What was Jack's character designer thinking about as they were drawing her?

What was Jack's character designer thinking about as they were drawing her?

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Trash. I love cunny but i fucking despise fate.


>How can be make pedochads coom instantly?

Based chadanon!

you JUST know

Literally just hips loli, that's what the official Artist said.

I dunno but my dick enjoys it

He was thinking about how much money he was gonna make.

She is for headpats.

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"I hope people make a lot of porn of this character for me."

I will now buy your game

Why don't artists share porn of their characters on the internet?

Contractual restrictions

Doesn't stop a few based artists

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convince me to read that

This guy is going to get arrested by the censorship police some day.

I would, but I'd get banned.

Only when he finds the perfect chair for his drawing needs.

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I love a lot of the ideas behind some of the servant concepts in FGO but I absolutely despise most of their execution. Stuff like Jack the Ripper and Attila the Hun probably take the cake for "Cool idea ruined by shitty art direction".

Like imagine if Jack the Ripper's design actually leaned into her backstory as a twisted amalgam of the aborted children of 19th century London prostitutes. Keep the scars, the arm wraps, and the knives, but give her a tattered, period accurate dress. Maybe have it hang off her shoulder as a crude imitation of a normal prostitute. Something that wouldn't be both extremely memorable and extremely obvious to a 19th century policeman on patrol in the seedy areas of town. Something that could actually exist in an urban fantasy setting where magic and vampires sit just beneath the surface of a normal world. You know, like Fate.

Altera was never a good idea.

Attila is cute

this, promising concept but horrible execution

Konoe's more of a trapfag than anything else.

fuck off Albert

fate is for porn, you just don't get it

you have to be able to fap to the character designs or they've failed

Every female character is eventually shown nude. The story is pretty shit though.

neat setup

He was thinking...
Yeah I'm an ass man (Yeah!)

I love to love 'em
I love to kick 'em
I love to shove 'em
I love to stick 'em
Love to flaunt 'em
I love to watch 'em
I love to pick 'em
And I'm gonna kick 'em

'Cause I'm an Ass Man
Yeah, I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)
I'm an Ass Man

So many asses, so little time
Only a tight one, can stop me on the dime
I'm a lover, of every kind
The best surprises always sneak up from behind

I'm an Ass man
Yeah; I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)
I'm an Ass Man

Buns of glory,
Buns of steel
Your lies won't give away the truth of how I feel

You walk behind me,
I feel the heat.
That's why the girls don't walk behind me down the street

I'm an Ass man
Yeah; I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)
I love to love 'em
I love to kick 'em
I love to shove 'em
I love to stick 'em
Love to flaunt 'em
I love to watch 'em
I love to pick 'em
And I'm gonna kick 'em

I'm an Ass man
Yeah; I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)

this guy knows what's up and has his priorities straight

Yeah meanwhile they haven't been actual porn since Stay/Night and they sure as fuck haven't produced anything nearly as erotic as Rider or Rin. What people don't understand is that what makes characters from the original Fate VN sexy is that they're believable in addition to being fully fleshed out characters. They're not some Raita abomination stuffed into a skin-tight jumpsuit fawning over protag-kun for no reason, they're real characters with a believable design that fits into the setting. I can't even think of a character from FGO that comes close to the level of lewdness contained solely within Rin's zettai ryouiki.

Haha my peepee feel funny

I like Jack's design, but the mommy shit is such an immediate turn-off for me. Same with some other FGO characters, like Raikou.

Here's a video of it being built.

>the mommy shit is such an immediate turn-off for me. Same with some other FGO characters, like Raikou.
Gayest post in this thread.

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>They're not some Raita abomination stuffed into a skin-tight jumpsuit fawning over protag-kun for no reason
Ah yes, King Arthur falling in love with a Japanese schoolboy wasn't contrived at all.

the whole mommy thing reminds me about inferno calling megatron his "queen".

Attached: inferno.jpg (900x1200, 305.05K)

Jack-ing off haha

i empathized with the transexual king arthur falling head over heels for me.

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I'd have sex with at least one of them
The one in the center with the blue dress
Pink haired one at the end maybe
Maybe even purple hair next to the blue dress wearing one I like
And yeah I get it, Saber, transexuals, etc.

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"i am going to sell a lot of gacha tickets with this mediocre design".

Jack was created before gacha came out

Everyone but the Ereshkigal and Scathach is awful.

These guys

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i dont like the left half but desu id hit any of them from behind based on

is that the chick from tsugumomo? because that series was awful but she was great.

girl on far right is the best
i love women with dead, sad, dark eyes so much bros
the hopeless depressed look in their eyes, i love it, is there any name for this fetish?
dead eyes

user please, seeing them from the back shows how disgusting the Shuten's body is, no fucking hips at all and twig legs.

is it that bad

it's just a really really medoicre shonen from that era where they were far too common.

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Girl on the right looks like my roommate

Is Gudao a shota in this pic?

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i am more envious than you could ever imagine

If ya really think about it, are lolis pretty much midgets or dwarves?

Lolis with big butts are my fetish

Only if you're stupid.

Money, whales, earnings

>Loli is an adult
>Still small
What do you call this then if you don't use the term loli?

She cosplays, plays FF14, and told me she'd model the clothes in her closet for me. She moved out last year though

Shortstack, stupid

You should consider looking up what actual midgets look like because you don't seem to understand what proportions are.

looks like it to me

why does /ss/ work so damn well with FGO?

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Fiction. Stop living in real life so much user, it's not healthy.

oppai loli a SHIT.


Stop using words when you don't know what they mean

He's not the one who said midget, though?

He thought all that? He really thought I'M AN ASS MAN!
Yeah I'm an ass man (Yeah!)

I love to love 'em
I love to kick 'em
I love to shove 'em
I love to stick 'em
Love to flaunt 'em
I love to watch 'em
I love to pick 'em
And I'm gonna kick 'em

'Cause I'm an Ass Man
Yeah, I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)
I'm an Ass Man

So many asses, so little time
Only a tight one, can stop me on the dime
I'm a lover, of every kind
The best surprises always sneak up from behind

I'm an Ass man
Yeah; I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)
I'm an Ass Man

Buns of glory,
Buns of steel
Your lies won't give away the truth of how I feel

You walk behind me,
I feel the heat.
That's why the girls don't walk behind me down the street

I'm an Ass man
Yeah; I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)
I love to love 'em
I love to kick 'em
I love to shove 'em
I love to stick 'em
Love to flaunt 'em
I love to watch 'em
I love to pick 'em
And I'm gonna kick 'em

I'm an Ass man
Yeah; I'm an Ass man
Yes I'm an Ass man (OH!)?

These are all someones daughters.

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*hits pipe*

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You saw that when everybody loves old man hassan

Saber has a completely different story from the legend of king arthur, the only similarity is they both hold excalibur.