Why is there a new fucking version out every 10 minutes?

Why is there a new fucking version out every 10 minutes?

Attached: Screenshot_51.jpg (332x198, 19.05K)

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It probably uses whatever the latest github version is. Meaning every single time someones make a commit to github it's considered a new version. Someone could change a single line of code and it would be considered an update.

They're slowly adding more crypto miners

They would never do that not when my wife looks THIS GOOD

Attached: Screenshot_52.jpg (1919x1079, 319.25K)

is there a way to play games on this without it taking 30 seconds for textures to load in for new areas?

Ah thats gay so these updates dont even boost my performance by a frame?

Wat I dont have that issue post your specs.

Attached: worksfine.png (2618x662, 547.01K)

So someone could completely botch the code to an unworkable state, push it through and it would make everyone update to the broken version? What a genius idea, I don't see how this could possibly go wrong

Yeah, use a SSD.

Thats not the problem im using an HDD and its running just fine either his GPU is shit or his settings are fucked

What games are worth emulating? I have a working PS3 slim so the emulated game has to match my PS3 or look better.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (759x691, 170.09K)

DeS is 4k 60fps atm you CAN do 120fps but not recommended the game breaks at that point.
uh Dragons Crown. right now the emulator is only really playble with a few games.

The twist is that the old man was completely fine and healthy until that visit.

It needs to be approved and compiled first I thinj

These people are seriously self-centered and they fail to realize it.

Does this play AC4 well?

Attached: Armored_Core_4.jpg (283x352, 21.95K)

sorry not yet tho

Go to near the end they do fix the colour issue but yea it has crashes

as expected. I'll keep waiting and play AC2 again.

If someone could post a setup tailored for a Ryzen 7 2700x and 1660ti it'd be appreciate, I can't get this shit smooth

still 60fps user its getting close
I cant post an exact setup but if you need help with DeS running post your settings I can help

wtf how do you get automatic updates?

i have it on an ssd and i like to think my specs aren't the issue

only thing i've tried to play on it is persona 5 btw

Attached: 140ddab3e8857a18589b315f551e668b.png (537x396, 23.92K)

You gotta DL a thing and itl start auto updating after that

Attached: Screenshot_54.jpg (168x126, 7.34K)

That's what code review and regression tests are for. If you have botched code in an unworkable state ever going to master, your development process needs an overhaul.

You did make that dex build, right Yas Forums?
>tfw chose the wrong min max class because I forgot the final boss could de-level you

Attached: dex.png (2560x1440, 3.46M)

First run through went magic build this time im doing melee regen build

Attached: Screenshot_55.jpg (1810x1015, 338.23K)

desu my dinosaur probably couldn't handle it. Even 3.5gen AC games struggle on my PC. Nice of you to offer help getting DeS running though.

I hope this is this a shoop.

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Gamedevs don't do code review or regression tests. They do "army of unpaid volunteers". Also think twice before using any of those experimental versions some devs let you use on Steam as they're often direct feeds from version control.

Ah shame I hope you upgrade soon or the emulator gets a alot better DeS is really fun and its the first souls game iv gotten into I really like it.


Attached: Screenshot_56.jpg (1919x1079, 163.81K)

They're mentally ill, but we've banned any attempt to treat them as mentally ill so they get very sick and eventually kill themselves.

Your CPU is frying

If only they did so sooner without all the damage they leave in their wake

Dude put some fucking thermal paste on your CPU holy fuck.

>That CPU

Attached: anakin1.jpg (1024x622, 249.66K)

>105 degrees celsius


Can a kind soul spoonfeed me info on PS3 emulation? Are the games available in any public tracker?

rpcs3 fixes the 3 major problems with xillia 2

bad framerate is now good framerate
load times from a ssd instead of bluray disc
brightness/contrast settings without messing with your tv settings

Speccy for whatever reason can't display correct temps for some Ryzen chips, mine also displays over 100 but the real temp is 50


google games or dump them yourself

Install these mods bro.
>download the mods
>go to "Your Demon's Souls folder" > PS3_GAME > USRDIR
>back up the folders that are going to be overwritten
>add the folders from the zip files and overwrite
>go to "Your RPCS3 installation folder"\dev_hdd1 and delete the cache folder
Personally I had a black screen issue so I had to disable "Enable SPU loop detection" in the CPU tab of RPCS3's settings. If you have any issues just restore the files you backed up earlier.

How long has this been a bug? Will the speecy devs fix their shit?

I only heard about it when I built my Ryzen rig, so afaik it's been around for close to a year

speccy hasn't been updated in over 2 years user, better off using hwinfo64

Eh they dont bother me at all already beat the game with em anyway

Stock cooler + crypto miner?

just turn auto update off

yea but what if I miss an important update? i rarely check the site

dispatching the fire department. i hope they make it in time.

Did they ever fix all the issues with Dragon's Crown? I remember reading about 60 fps being unstable with sound issues.

update when a game doesn't work you retard


No. That only once every 100 versions.

update once every 6 months

dragon's crown has been playable for over a year with no issues. the only thing you can't do is play online.

No. See those little "passing" badges? They mean the code is passing every test written for it. These tests are run every single time a modification is made to the code. If you see these badges, then the code runs as intended.

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Where get games? Preferably pkg installs. Ps3iso is dead and psndl is barren

Can this one play MGO2 yet?

I know your going to hate me but unironically reddit r/roms the sticky post there has a link to pretty much every game you could ever want and they are good clean rips.