Phil Spencer is based

Phil Spencer is based.

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Why do you need people to worship?

It's just a box printed in china?

For killing Xbox, he truly is. Thank you Based Phil. Please piss in my mouth.

>the dude that doubled down on non-optional kinect is based
this gets a yikes from me

I gave Xbox a chance this generation because of him but I'm going with PlayStation for the next. Even with what he did it's still an average console. They seem to be going in a direction I don't like. I, and everyone else, use consoles for the experience they provide. Xbox seems to want to be this Windows 10 Lite machine. That's fine and an INCREDIBLE value if you want a powerful PC but at that point I may as well get a PC. That's not going to be popular in a year or two after launch when it will just be a gimped PC.

PlayStation on the other hand is a console. That's exactly what it's for. Sony isn't trying to give you an alternative to PC. No one is stupid enough to think paying the price of one video card for an entire console is going to provide them with a more powerful device. Obviously not why they get it in the first place.

PS5 SSD is superior. Sony literally won.

Based where?

>same Xbox shill image
You pajeets need to work on your shilling you’re very bad at this

Naw, wrong on both counts. Deal with it.

How is it wrong

What movie is that from?

Commando (1985)

>game loads 2 seconds slower
>2 seconds after that xbox and playstation have produced an equal number of frames


how much are they paying you dirty indians?

Don't forget
>Took over MS studios in 2008 and ground them into a husk
I love Phil Spencer!


You Xbox shills are delusional. Take your medication. If a 1.72 difference in floppies made you peasants spam the board then a 3.10 (RAW) and 4.20 (Compressed) difference in drive speed should too. Even more since the difference in drive performance is a significantly larger margin than a difference in floppies. That you'll notice. A 1.72 difference is insignificant. The Xbox One X has 1.80 more terrashits than the PlayStation 4 Pro today. Does anyone notice or care? No because your shit console always loses.

But I wouldn't expect an Xbox user to have enough intelligence to know how to research. Enjoy your 1.72 more supershits and no games.

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I don't understand why this bored praises this fucker.

Because he's spent the last 6 years undoing the shitty mistakes the previous guy did to the brand.

Polishing a turd still makes it a turd, user.

He's single-handedly saving the video game industry

He doesnt seem as legit as the CEO of my company. Mine is awkward as fuck and super religious. Phil reminds me of my oldest brother, slick appearance but probably railing coke and banging 16 year olds who got into the bar with a fake ID.

he's a cool guy. i like his approach. makes fanboys so mad.

He hasn't done anything.

One of those replies is shitting on him, this leads me to wonder who the real dirty Indian is.
Does it feel bad to shit on your own kind online? Or do you not care because you do it in the streets?

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Because Xbox cucks are cultists kissing the ass of a fraudster.

Damn now i like him even more

Extreme cope

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>Shredded by NX Gamer
Fucking ouch, Xbros...

He's an alright guy

nx gamer also said the xbox is massively more powerful so what's your point?

He makes Sonyggas seethe.

So just like the Xbonex was? Cope. :)

The Delusional Xbot

The delusional Xbot thinks he's relevant
So let's make fun of him for the hell of it
The Xbot tries so hard to matter
But he gives Sony the win on a silver platter

Classic Halo was fun while it lasted
Mention Halo 5, and watch him get assblasted
Xbot thinks sales are important to mention
When really all that matters is player retention

Microsoft started pay to play online
Xbot doesn't care, because 'free' games are fine
He truly believes Gamepass is pro consumer
As he pretends not to care that Halo 6 can't come sooner

Xbot claims the One X is superior
When compared to PC, it's actually inferior
"Power sells consoles, not exclusives!"
100 million PS4s sold, the xbot is delusive

A bad COD clone, a racing game, the new Gears' horde is trash
"S-Snoy, PCfag, only kids play Smash!"
Graphics, Skype, a good controller; there's some things better than the Pro
But how can the Xbot argue when he has no games to show?

The Xbox used to be cool, and Microsoft was legitimate
But that was before the kinect, and some of 343 left months leading up to Infinite
The console may have failed, but the xbot continues his vendetta
In fact if Halo never existed, Xbox would've went the way of Sega

i still don't see your point? don't think english is your first language


Bro you just posted cringe

Cuckera is still defending PS variable clock rate of 3.5Ghz lmao

Ignorance and projection. Never change, Xbros.


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Keep seething :)

It will go in like this till the benchmarks shut them all up. Just enjoy the cope till that happens its literally free entertainment.

And then those "demonstrable differences" don't show up again. Poor Xbros. 2017 redux.

As I said, free entertainment lmao. Sonybros are the gift that keeps on giving. Always mad, never satisfied. The cope over the switch and now the xbox is hilarious.

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>smiley face
go back to resetera you snoy tranny

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That tranny forum would have banned him long ago for that rebuttal if he wasn't part of digital foundry.

What about games though?

No matter what brainwashing marketing bullshit tactics Microshit comes up with, games are what matter. Think back on your favorite consoles, literally who thinks, "Man I loved the PS3 because of how powerful it was compared to the other two!" We think about the games and the games were what hyped everyone up for these consoles. All Micro$oft has shown is the SIXTH installment in a shooter no one has cared about in a decade and some cringe ooga-booga shit. Neither of which are exclusive and in fact will be playable on the Xboner from 2013. LMFAO!

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>SeXbox has more power than a 2080 Super
This thing is going to be like $700

meant for this tranny

>some cringe ooga-booga shit
ok I laughed

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>Xbox cuck is so mad he clicked the wrong post number
Fucking kek

Literally doesn't matter with the SSD being so powerful

Remember the national suicide prevention lifeline later this year

Shaderholders and upper mismanagement killed xbox

He's literally making Sony fanboys seeth so hard right now.

...yeah too busy having SeX to read that shit.

You've been getting daily reminders since 2010 :)

>PS4 Pro has 4.2 TF
>Xbox one X has 6 TF
>That's a 1.8 difference

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Kek based

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