Three Houses

Why is she the worst character?

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why do you have the worst opinion?

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Yuzu needs to emulate this game properly so I can decide whether or not I want to ruffle her messy hair

She's not the worst. Personality wise, she's not even the worst Black Eagle. That's the queen of shit tests and being a prejudicial asshole, Dorothea.

I love her.

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That's not Edeltard.

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Dorothea really is just the self-insert for the entitled who think they're better than they are but still blame everyone else for their failures.

her time skip look is fucking bad

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i never recruited her on AM so it was fun to watch her get spitroasted by a disgustingly overleved dimitri beelining for the hill and her own empress edeltard dropping napalm on her

>killed her too quickly so I believed Edelgard just set the centre on fire to spite me specifically.

I think 3 Houses inverted most of their archetypes by accident. Leonie isn't a fun tomboy, she's just aggressive and rude. Dorothea isn't a put upon rags-to-riches princess, she's a lucky asshole with a chip on her shoulder, etc.

The only trope inversions I think were on purpose were Lorenz, Ferdinand, Felix, and Sylvain. And surprise surprise, they're the best student characters.

Bernie is a shitty meme character but as far as shitty meme characters go she's fairly entertaining. Dorathea is far and away the biggest steaming pile of shit in the entire game.

Bernie isn't the best written, but she could have been FAR worse.

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Does Bernadette ever stand on the pier? Marianne, Manuela, and Alois definitely do but I don't remember ever seeing Bernie there.

>Male characters are better written because they are written to be waifu-bait and as a result come out ten times better
Makes you think

Ferdinand and Petra are the only good Black Eagles.

Aren't, fuck

Linhardt is pretty fucking based, him shitting on Edelgard in his B support with her, calling her a selfish brat who doesn't understand her position, was kino.

Not big enough.

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how about you end yourself

Those four specifically have main character levels of depth

>Lorenz is a sometimes condescending and prejudicial noble, but only out of ignorance and devotion to his perceived responsibilities. He softens and becomes more respectful to others over time.
>Ferdinand is a predestined elite with inadequacy issues but a genuine desire to improve himself and the world. He learns the value of work and accepts his place out of the spotlight over time.
>Felix has cut himself off from his friends and family after experiencing a lot of personal trauma. Rather than being a bland edgy boi though it's apparent from very early on that this is a front born of genuine fear and concern for his loved ones.
>Sylvain is a "comedic dashing rogue" who's also incredibly bitter and resentful in a barely contained Patrick Bateman-esque façade of being an alpha male. As he matures he learns to look beyond himself and start to mature into an actually noble, responsible person and ditch his edge and his act.

Every one of those characters could carry a whole game.

>tfw no Three Houses Thracia-esque side story taking place during the time skip

She needs some meat on her bones.

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truly best boy
>”man this war would never have happened if I had just raw dogged edelgard” -sylvain jose gautier

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put on a trip so i can filter you

>tfw no Bernie gf

>not hack and slash where you play as Dimitri

You're the one who deserves to be a tripfag.

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when linhardt shuts the fuck up about napping he’s an interesting and intelligent character, same problem in all of three houses where if characters don’t have backstory they default to their silly one note trait
rapahel is probably the worst offender of that if I here that nigga talk about food one more time he’s getting killed off

>when everyone are quarantined and forced to stay in their rooms

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This is the best 3D cutscene in the history of Fire Emblem

Somewhat relevant: I'm doing my first Crimson Flower route,who is absolutely impossible to recruit from the Church? Flayn, Seteth, Catherine and Cyril?

The worst part of Raphael is that he mentions food even when he's talking about how he's concerned for his sister before the war. And also after Jeralt.

how does one house have the worst girl but also the best.

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>Flayn, Seteth, Catherine and Cyril?
That's them
If you've got the DLC you really should make sure to recruit Mercedes and Lysithea. They're the two recruited characters that actually add a decent amount to CF.


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I get that the scene is in the moment, but in reality why does Dimitri jump to the conclusion that the Flame Emperor / Edelgard had a hand in the Tragedy?

Because of the top 5 girls in the game, 3 are in GD. The other 2 are in BL. Petra is runner up.

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No DLC, how does Azure Shadows actually integrate? Does it just replace Chapters 1-12? I plan to at least grab Mercedes and I know Lysithea would be important as well. I'm still mad I needed fucking Caspar on Azure Moon to get Mercedes' paralogue and the proper closure for the Death Knight subplot.

absolute kino, this scene sold me on the BL route, I don’t mind the story beats of the other three but nothing will top the journey of the boar prince to the savior king for me
and that retard strength mother fucker kept critting for 300 damage too

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The Slitherers are directly implicated in his parents' murder and most of the other problems on the continent, then he sees the Emperor hanging out with two Slitherers, one of which is the bitch who just shanked his professor's dad.

And the dagger plants the seeds of "has literally everything good in my life not associated with Dedue or Byleth actually been destroyed by this one motherfucker" in his head.

In a cutscene right before Chapter 10, Dimitri and Byleth overhear the Flame Emperor talking to Thales and Kronya about what happened in Duscur. Dimitri sees this and assumes that they're all responsible for the tragedy. He also has extreme survivor's guilt about what happened there, to the point where after the timeskip he gets schizophrenia and hears the voices of his dead father and relatives.

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Which is worse?
>Mbyleth: Leonie keeps threatening to cuck you with your dad even if you support her.

>Fbyleth: Leonie keeps threatening to fuck your dad i.e. commit Dad NTR


it’s discussed beforehand that the flame emperor was somehow working with slitherniggers, as well as dimitri seeing this firsthand with jeralts death and the human experimentation at remire village
that and edelgard is the only family he has left, to see that your last “family” member as well as the girl you loved is behind all that suffering was enough to turn the piglet into the boar

I know from the narrative that's presented, it's just weird. Like, could anyone have been all "dude she was like seven?" Then again the story is supposed to be he's so far gone and fucked in the head that wouldn't have even worked.

>how does Azure Shadows actually integrate
I don't know what you mean by this. The DLC characters are the Ashen Wolves so I'll assume you meant that?

They're recruitable early on (Chapter 3? I forget) as just addon units. They have a few supports, but from what I've seen thusfar I think the main game acts like the DLC doesn't actually happen since its final boss is shown to be alive after when the DLC takes place and none of the characters reference their actions in the DLC. They're about as integrated as the Professors/Knights.

Rhea gives me DiarRhea.

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Thales outright says that they're responsible for it. And what caused the voices after to timeskip to get worse was that he lost everything he cared about (Byleth, Dedue, and his kingdom and people) all at one once to what was obviously an Empire plot.

*Cindered Shadows, sorry.
From what I hear Part 2 basically ignores the DLC entirely, you just get the characters. But I'm wondering how the story works if you play that route. Is the first half entirely different, or is is essentially a series of paralogues?

Daily reminder that you're playing the game wrong if you don't go brigand in every str character
Also, hourly reminder that you're playing the game like a fucking retard if you don't reclass EVERY def screwed character into armored knight. That shit is even doable in maddening NG without DLC


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Slyvain's too good for her. Slyvain needs a wife that actually isn't retarded.

Got really excited when the first time Felix talked about the boar I spent my whole playthrough waiting for it and it was worth it

whoa, is this a real cutscene?

Is it bad that I shipped him with Dorothea instead of Ingrid?