Doom Eternal is a good game
but it's going to do to the FPS genre what Halo did to it nearly 20 years ago
Doom Eternal is a good game
But it's already ruined. How is it going to do that?
More like undo, it's bringing back the gameplay that was common before halo got huge
But everything Halo did was shit, and it only passed on most of its stupid ideas because of retarded console kids with no standards.
If future games take almost anything from Eternal as a new standard, it would be an improvement.
Dude it's going to be forgotten in a month.
The game isn't fun.
Create legions of FPS games that try to capture what it did right, misunderstand it, and keep failing to the point where eventually its own sequels succumb to the effect?
No, fuck Halo.
Call of Duty 2 was more revolutionary than Halo because it added the iron sight and invented the whole slow tacticool but still arcadey shooter genre.
can you explain how halo was so terrible for fpss? i dont play a lot of fps.
>Doom Eternal is a good game
Halo introduced regenerating health to train players into a rote feedback loop slowing down gameplay which was copied endlessly by other games.
Doom Eternal takes this Pavlovian training that 2016 tried to implement with glory kills, vis-à-vis health, further by making the chainsaw/flamebelch infinitely recharging to manage ammunition and armor the same way, forcing you into a rock-paper-scissors of mandatory resource management and weapon usage that - quite literally - slows down the game with the weapon wheel.
It's fun, but this is only superficially intelligent; it forces the player into a scripted pattern of behavior that he must adhere to or else he is punished like a naughty puppy. Doom Eternal, like chess, is a solved game, and that's by design.
Like what CoD did? Like what Overwatch did? Like what Fortnite did? Everybody follows the leader, this is nothing new. The only problem lies in what exactly they take from it. Taking "move slow, carry few guns" wasn't such a good thing, so if they take "move fast, carry lot of guns, also violence" I'm going to be perfectly happy.
Please remember a bad developer will always make bad games. Half the people making shitty "halo killers" weren't going to be able to make anything of value anyway. Haze was never going to be good.
>Renegerating health
You mean the shield? Because otherwise it was still the same as Quake Arena, you still replenished your health with health packs.
Look, if we can go back to having more fast paced arena style first person shooters like Serious Sam I'd be all for it.
Shooters are in need of a shakeup.
I bound f1-f4 to weapons and never had to use the wheel
I was turned off by all the cringey meta shit but the gameplay does indeed look fun. Looking fun doesn't entirely equate to being fun, though. Will see what happens.
any way to fix the UI? there's too many cooldowns to keep track of and the audio queues aren't enough. feel like most of the ui should be on your gun or gauntlet instead of the very edge of the screen
>Pedo is normal
But conservatives hate trannies and fags. That picture is a neocon
>but it's going to do to the FPS genre what Halo did to it nearly 20 years ago
Make everything worse? Doubt it. If things wind up apeing Eternal they mostly just get faster, more colorful, less self-serious and less graphics-obsessed.
Battlemode is unironically the hidden gem in Eternal. It's pretty addicting and the event unlocks are cool so it makes you wanna keep playing. I love slaying noobs with my Doomicorn outfit.
It wasn't
Halo was a slow, no verticality, 2 weapon based loadout which became the console fps norm for a decade.
Eternal is the antithesis of Halo.
I was excited when they first announced the platforming because Titanfall 2 is one of my favorite games and I want more of it, but the way they implemented it was just fucking lazy. Bunch of monkey bars and fire ball pillars scattered across the map.
diabotical is trying that but they took the EGS money and pissed off half of the kick starters. it will die just like toxxik and QC did.
>fast gameplay
Titanfall 1 was the last FPS I ever played that truly gave me adrenaline and made my heart pound. Excellent game. Never played the second one, but it looked cool.
Diabotical looks dumb though.
Trying to release a competitive shooter in this day and age is the most genuinely retarded fucking idea in the world.
Just ask Cliff.
>calls Halo slow
>meanwhile Doom literally has slowdown time for those epic kills
the literal fuck
Ah, we've given up the "muh rainbows" cope and moved on to full denial? Glad to see where Halozooms stand.
What does that even mean?
It's called breathing room.
