All i ever wanted from gamesworkshop was a 1:1 video game of the tabletop game...

All i ever wanted from gamesworkshop was a 1:1 video game of the tabletop game. Fantasy or 40k would have been fine with either. Where the armys just have little idle animations and fights and such. Basically the Bloodbowl treatment.

Instead the best I got was total war warhammer. Don't get me wrong its "ok" but its not what I would have really enjoyed.

How has this yet to be made? It seems so obvious.

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Most tabletop wargames are not particularly mechanically sound, deep or balanced. With a lot of tabletop games in general when they get translated to video games a ton is lost; Partially because it's mechanics and numbers laid bare without the benefit of direct social interaction, or in the case of wargames without the hobby element as well.

Another element is that those companies may also still harbor the idea that a literal video game translation would siphon people away from the money maker of the physical game. That used to be a pretty openly known thing with GW in particular, but that also went hand in hand with their old CEO being an incredibly out of touch idiotic old man. It's likely still true to a small degree, but that's at least been fairly well disproved.

Wargames could certainly be a good jumping off point for fluffing up systems and balancing stuff better though. In general what you want is a tactics game, which is a genre that's more or less dead at the moment which sucks ass overall.

Couldn't you do this with Virtual Tabletop?

if you played bb2 or bb1 you would see why a system made specifically for a game is preferable to just a table top sim

Another element is that those companies may also still harbor the idea that a literal video game translation would siphon people away from the money maker of the physical game.
proven false by blood bowl, the table top is seeing a revival so much so there are actual new models begin sold.

I play lots of tactics games, I think a table top version of fantasy battles would be great. warhammer has a flair about it that makes it really enjoyable, and sometimes the visuals/lore/etc trump pure game play.

There are like a million 40k turn based strategy games, that's as close as you're going to get

Tabletop Simulator has the functionality, played some battles with my friends and it was pretty easy to operate

>Release 1 to 1 copy of your table top game
>People no longer have to pay for your over priced miniatures to play if they're not the hobbiest type

The last time they tried this was for SNES in the 90s.

>>People no longer have to pay for your over priced miniatures to play
You could just get the models online or get into 3d modeling and pay a company to 3d print them.
I don't know if it would be cheaper, but companies that do 3d printing aren't usually that expensive.

Play Sanctus Reach.

proven false by blood bowl, the table top is seeing a revival so much so there are actual new models begin sold.

all the Slitherine games are awful, not just the warhammer ones

>All i ever wanted from gamesworkshop was a 1:1 video game of the tabletop game.
Tabletop simulator, pleb

people will always want to paint their own armies

Isnt Mordheim kinda that?
Idk i dont play tabletop stuff. But Mordheim was fun-ish. Only got anywhere with the rats. Which wasnt too far.

On sale too by the looks of it.

I've gotta question for any lorefags, does the Codex Astartes REALLY say you need to run away if a nearby generator is destroyed?

Games Workshop is deathly afraid of the possibility of a piece of the franchise taking away from model sales. That's why they never back any video games that actually show promise

of course

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Sounds dumb, no wonder everyone hates papa smurf

Show me anything from Kevin Rountree era GW that says this is the case

there is no official lore that says that

Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising

If GW actually did this then they would loze money on the tabletop. GW actively wants their video games to be shit to drive people to the board game where they can spend hundreds of dollars.

But the thing keeping me from buying the models isn't Dark Crusade, it's how expensive they are

>dawn of war

GWS is entirely owned by hedge funds and financial firms run by people who are all 65+

They dont even know what a computer is

no gw wants videogames to build the ip
theres plenty of warhammer strategy games

And most of them are shit. Mechanicus is legit the only good one.

I don't understand this, video games literally revived WH Fantasy

the only good fantasy game is Total War and Vermintide, Total War is not allowed to make content from Age of Sigmar, and Vermintide literally unamde itself and has completely lost faith with the fans. The games only exist as living commercials to throw the name into peoples minds and drive them to the tabletop.

