How would you react if Rusted Kushala got added to IB?
Monster Hunter
There's always the possibility that they will make him good.
still lame
Alatreon is also still lame
happy only if they bring back his theme
I would continue waiting for a better monster hunter game.
anyone wanna do safi?
He was pretty okay in Frontier, although there was no G rank version for some reason. Regular GHC Kush was enough of a pain I guess.
This shit is getting crazy. I never thought I'd have all the crit skills, Agi 7 and still have room for health boost and quality of life skills.
Plus my charm slot is still open to whatever I need for the hunt. Based Angry Brachy has such good gear. Haven't seen anyone using the new Rajang stuff though.
I hate angry punch lizard
He's too strong bros
They mutilated his set with heroics, that shit is wack
>mfw savage axe vs supercritical safi
How do I unlock higher leveled tempered hunts? They're still only intensity 1 or whatever it is.
Forgot pic.
Anyone find a use for the Furious George stuff?
His pants seem pretty good and the weapons are a significant improvement over the originals.
The switch axe seems like it might compete with Kirin for a lightning element axe cause that raw is way higher.
These are great, post more
Keep going through the story
I can't believe raw safi weapons are fucking dead
I'm in Iceborne. All I have are intensity 1 high rank tempered hunts
Veterans, what would you like for MH6?
Did you finish the iceborne story? Tempered elders are the last ones to be unlocked
Are builds actually fucking that big of a deal, i roll a healing/wide/divine/earplug/freemeal3 with a bunch of attack shit on the side and even when saving people i pull aggro on saffi most the fuckin time, does he just aggro on people who hit the head or is everyone sleeping on him?
No, but I know there's stronger tempered monsters in the base game, at least. All I'm seeing are basic temper intensity 1 Tobi Kadachis and Anjanaths. I just want to know how to rank that up more
The boots are fucking ace since they give Health Boost 3 on their own and also have two level four slots, while the rest are just good but nothing special. I’m glad they’re not powercreeping with the new update and are just providing alternatives of the same level of effectiveness as the existing top tier equipment. Hope they continue with that trend going forward.
Man, I used to love sword and shield, but the more I use other weapons, it just starts to feel so bland. It doesn't have any draw any more, and as the other weapons get more cool stuff added, sword and shield has gotten nothing. In fact, I loved the jumping draw slash, and they even got rid of that for the lame rising slash.
Any SnS users still around?
He aggroes the guy who dealt the most damage to him in that fraction of time
Use whatever build you like, but bring Partbreaker 3 for Safi please
He aggros on whoever is doing the most damage
You're running with shit teams
Cute demon dog
alright, since we didn't have one last thread, post killscreens. or deathscreens.
>monster screeches so fucking hard that they stun you
>some of them also physically hurt you
So let's say you bring a Brute Tigrex in your house and he screams, would your house fucking explode or what?
Maybe progressing with the styles because making more weapons could unbalance the game. As much as I'd like to see more weapons a lot of them are barely in use.
>monster that can scream so hard it makes a roar beam
What do you think?
that's incredibly frustrating to hear but cheers for letting me know
welcome safi, user, you'll either get some buddies together, or you'll get used to tard wrangling.
Took this about an hour ago with some friends. The exact moment I was flattened by a meteor.
Bros, I've never played a MH in the past, but I love this game. Just playing through it casually with two friends with unoptimized builds killing things for the fun of it rather than the rewards is great. Definitely gonna pick up any sequels.
Where's the image before that user? You're supposed to start with that first.
I would just wait and see if they fix the fight, i haven't been disappointed by any IB post-launch monster yet so maybe they could actually do it.
STFU Shrieker
Barioth took me fucking 27 minutes on my first assignment. Is Iceborne really that hard? Or I need better equipment because I'm speeding trough the assignment quest real quick?
Finishing DOOT
One thing you should know is although he first aggros whomever is dealing the most damage, flinch-shotting him will redirect it to you. He ONLY loses aggro if the target carts, farcasters, or doesn’t deal enough damage to maintain it. You don’t have to be top deeps, just consistent.
What I’m trying to say is most randoms are mediocre and piss their pants at holding Safi’s attention.
probably a combination of shitty gear and shitty player
Playing well is way more important than having a damage build. However doing both nets you really fast hunt speeds, sometimes safety can help you net more damage in hunts since it gives a little more leeway for mistakes.
Unless you take 40+ minutes on a first run, it doesn’t matter. Were you getting hit often? Not hitting him often enough?
Tough at first, you'll get used to beating his ass faster with better equipment, going for arms first at all times, and general practice with more hunting of it.
A lot of people do much worse than that against Barioth.
You should absolutely get better gear though.
Don't be worried about taking so much with Barioth, equipment doesn't start getting better until after you beat him, also the first try takes a lot because you don't know his openings yet.
Hornbros earplugs on HH yes or no?
He's the first wall of Iceborne, it gets easier the next times you'll fight him but not less annoying
>tfw it took me 47 minutes
how are you guys so quick?
If you want to use it, use it. I do recommend learning to roll roars, it’s a nifty trick that’ll save your ass eventually.
You think Brute is just a normal Tigrex who was jealous of the other fire breathing wyverns and convinced himself he could do the same by yelling really really loud?
I actually saw narga use his wings for traversal, my god, I thought he forgot he had those.
just started playing, what weapon do I use? I like the huge damage on the greatsword but its too slow and I miss more often that I hit
I know how to dodge roars. Wondering if it is like the case of GS and Hammer where the plugs give you huge openings for multiplayer hunts. HH seems like the type of weapon that would appreciate those openings but I dunno the weapon enough.
Tigrex is cute, CUTE!
The weapon power creep is real, and once you get endgame monster armor he won't nearly oneshot you anymore.
just use them all and see what you like, its all subjective and nobody here but you knows what you like and how you play
Does Wyvernsnipe or Wyvernheart tend to be better on HBGs? Snipe feels better since it takes less time, but I'm not sure how big the damage difference is.
For me, every time I fight a new monster skeleton (in this case, the Tigrex skeleton), I'm helpless at first. I consider myself a pretty good player. You're fine.