In most games it's hunkering down behind cover letting your shields/health recharge.
In Doom it's a half second animation that gives you health.
And yes it's a half second, let's not pretend literally everyone with a brainstem didn't take the faster glory kills rune now you can buy them freely.
He thinks that every mainstream shooter is gonna try and ape Doom with fast movement, enemy kiting and finishers to regain health, like Halo made every game have regenerating health and a two weapon limit.
I don't give a fuck what it's called, it's slowmotion.
I hate that shit and think it makes the gameplay slow.
>n-no see these optional fatalities mean the game is just as slow as one where you crouch behind chest high walls to regenerate (((shields)))!
Today I will remind them.
no. fuck you no. Titanfall is how we ended up with the bounce house of bullshit that has been trying to take over shooters over the past 7 years.
>power slide
>double jump
>power jump
>dodge roll
>jet packs
>wall running
>speed boost after completing any of the above mentioned
>grapple into any of the above mentioned
>looking up bad
Haloid confirms that Doom 1 was all the evolution the FPS genre ever needed.
Titanfall was the only game that did it right. It was an excellent title.
You have ADD, consequence of overconsumption of stimuli.
Optional your ass. You need them to regain health.
Why are his biceps exposed?
Just don't get hit lmao
You mean ruin FPS? That was already done and Eternal has interesting things instead, ie good weapons, no retarded 2 weapons limit, and more than 4 enemy types
1. get good
2. even if they were mandatory they're still multiple times faster than hiding behind a crate for five seconds while your health refills
3. and Halo had finisher animations too
3. get good
Yeah I'm sure you're that guy who never gets hit in Doom games.
>it forces the player into a scripted pattern of behavior that he must adhere to or else he is punished like a naughty puppy
This is exactly why I dislike Doom Eternal overall. I played the first 3-4 levels on Nightmare and I realized that the whole game was literally just like this: Blast demons until they glow -> press E to finish -> out of ammo -> chainsaw to get ammo back -> repeat ad nauseam.
I wasn't playing the way that I wanted to play. I was just playing the way the developers wanted me to play. If I tried to stray away from it for more than 5-10 seconds, I'd end up dead because I wasn't getting health back from finishing off demons.
Seems silly, but ok.
>no verticality
fucking lol, kys zoomie bing bing wahoo
Then don't fucking do it you mongoloid.
Kids these days have no idea what a good gameplay loop is.
When do you actually look up in this game? Seriously just do laps in a circle around the outside of any given arena and shoot what happens to be closest to you. Congratulations you just beat the game on nightmare.
Let me ask you something, are you proud of sounding like a grandpa on an anonymous board? I'm kinda old too, but I don't brag about it.
>gameplay loop
>3. and Halo had finisher animations too
just wanna add in that was after it had been around for like 10 years and they aren't integral to Halo's gameplay at all, you could go the entire series without ever using one
It doesn't make the gameplay slow, what the fuck are you on about? It makes the game faster because what would normally be literal downtime (Fucking off to find health or ammo) into another aspect of the combat loop. You never have to stop fighting, you never have to leave an engagement, when you are out of ammo, you chainsaw an enemy, when you need health and armor, you set someone on fire and glory kill them. Then you continue.
You have no idea what you're talking about, you dumb shit.
Doom is the fedora of fps
In a month no one will give a shit about Doom Eternal. I don't even know why the fuck I'm wasting my time here.
Shit game, it's Bulletstorm but overhyped to hell and back.
/whips out my cock and cums on the keyboard
Bulletstorm is one of the good FPS tho.
Typical, with no actual response you devolve into brainlet noise. No wonder games don't cater to you, you want shit.
So what you're saying is a majority of the enemies only exist to be health and ammo crates that you have to find, while you ignore the actual threats?
Why not just give us ammo crates and less filler enemies? Lets face it, zombies, imps and grunts pose no threat in this game unless you're braindead.
What demon you slayas mainin for battle mode
Pain Elemental Chad's rise up
I was trying to make peace with you but couldn't ignore you shaking your fist so damn hard to the sky like an old man.
