Did DOOM ETERNAL go a little too far with it's inclusion of alt-right jokes? Seems a little tasteless and honestly broke my immersion.
Did DOOM ETERNAL go a little too far with it's inclusion of alt-right jokes...
Holy BASED! Doom Eternal is so BADASS! Triggering the libs OWNING the libs!
>People aren't liking my shit game, better remind them the SJWs hate it so they fall in line
Nice try
Woah how based now I can take all criticism of the game and dismiss it as angry libtards instead of repeating "filtered" thank you OP
it's funny they're able to flawlessly correlate subhuman immigration into a scifi game with demons
they aren't even denying that it makes sense and is comparable
once again, liberals outing themselves as more racists than the so called racists who laugh at jokes
more a criticism about how corporations will make slogan that sound positive but actually against a persons intrests
a long-term mental disorder of a type involving a breakdown in the relation between thought, emotion, and behavior, leading to faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships into fantasy and delusion, and a sense of mental fragmentation.
>Can't even handle a small jab at immigration
How weak are your ideals that if its somewhat challenged you breakdown like this?
Its also not really alt-right and I wished idiots would stop associating the two like this.
OP utterly BTFO
dont like doom but now if anyone asks i'll tell them i love it lol fuck jews
The most offensive though about the mortally challenged joke is that they kept on running it into the ground throughout the game. It was funny the first time, not so much the 10th time.
It's not even the insane ideas anymore, it's the sheer comical levels of hypocrisy from the left that is so tiresome.
It's because people made articles about the line being problematic and needed to go. the devs thought that was hilarious so they double downed and used the line even more.
Sounds like this website in a nutshell.
Ironic coming from someone with Cuno in his profile picture
I don't get the joke. What does the earth is the universe's melting pot mean?
>alt-right jokes
The humor is really nonpartisan. If you're a lib, the joke is that the UAC has co-opted progressive politics to try to make an obviously awful situation seem okay. Similar to companies like Apple preaching wokeness while simultaneously employing slave labor to make their products.
>haha what's wrong snowflake are you triggered by wolfenstein's jokes?
No but it did go too far with the awful gameplay.
Multicultural surrounding where all the different cultures slowly become more uniformal generation after generation by adopting bits and pieces of other cultures and giving away some of their own traditions.
"United States of America is the most known melting pot"
that's what jews say about America, demanding we have an open door policy to the 3rd world. ah, but ofc that doesn't extend to Israel otherwise they would be wiped out and replaced. See how that works?
Melting pot is funny because it is literally melting in hellfire rather than metaphorically blending different cultures
it's multilayered
It's clearly more generally anti-corporate. All of the jokes in this game are an expansion of the joke from the previous Doom where Hayden says that humanity's best interests are in mind regarding the Hell invasion as Doom Guy looks at a dead guy
This but unironically.
But that's different, since you're a racist and wrong.
The devs must have thought that joke was fucking hilarious because they used it for at least 3 different levels.
Ban twitter and Steam screenshots thread.
real talk: using hell as a source of infinite energy with the only con being the occasional demon invasion really isn't such a bad deal
This man fucking gets it.
Jesus some people are retarded.
If you are anti-woke corporation, you are anti-left.
Recognizing diversity as objectively detrimental is correct, though.
Keep seething.
Yeah the whole thing can really just be read as mocking corporations. Everything the AI says until the end where she just starts directly trying to crush faith in Doomguy is corporate spinning.
because all jokes have to have subtext now
no dipshit, it's funny to take a small thing and then juxtapose it at a galactic scale
you know, the unexpected? the major component of humor?
>DOOM jokes aren't funny!!1
>Favourite game: Wolfenstein
Oh, how the turn tables
Eternal reveals that this infinite energy is us. Their whole system is to drag people from Earth to Hell and then the pain and suffering of the damned soul is turned into a fuel that is sold back to us.
Meds: not taken
Mossad: blamed
Voices in the wall: heard
Yup, it's schizo time!
It's funny cause republicans are stupid
Why do people think that "demonic invasion = "refugee" invasion" is a joke? Looks like just a fact statement to me.
I'm a bernie bro and find the humor in doom funny. Fuck liberals
I just thought the 'mortally challenged' thing wasn't funny. Not in a "I'm offended, that's NOT funny" sort of way, but just that it wasn't really funny and they kept repeating it over and over. It was worth a little chuckle the first time but holy shit you must hear it two dozen times from that irritating cunt voice actor.
Holy based
Isn't Trump's brother a higher up at Bethesda?
Keep your shit-eating political goose-stepping out of my game and stop interpreting hatred of political-correctness and corporate bootlicking as being emblematic of either political direction.
>make your steam icon a methed out 12 year old that calls you a faggot every chance he gets and convinces you to rob his dad for more speed
>write steam reviews with a libtard ideology
but why tho
Read what you just wrote to yourself again and see if you can take yourself seriously.
this. it's making fun of corporatism and authoritarianism in a dystopic setting.
Yas Forums is being retarded again today. as long as it's e drama, right?
just play some vidya you pencil neck, online social circle serious taking, bait taking, faggots
i hate most of you
He's right, though.
>Filters casuals
>Makes retards seethe
I don't get why Yas Forums hates it so much
You don't have a "gotcha", hating PC culture and corporate smooth-talk isn't inherently right wing or left wing. I read my post again and you're still a retard.
Does this game really have an AI quipping at you all throughout, ala Glados from Portal? That sounds reddit as hell.
This. Paternalistic racism is next level shit that's actually worse than overt racism. Super dangerous shit.
