How are you guys enjoying onirism?
How are you guys enjoying onirism?
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I'm patiently awaiting the next event to play
I'm bumping
the update is going to add a whole new story area. don't know when the next event is, or if one is even planned. the last one was the cruise ship added in december last year.
please respond
All of them have been pretty good so far. I want a racing mp mode
I don't go for cutesy games but I'm getting flashbacks to Alice: Madness Returns and I enjoyed that years ago. I'll pick this up.
Maybe after they redo the physics because right now vehicles don't handle that well. At least the cars don't.
It's on sale for nearly half off until saturday, my fellow vee poster.
the lastest update posted by the dev. Would be nice if the update was finished soon so I can have something new to play while I'm stuck at home.
Cheers fella
Just sell it as a feature. I need my splitscreen karting mode
will i be put on a list if I play this game
Who is this game for? It's a third person arena shooter, but with NPC monster enemies?
This is an adventure game pretty much. But it has a lot of modes and plenty of vs and co-op modes that happen to include having arena shooter modes and survival / assault modes.
Well they're planning on redoing physics before they add online so I expect vehicle physics to be a part of that.
It's a platformer. If you've played any of rare's games from the 00s, you'll have the jist of what onirism is.
is there an animation of the girl flossing in the game?
This is not a game for zoomers.
>will i be put on a list if I play this game
See that mountain?
shock rifle when?
OH N--
The game is filled with big tittie monster girls. Stop obsessing over a child, sicko.
the fuck. fck you nigga
Why can't you just lust after slime girls like a normal degenerate?
>no online multi
eh, I'll wait
>missed out on the official onirism beach towel
How do I disable bloom?
It's ugly.
You have to go back to the main menu to tweak the graphics. And protip: switching presets doesn't work. you have to edit each setting individually.
bruh just give me update already.
That actually looks pretty fun but the camera looks a bit awkward, can you adjust it in menus?
Not that I know of.
are they ever gona make more of official merchandise?
Maybe the next time they add a new seasonal event. I think the stuff in the store is still from the last halloween event.
Oh they're really, actual pedos.
this game looks aggressively bad, like genuinely fucking terrible looking. it looks like a chinese bootleg of hat in time. is being pedobait really enough to warrant threads for it? because the gameplay looks like ass, the game has no artstyle and every model looks fucking terrible. i see very little to it aside from a underaged looking MC and even she looks kind of ugly. she looks like that weird girl in your middle school class that was obsessed with horses and smelt fucking terrible
Is this game for Switch?
Hat in time has some jank in it too. The movement and the camera.
yeah but it has some vague level of polish and a concise arstyle, this looks like a bunch of amateur blender models dropped onto stock asset levels
its was also praised for having a loli MC but that dropped off after the tranny shit, but it had at least something else to it. this just looks fucking terrible
>shitting on a platformer that isn't mario
>mario pic
Sounds about right.
Ok, the store animation is cool
Nah, they're just not Americans, so they don't see a little girl in a bikini and instinctualy think "Holy shit, I want to fuck that loli."
It's not even a bikini. It's a one piece.
next level bait. the tranny stuff doesn't even show up in my game
Almost missed this blatant shill thread. You think I'm going to buy onirism because it's on sale for the low low price of $9.89 when it's normally $17.99? Think again. I don't care how good a deal it is, I won't be fooled.
>take your unfinished game to small time conventions
>attract scores of underage girls
brb, making a game starring a little girl
RPG elements and crafting when?
why though?
You don't get toys and upgrades from skill trees or crafting faggotry, you get them from exploring the world. Or also buying them from the shop in the case of toys.
I recently saw that game appear on my Steam exploration list.
What's the interesting part of this? Is it just changing gameplay style every now and there or is there something else that carry across all this, or some kino maybe?
Right now it's just a decent platformer with promising development.
why are the french so based and onions at the same time?
i want a battle royal mode
I see it's solo and PvP, is the multi a derived product of a solo campaign? or is the solo a glorified training mode for multi?
The main story mode is separate from the multiplayer. The story can be played coop though.