's pretty generic. An open-world game with Arkham combat isn't going to bring the accolades unless it's published by Sony
I always thought it was because the journos that had to review it had to play it instead of MGSV since they came out on the same day iirc. It's a solid 7.
>And to add injury to insult, every so often the game just ignores you pressing the counter button
That was you failing to counter in time, dude.
Because it was mediocre.
Open world chore list, repetitive missions, lack of vehicle variation, stupid plot with a laughably bad ending.
The skyboxes were nice. That's it.
>journalists unfairly rated it 6.9/10
>game deserves a 7/10
>Mad Max game
>No motorbikes
What were they thinking?
play borderlands 1-3 and then come back to me
They put one in.
Welded to the top of a truck.
>I liked it, but it's pretty generic
I keep hearing this criticism of Mad Max, but I really don't see it. As far as I know there aren't many games about going on a crazy road trip through the desert with a physically handicapped blackfinger. Even putting the setting/plot of the game aside, gameplay wise I don't think I've ever played any other game that prominently features a harpoon as your most useful weapon! So how is this game "generic"?
Rage 2's combat is actually fantastic on the highest difficulty, hard and fast-paced
it's just that everything besides the combat is pretty fucking awful
It is a game designed on the Ubisoft open world design, so it is just meh. Not terrible, but there is nothing that makes it stand out.
ive been playing this, im working on pink eye strong hold, game is fun, does get a little boring, but most things dont take that long to finish anyway
>gameplay wise I don't think I've ever played any other game that prominently features a harpoon as your most useful weapon!
unique doesnt translate to good. the harpoon made car battles boring because they all played out the same way and they way was tediously ripping off parts and flinging them around. im glad they stuck with the idea of ammo being actually scarce, but having to tango with every mook that drives by made me wish i could shoot them and be done with it
This was my problem, I burned myself out playing because I was trying to do everything in the first area.
bought it for a song - played it a little bit - hated the car combat (i like more realism in auto combat - not ramming the opponent over and over) - got disenchanted and uninstalled - picked it up again a year later and played it to completion - it was fun once i accepted the car combat for what it was
also the user above that suggested flying through the story is correct - it gets very samey late game if you try to 100% it
do you think Borderlands is better than the Mad Max video game? Because if you do then I don't care about your opinion.
Avalanche was in charge of the open world aspect and it's the weakest part of the game. You drive through a largely empty world with sparse random encounters that amount to mostly groups of 3 humanoid enemies and rarely anything else like an ogre. Car combat was weaker than Mad Max and convoys were generic 3 different types repeating with little value to them.
Not sure what happened to them, but since Mad Max they've released Just Cause 4, Generation Zero, pretty sure a third game I'm forgetting and worked on the open world portion of Rage 2. The common trend being all these games have been fairly shitty on their part.
Having jumped straight from Arkham Knight, I initially thought the same way. It turns out Mad Max simply requires more commitment to every attack. You can't just get out of any and every frame with the counter button like the Batman games. I'd say that makes the combat far less braindead.
if you don't think borderlands is better you have a pretty small mind.
Alright fine, I do care about your opinion. My first question is how could you possibly like Borderlands?
i like it for the polished and satisfying gunplay in varied and interesting enviroments
the shitty voice acting, and constant failed jokes don't bother you at all?
The biggest shame is that for it's flaws, I feel like a sequel could really fix things up. Give us a few different environments, some different missions, go a little crazier. The game is surprisingly restrained feeling considering what it's working with. Less "fuck up a cars wheels/drive to a hovel with a narrow entrance, get out and start boxing" and more actual driving combat.
Actually I'd probably like it a lot more if it was 100% focused on vehicle combat but that sort of game doesn't really exist anymore unfortunately.
There's quite a few games on metacritic that have aggregated overall mediocre scores. Its the main reason I started getting games that look interesting and appealing to me instead of relying and listening on reviewers who usually don't give a game a proper shake or are thorough enough.
i mute the dialog though the jokes that are actual gameplay objectives bother me slightly but not enough to detract from my enjoyment of the game
Best 7/10 ever
*quite a few decent games
I liked the game and I played it after watching the three movies but after a certain point it got really stale. Was bored of collecting pointless things and the story missions got too repetitive for me.
>generic arkham combat
>generic vehicle combat
>generic open world with towers
having 1 "unique" weapon doesn't make it not generic.
You are too easily impressed/amused.
>polished and satisfying gunplay
the game with ridiculous bullet sponges?
What the fuck m8
and you are too cynical, my friend.
Everything is just tedious busywork like manually picking up pieces of scrap after battles, having cinematics for filling up your health and water, defusing mines (whoever was resposible for THOSE garbage sidemissions can eat a dick) prying open boxes and then STILL having to pick up the content manually, etc.
It says something about game design when stronghold upgrades aren't things like fortified walls or weapons against enemy attacks but instead shit that reduces all the busywork that shouldn't be in the game in the first place.
And then there are the ridiculous bits like convoys supposedly running between Gastown and the enemy bases but just driving around in circles in the game itself, the random Thunderdome out of nowhere or how in the end nothing mattered and you're back to square one in your interceptor in "pristine" condition despite throwing multiple explosive spears at it.
Mad Max was great. Driving through the ocean floor and the desert felt awesome. It's a shame that not many people played it/liked it. A couple Dlc would have been nice
>bamham combat
>open world collectathon where every new area makes you reset all the shit you collected in the previous area again
>the more of the game you do the more empty the world becomes
>shitty story
that's why