>Holy based
>That sounds reddit as hell
That's Nu-Doom for you
because they suck ass at it
Because Yas Forums is filled with them. Seriously, this board is literally just Fromcucks who are shit at every other video game and call them shit to cope.
It doesn't go far enough T B H.
Only in UAC levels and she's a direct counterpart of a similar hologram dispensing increasingly hostile, demon-aligned corporate talk at you from Doom 2016.
Somebody isn't old enough to remember picking pink armor to piss off chauvinistic fourteen-year-olds on Xbox Live in Halo.
This just in, video games are a business, more news at 10.
user your mouth spews feces and your shit's all retarded. Please stop posting before you embarrass yourself further and I call Hiro to sic his Yas Forums Pass ninjas on your house.
Actually Melting Pot was the only good joke. But "mortally challenged" thing was just stupid and overused.
get punched
Thanks for informing me Leftards hate it, now I’m gonna buy a copy for both Steam, AND my PS4, and leave glowing reviews.
Stay seething, BR.
Cmon now. I'm an avid Fromcuck but I love the classic doom 1,2 and the new doom 2016 and eternal. They're different, but they're all fun as fuck.
At the same time I love Dorf Fort, cataclysmdda and Factorio. Get on my level of fautism.
*gif with antifag getting turned into a vegetable with a single punch*
Remember that Yas Forums is always wrong, white people are not the master race and Bethesdoom will never be real Doom.
Fuck you and your whole family too, you subhuman clown.
>having one feminine skin to appeal to the gays and women vs the 20 masculine skins makes the game that has anti-sjw jokes pozzed
Ok retard
the game is deus ex tier in the sense that it is anti corporate and that people that rely on resources such as money and energy will always try to convince consumers that it is for the greater good to buy a product
>>having one feminine skin to appeal to the gays and women vs the 20 masculine skins makes the game that has anti-sjw jokes pozzed
Zambo nigger detected
I didn't even talk about pozzed, I was talking about how it's redditcore with its lame meme shit to appeal to the Rick & Morty audience.
But yes, it's pozzed too.
>stop believing an obvious slant is an obvious slant
I bet you believe Denis Leary "stole" jokes from Bill Hicks, too.
Pissed that liberals are better than you, godboy? Go pray your coronavirus infection away. You gamergate fags never played video games to begin with, which is why GG wasn't about the Gerstmann firing.
It isn't a slant, you memelord, "durrhurr only left-wingers behave like this!" bespeaks an IQ somewhere around room-temperature.
Kill yourself FromRedditor.
>responding to such obvious bait
i fucking hate this board and i hate identity politics and i hate every single one of you
>treating politics like a football game
Go Green Bay Republicans! U mad New England Democrats?
leftits spread the virus around with their open borders corruption.
>Richard Spencer
>Glenn Danzig
>Rod Stewart
Plenty of racist white dudes drop with a single tap to the head, be scared.
I'm going to spit on the guy who has the confederate flag on his house in my neighborhood the second I feel symptoms of coronavirus. Prayer won't cure his sorry ass.
>it's pozzed too
Just proved it wasn't dumbass. Also wow how le cringe of them to appeal to the widest audience possible.
>be scared
Of what? I live in the middle of Siberia and get to laugh at retards kike you. Shit's great.
and you'll still be a piece of shit who will die on day one of the second American civil war. How quaint. You're useless.
I don't have conservative friends because you're all insufferable pieces of shit who think pedophilia is awesome and are okay with Trump helping Putin fuck over this country.
Almost as stupid as dimocrats.
I don't know about the rest, but dick Spencer was still standing after the infamous sucker punch, you diseased negro baboon.
>and you'll still be a piece of shit who will die on day one of the second American civil war.
Sit down you shitposting neckbeard you'll die too and being aware of that doesn't put you on a pedestal
500-pound fat fucks think playing this game makes them masculine. Go exercise instead, fatty. And take off the MAGA hat, it's not magically making you smart.
>KEEP posting this pic
>instead of the literal funko pop shelf in the base game
cry moar, you pathetic bitch who will never contribute. Well, except for spreading coronavirus to 50 people because you won't isolate yourself and believe it's all a "liberal hoax". You'll contribute that.
Fuck white people.
>complains about corporate boot looking
no self awareness. your corporate overlords are selling your shitty meme as DLC
Funny how all the pedos are highly left wing.
Doomguy would probably have collected pogs.
>Fuck white people.
Too fat this time, here's your last (You).
also your customs are complete shit, your pedo tastes are fucked up and your wife is ugly, Jin Autismtome. Get punched like Fagzig or Spencer.
Gonna cry rabbi?
>this level of vitriol in a thread about the comedic sections of Doom: Eternal
Nigger, everybody.
>image that predates the pre-order bonus referencing it
>hurr shill
Funny how the sheer stupidity of the left makes them seethe and call others stupid at every opportunity.
because these people hate reality
>Mirrors Edge Catalyst
>Wolfenstein 2
>Wolfenstein young lesbians
>Mafia 3
>Watch Dogs 2
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Revolution 60
>Depression quest
>Life is strange 2
>Pillars of Eternity 2
>Dishonored 2: Death of the Outsider
>Where The Water Tastes Like Wine
>River City Girls
>Drawn to Death
>Agents of Mayhem
>Bless Online
>Hyper Universe
>Telltale Games- the whole company
>Borderlands 3
Tekken 7
Soul Calibur 6
Kingdom come deliverance
Postal 2
Tomodachi Life.
Days Gone
Postal 4 No regerts
>possible candidate : Fire Emblem Fates JAPANESE VERSION
>Far cry 5 ??? "needs confirmation"
>ANY MOMENT NOW : Doom Ethernal
>honorable mention : heartbeat
Diversity makes everything stronger.