How the fuck do these work?

How the fuck do these work?

Attached: th.jpg (474x555, 45.14K)

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on one illustration I saw years ago, it was some spring mechanism activated with a wire and ring on their pinky finger

>Leaps 5000000000 feet off of a tower
>Lands in a bale of hay
>Is perfectly fine

How the fuck does that work?

Like spring-loaded switchblades. Here is a real life example at 0:37 -

it used to be they had to cut off their ring finger to use it too, to give the blade clearance. they got rid of that caveat though because ubisoft is gay

Why would anybody wear that dumbass rig instead of just using a normal fucking dagger
Why would an organization of assassins have an iconic weapon which marks them as members of that organization if/when it's discovered

i mean that seems like a really easy way to detect assassins, just start killing anyone missing their finger. at least the blades are supposed to be hidden under a cuff or something


Attached: 1565145277577.png (1080x1020, 512.13K)

Its cool

I'm playing the original Asscreed for the first time ever and I am fucking loving the jank.

>Always a hawk flying around lookout points

how does that fucking work?

That sound like a terrible idea though. You're permanently messing up your grip just for a gimmicky weapon.

Wasn't the whole point in the original game that they'd cut your ring finger off so the blade wouldn't look suspicious when extended in place of where your finger was?

Name a more jewish series.
Protip: you can't.

>is perfectly fine
Yeah, those leaps totally didn't bug the fuck out on PC.

I liked it better when they had to cut off their ring finger to use it.

The assassins could just start cutting off people's ring fingers then.

Asshole clenching

I wonder how many more AC games we will get. Still waiting for one that takes place in feudal Japan.

Attached: 1584543583222.png (937x918, 1.24M)

When bundled up, the hay has cushioning properties which slow down the falling body over a certain distance. By increasing this distance, you also increase the time it takes for the body to stop. The rate of change of acceleration is the derivative of acceleration with respect to time, also called jerk. By increasing the time period in which deceleration takes place while keeping the total change in speed constant, the rate of change of acceleration with respect to time, the jerk, is lowered. A lower jerk is less likely to damage body tissue, so it's less likely to result in injury.

I really can't. even call of duty is more worth buying over and over

Attached: packshot-9eea295752b26541cac101c925d9d74a.jpg (500x713, 105.94K)

They will never do japan AC because people will compare it to other ninja games like sekiro or tenchu or whatever and it will be super obvious that AC has shitty actual gameplay

Yes, the point of the blade was for quick, stealthy assassinations in public. It's called "the hidden blade" for a reason.

It really wasn't gimmicy, it was the main tool for every assassination, unlike in the game, assassins were never supposed to fight openly with their swords, those were only for the very rare occasion they fucked up royaly.

In AC Origins it was retconned that Bayek did it by mistake and the rest of the assassins cut their fingers off in solidarity. Origins and Odyssey both shit all over the lore and canon

>3 fucking games set in USA

The (["'ooriginal'"]) assassin blade was a string connected to the ring finger, which required the ring finger to be lopped off for reasons, possible to use as more of a punch than a stab? I dunno..
Obviously Ubisoft didn't think that design through since people missing a ring finger would eventually be suspected of being assassins.

Eventually it developed into a mechanism that required a quick and hard flick to the wrist, similar to Rami's Spiderman, so the assassin didn't accidentally kill himself while picking his nose.

To be fair, every game after the first one shat all over the lore the first game established.

Ask that one user that made a real life functional one

There’s only one AC game in the USA though retard. The other two are in the colonies and Central America

So all assassins cut their ring finger off? Wouldn't that make them super easy to identify?

This, I remember Game Informer's cover story on AC1 and I remember admiring the weebish dedication these white hooded assassins had to their ninja-esque profession

It would be as easy as it is to identify people with extravagant clothing and weapons sticking out of everything.

Only the early ones in Jerusalem and shit, Da Vinci confirms they developed better methods in 2

I think the point of removing the ring finger was so an assassin could activate the blade with minimal hand movements, like just a normal fist, so he won't draw unnecessary attention by doing some weird shit with his hand.

>AC 3
>AC Liberation
>AC Rogue
3 games

I always assumed Assassins were just trained to draw as little attention as possible, constantly shifting their weight to conceal the daggers strapped to their stomach or the sword at their waist.

>3 fucking games set in USA
what are you talking about you double nigger?
3 is set in the US
4 is set in the Caribbean with a small section taking place in North Carolina for the obvious Blackbeard death
Rogue is set mainly in Canada and the North Atlantic with bits in New York, but the main part of the game is in North Atlantic and the Saint Laurence River Valley.

Is Odyssey worth it if I felt Origins was good but was very predictable and artificially elongated?

there is one coming it's called Ghosts of Tsushima

I don't know but they look like a good way of slitting your fucking wrists.