>All i ever wanted from gamesworkshop was a 1:1 video game of the tabletop game.
Mordheim is that, its rules are 1:1 tabletop.

GW higher ups are tech illiterate and I doubt they'd want to invest in anything that could lower the sales of their plastic crack

Why wouldn't it be canon?

GW is a model company
They employ people who design models, who make the models, who design rules for the models, who paint the models, and advertise the models to customers, with most of these models being based on their owned IPs (excluding LoTR)
The games are made by other companies who have acquired a license to produce a GW IP game
The models are profitable on their own nowadays, the license money is just gravy

I legit cannot imagine a human being existing in their game design team. The game is so pants on head retarded, it MUST be the boomer investors throwing rules in a g-doc for some intern to print. I refuse to believe an educated modern adult writes the rules to this game.

because its a jumbled mess
>dow 3

>because its a jumbled mess
>somehow different from the rest of the lore

Mordheim is like XCOM, though technically it's some other warhammer game whose name I forget that's all about gathering warpstone or some shit

What's wrong with the stories of 1 and 2?

Absolutely. Blood Bowl is so frustrating to play on PC because of the RNG, but in real life, it's a blast, because the RNG makes it funny.

>Be me
>Wanna get into Warhammer
>Fantasy is gone
>See AoS
>Have Maggotkin be my first army
>Always think about painting the figures I assembled everyday
>Too lazy to do it
Help me break outta this habit. What do I do? Paint 1 figure a day?

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Same for Battletech. The RNG silliness is about "de-escalating" the sense of competitiveness, because the guy who tries hard can easily be btfo by bad rolls and have to learn to laugh it off and drink another beer, and realize it's about the painting more than the playing.

Yep. I gave up on GW stuff because ultimately, the people who play it are either cheesey as, or really serious.

I just play Frostgrave now. That's the most RNG but funny shit out there.

I'm an Infinity man, myself.

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Those physical figures are how they make their money. They wouldn't allow a videogame to take away their cash cow

so is blood bowl, both are good games.

Blood bowl 2 is awful, dude

if you judge a game purely on its single player then i would strongly agree.

I'm spiraling out of control

That's what I try to hold myself to, or at least one a week if I'm too wrapped up in Vidya. Hang in there Nurglebro.

They are accurate representations of the tabletop, but as I said earlier, the RNG is too frustrating to play against. It's alright in real life, because you're there with your mates, you roll the die, you laugh, you give each other a hard time. It's great.

On PC, the dice rolls just happen and you go "that's shit" and alt+f4

Cut them some slack. Their playtesters only get to play 4 games a week!

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>On PC, the dice rolls just happen and you go "that's shit" and alt+f4

For you maybe, not for me. I like rng games and rng less games. Any game that I can see the start and end of a game from the first 2 minutes makes the rest of a game a chore. RNG makes you recalculate and thats in a way stimulating.

>4 games a week
what the hell? Isn't this game a 2 turn meta?
>a game this complex
Literally all you do is move your guys up and shoot. All the complexity is backloaded into the army list, the game itself is simple as balls.

I guess by complex they mean "oops it looks like everything we made for this codex is broken with this forge world model we totally forgot existed"

I feel like list building is in there somewhere maybe painting. I wish we could see some of these matches desu. I wanna know if the play testers are a bunch of shitters

If that's the case they should focus on things that aren't represented in their miniature catalog. Like a real aeroplane game, adeptus arbites game, gorkamorka or t'au colony citybuilder.

They dont make games, just license it to people

They don't focus on any games at all, they likely get offers from other companies asking for a GW game license and giving money in return, with the game company being allowed to make a game they want.

My point still stands. Instead of emulating poorly the stuff we already have on the tabletop they could be expanding to all the stuff that's happening in the background lore but is not felt on the tabletop.

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This. Ever since Dark Crusade was released I've always wanted to get into the actual tabletop experience but the price of entry is relatively astronomical, and I play paper MTG for fuck's sake.

I quite when it went from 10 dire avengers per box to 5 per box +15$ + tip


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killteam is cheaper to get in to than standard format, you could give that a shot