How does Halo recover after the disastrous Halo 4 and Halo 5?

How does Halo recover after the disastrous Halo 4 and Halo 5?

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Does Cortana let MC jerk off to her naked butt?

It doesn't.

I guarantee you Infinite is a soft reboot
don't really care though because I'm not buying that shit anymore

Tell me more about this Cortana

The only way is if they completely ignore 4 and 5, which they won't. They'd also need good gameplay, but they don't know how to make that (worsened reach on MCC launch to pander to esports faggots)

By letting the series rest in peace

Make sure the enemies are fun to fight, and figure out good storytelling. For example, in Halo 2, you want to see Arbiter kill Tartarus because Tartarus kept taking all the important things Arbiter had to grab. And we SEE him do it, the game doesn't just say it happens.

Halo 5 was fun. People only dislike that game because back then no one liked the Xbox.

>Halo 5 left in a clifhanger
>durrrr the series just needs to die
This isn't Metroid bro.

Why can't we just let a games series die? Just let Halo die. And let other games die. Its okay to let things go after you've enjoyed them. You don't have to keep trying to bring them back.

People want sequels to the franchises they like.

Easily, just go back to what it did right for a decade but now with modern hardware

It doesn't
It's now in the same camp as Star Wars.
Expect Halo Infinite to the Rise of Skywalker of the series

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5 has fun multiplayer so as long as they improve on that i dont give a fuck how shit the campaign is. after the first playthrough nobody even touches campaigns anyways

Campaign is what generates hype though

Make a Chief game, make the campaign levels more open-ended, build off Halo 5's mp, have every past feature ready at launch.

fuck if I know
But Fall of Reach is both based and spacepilled

>worsened reach
Game was never good in the first place.

black ops 4 proved that nobody cares about the campaign, all they want is multiplayer. MW brings it back and nobody gives a shit that it is even there, just a waste of dev time and resources


Metroid doesn't need to die either but it does need a Metroid 5 which may actually finally be happening this year.

No, I like playing Halo and I like playing Master Chief, Halo is Xbox, don't like play something else or get a different console.

Call of Duty isn't Halo though

This, campaign sidelines Chief again and the series is done.

COD ain't Halo, when it comes to Halo, campaign comes first.

What's wrong with Halo 5 plot?

You got butt furious that Cortana turned into a evil ai like half of the retards out there?

no the fuck it doesn't

halo 2 and halo 3 were the juggernauts they were because of the multiplayer

5's campaign is indefensibly terrible and you're a retard for even insinuating that there's nothing majorly wrong with it

Locke and Osiris fucked everything up, Blue Team didn't need to be in every fucking mission, too linear, too short, no Marines, no good vehicle sections, Gears of War revival, Warden Eternal, bringing Cortana back so soon and turning her into that with a shitty explanation.


That one scene where Chief and Locke have a mocap slapfight.

Yes, it does, Halo 2 got shit on as hard as Halo 5 did for its campaign, Halo 3 was loved for both the campaign and multiplayer.

Forgot, barely even played Master Chief in his own fucking game.

Yeah but looking back h2 had an awesome campaign with really fun missions.

Not quite as good as h3 tho.

Cortana going evil isn't a bad thing because it was hinted at since before Halo CE
The way they executed it makes me want to execute myself for hearing such garbage, we went from cryptic Marathon style philosophizing to comic book tier >wahh JOHNNN I do what I must it's still me :(" garbage

Probably not.
She sees Chief as a friend. She would probably get hurt and offended if he asked her to do such things (which she actually more then likely can do if she wanted).


Halo isn't Master Chief's game, this isn't Zelda.

This, it's done for. It had a good run considering the first game and the firefight modes from reach and ODST are the only good things that came of the franchise.

Make the campaign Far Cry: Halo Edition, with a big explorable Halo ring map dotted with stuff to do.

>UNSC bases to establish and upgrade
>Covenant bases/patrols/ships to sabotage
>Flood infestation zones to clear
>Forerunner structures to explore, solve puzzles, and would essentially act as dungeons

She wanted to end the war and had the means to considering how powerful the forruner technology is.

But who cares now, this backlash made them undergo a 5 year hiatus and whatever story they had planned for Halo 6 was likely scrapped.