>literal downtime (Fucking off to find health or ammo)
right, because waiting for your chainsaw fuel to recharge and waiting for a fodder demon to respawn (IF they respawn) is soooo much better
who on earth has ever complained about having to pick up ammo on the map in a fucking shooter game
And marathon is more Chad then both
WHY THE FUCK CAN I NOT JUST TURN OFF THE CHAINSAW ANIMATION!? after the first 5 its fun but after that i want to rip and tear faster. just give me the BRRRZZZZ sound, and the monster suddenly explodes into a mess of neon ammo.
Bulletstorm was a good fucking game. Pretty ambitious for a new IP. Too bad it never got a sequel.
Ftfy, quake fags are obnoxious as fuck especially the arena shooter fag ones
This is a myth. Bulletstorm mocked cowadoody but the game is a modern shitty FPS through and through. You can't even fucking jump in it, the game is scripted as fuck, the special kills are just in your face with obvious cacti so you kick enemies towards it. The weapon upgrades are lazy as hell, always the same garbage of increase ammo capacity + add a charged shot. Writing is retarded beyond help HAHA DICK TITS.
Also Bulletstorm's last boss fight is literally a QTE and the game ends with the retarded characters saying "we'll get him later", AKA buy the expansion or sequel where things will get solved. Fuck shit steaming pile of trash that pretends to be old school while being pure unfiltered modern cancer.
>waiting for your chainsaw fuel to recharge
If you've managed to waste all of your ammo before one pip of chainsaw charges you're shit at the game.
> waiting for a fodder demon to respawn
Let me guess, you never realized there's no point killing the fodder demons, so you actually needed to wait for them to respawn.
Amazing. The game is designed to work smoothly when played well, and your issues stem from being literally too shit for it to work.
Battlemode is actually kind of fun desu.
>superficially intelligent
All fps games are simple and hardly require any thought besides execution. Fuck off, you pretentious twat.
>Halo 2 literally made matchmaking on consoles industry standard.
>Goldeneye introduced ADS to the normie
>Meme’ing about iron sights in CoD 2.
ADS is the single biggest reason why shooters today pile up in the fucking bland-bin.
I bet you larp PUBG in your worn out camo-burka aswell.
It's going to popularize MOBA aspects, and make them even more common place in the FPS genre. They where already running rampant due to Overwatch. But now we'll be seeing them in non multiplayer shooters as well. MOBA shit like ability spamming, does not belong in a FPS.
So how come Eternal is filtering so many people? Even hardcore doom fans like civvie couldn't beat it on UV.
I've already beaten it on nightmare and it's not THAT hard
weapon limits, slow movement, regenerating health
The guns needed a reload animation but they decided it was just easier to make a chainsaw one for 3 different demons instead of 9 guns.
I'm still EXTREMELY assblasted that the game wasn't "as twice as long" as DOOM 2016 like Hugo said it would be. Like yeah, the levels are overall longer but some levels are literally just filler for the story and a boss fight so compared to 2016 it technically has two less levels.
Pretty much that. The game definitely has a good flow, but it gets repetitive and old, fast. I wanna fuck around and play my way. Finished 4 levels on nightmare and got bored. I’ll just get a trainer and finish asap, not to ware too much time. I honesty preferred exploring, enjoying the art style and finding secrets.
How do I play Archvile in Battlemode besides just flat out sneaking up on the slayer while he's distracted by my teammate and trapping him from behind with a flamewall. It seems to be all I have.
Because most people want to mindlessly run and shoot, and id designed Eternal to have a more restrictive and punishing loop than people expected.
So you have a combination of people who just want Classic Doom, and people who thought it was just going to be Doom 2016 with a flamethrower, all losing their shit because it turns out, drum roll.
Doom Eternal is a harder sequel.
The only way I can imagine somebody failing on UV is because they literally refuse to play the game as intended
Floor fire is really good. Works well with the area damage skill too. You have to be really on point with your positioning to play Archvile well.
Demons get very little options while slayerchads can just full map snipe you in a few hits with the ballista
It's super unbalancrd
First of all it's completely optional for people who suck at aiming.unless you're talking about the glory kills or the chainsaw and if that's the case you're in full-blown denial.
Demons have won most of the games I've played so far.