Yeah I noticed the original animation was more "HEY FRIENDO LONG TIME NO SEE LEMME PUT MY HAND ON YOUR SHOULDER AND CALL YOU BROTHER *stabs*"

Yeah, just ignore the walking armoury as he shimmies down the street.

>New York isn't USA

>he doesn't parkour around his city to test this

Yeah I remember early Altair/Ezio games mentioning that, and then later ones having a codex line saying "we stopped doing this because it was a tell you were an assassin", IIRC.

Attached: altair hidden blade.jpg (626x350, 39.06K)

>reading comprehension
the game is predominantly set outside of New York, it just has it for the sake of having a city and because it was presumably easier to reuse the AC3 New York rather than making a new city in the river valley like Quebec City, Ottawa, or Montreal.

Well he's walking right behind that other guy, I just see his hood and assume he's a monk because I'm a retarded street beggar in Jerusalem or I'm too scared to look up or one of these crusaders will decapitate me.

Technically every game is you playing a guy in America who's playing simulated history VR games.

Also in II Leonardo remarks how the removal of the ring finger was a sacrifice to show your dedication to the cause. I'm also pretty sure he had access to one of the codex pages at that time so it likely wasn't just his own conjecture.

I've never seen a single webm or gif of odyssey posted here, hell discussion was only centered around the dlc horse and the gay shit, and it died in 2 weeks.

I didn't even recall it existed until now and i had to double check it wasn't a sequel to ryze instead

It had a decent amount of threads when it first came out. Shame it was essentially Origins again and built from the ground up to be as grindy as possible to goad players into buying XP boosters.

I loved it but I am a sap for Ancient Greek settings

I love how the first AssCreed was like an edgy 2000s anime at times

To be fair there's like 20 Asscreed games now. Speaking of, how many past the first one are good? I'm thinking of which of them to buy on steam before the discount ends.


The Ezio trilogy for more AC stuff
Black Flag for pirate stuff
Oiring for new take on AC, with comfy Egypt setting
Play the rest if you still have a craving for more AC

2, Brotherhood, and 4 are generally regarded as actually good. The rest are your typical ubi open world runaround.
I personally have no problem with that type of game, but it isn't my first pick so I haven't touched AC in years.

Am I crazy, or was there like this thing where the middle finger was cut down because they would otherwise stab themselves?

Oh right, completely forgot Origins and Odyssey were actually pretty good too, as says about Origins.

raise your wrist back and it places pressure at the base of your palm. That activate a trigger, which releases a spring loaded mechanism for the blade.

No clue how they retract it though.

2 and Brotherhood are the pinnacle and absolutely worth playing. If you'd like them, Revelations is almost universally panned, but I enjoyed it far more than most games after it and it is worth a playthrough if only to give closure to Ezio and Altair's stories.
III is honestly the worst AAA game I've ever played and I would avoid it at all costs. You will miss nothing.
Black Flag is a pretty bad open world game, a pretty bad AC game, and a decent pirate game. It's vastly overrated IMO but many people love it, could be for you.
Syndicate and Unity are both worth playing, and more in the style of the first few games, if that's your thing.
Origins and Odyssey are more like open world Witcher clone ARPGs. They're good, but different,and if you like the more concentrated, dense cities of the first few games more if you've played a lot of Open World Quasi-RPG Bloat Game #463. Egregiously grindy though, especially Odyssey as said.
I know I skipped over some of the smaller spinoffs and whatnot.

Assassin's Creed never found a good balance between "This makes sense" and "This looks cool".

Is Brotherhood a full scale game like 1 and 2?

I always assumed killing someone reset the blade somehow, and they had like a moral code that they couldn't sheath their blade until the job was done or something.

Yeah, Brotherhood is essentially a sequel to 2, with Revelations being a sequel to Brotherhood.

It is, but much shorter. First time through might take you 10+ hours but in a lot of ways it's an expansion to 2. Still arguably the best and well worth it.
I just wish Ubi was better at putting the series on sale.

I really don't know why most of Yas Forums overrated Black Flag so much, when the naval combat and sailing the seas are the only good things about it.

Did they ever stop doing this?
I tried getting into the series back on the ps3 (liked ac2 but never got far in 3) but the stupid "simulation" parts ruined any immersion the games had (and were also never all that interesting)
Unless we get a game where he is the main protagonist and actually assassinates modern day people, the segments are pretty useless.

>I really don't know why most of Yas Forums overrated Black Flag so much
I know this gets thrown around a lot, but it's a very reddit thing to do. Seeing as this place and there are no nearly identical, I think most Yas Forumsirgins are swayed by the shanty songs being catchy and the end hitting them right in le feels. So much of that game is slowly trodding over islands in a boring open world with the earlier game's mechanics that don't pair well with it.