I'm probably not going to give them another chance until 343 gets dumped

It doesn't. Making anything that takes place after 3 was a mistake. There was plenty of book content that could have been turned into games.

It is, series sells on Chief and everyone buys Chief shit more than any other character in the series, he's a gaming icon and is seen as the series and Xbox mascot.

There's not even a fucking Halo in 5! It barely features in 4. The fuck's the point of calling it Halo now?

Because that's the name of the series?
If you went by your logic tons of video games would have to change their name every sequel.

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>She wanted to end the war and had the means to considering how powerful the forruner technology is.
The premise doesn't matter, the tone and presentation is what I was talking about and it is just terrible comic book trash in Halo 5
I'm glad for the backlash

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>games selling on the merits of their game and not name
That's good but you don't recognize it

5 has good gameplay, though.

No, i'll defend 5's gameplay and core MP, but there's still a lot of reasons to dislike it, and the shit campaign really isn't defensible.

Even if the campaign wasn't shit, said MP being online only is enough to make it not worth purchasing: not only is it anticonsumer as hell but it also means the one thing that makes the game worth playing won't be around forevber.m

The thing about Halo is there's legitmately a lot of potential for future titles, the issue is just that there should have never been a "Halo 4", or at least not so soon after 3, as says: 3 was a good ending for MC's character and the current era of the lore.

After Reach, we should have had nothing but spinoffs for a while: Maybe a survivial horror flood game, more Halo Wars titles, I could see a tactical RPG being pretty cool, maybe something from the perspective of an elite unit in the postwar period trying to assassinate Brute clans and surviving prophets, with you controlling different covenant species as units, etc.

If there HAD to be more games featuring MC to appease retards like , then maybe a few spinoffs after 3, say like when Halo 5 came, then they could go back and do a few games set earlier in the Human Covenant war with MC and maybe blue team, but there really, REALLY shouldn't be games featuring MC after the events of 3 unless they have a damn good plan of where it should go.

As it happens, 343 actually did have a good plan leading up to 4: A lot of the shit they tied together even before "343i" existed as a studio with the IRIS ARG for 3, the terminals, the foretrunner novels, etc was building a good foundation for a new triology, but then after 4 came out and it bungled, they threw a lot of it in the trash which is why the didact just dies in the comic for no reason and the Spartan Ops shit went nowhere and Cortana comes back in 5 for no reason.

>it's the annoying Reachfag that loves typing essays again
Just ignore this faggot.

Good concept horrible execution

It doesn't, you cant recover from such colossal disappointments that are the first two acts.

The writing is so bad, its so bad its like reading fanfiction . Halo concluded at 3 and this is just another example of a soulless company squeezing out creative liberates to cash out on popularity

Let's face it bros, it's going to be kino.

and it'll be all thanks to accumulated time we spent shitting on 343

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im on board if halo infinite is a reboot because it looks pretty good, but if it continues the story of 5 then into the trash it goes

God I hope so

He unironically thinow equipment and omnipresent mobility tools are on the same level of disturbing halos core gameplay.
If you like nu-halo that's fine but don't pretend you really like halo

It doesn't.

I don't know how this isn't obvious already. Everyone who made Halo is now gone. The only thing left is the desire to continue the IP. Halo will never be as good as it used to be and its about time for alot of you to accept this.

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Been playing since CE, shut the fuck up, Reachfag, he's autistic.

As far as campaign is concerned, a more grounded tone. Bungie halo had a desperate military feel rather than the space dracula silliness of halo 4. Don't really now what do do with the pvp, since I rarely played fps pvp on console and halo was never particularly good for it on pc.

>She sees Chief as a friend.
Confirmed for knowing nothing about Halo

>8 years
I'd think they would have gotten the picture 5 years ago, they just have terminal shit taste and thus could not fathom how bad their Spartan fanfiction is.

I'm an artist, and when I was a kid I drew a lot OC that now I realize are absolute cringe and no matter how much I love them I can never push them onto the masses without serious tweaking or redesigning. 343 needs to do the same if they want to keep their passion intact and also please the fans at the same time.

they actually had total creative freedom to write master chief out of halo in h4 but i guess they didnt

343 are hacks,

It would have killed the franchise.