It can't be helped

>it can't be helped

Attached: IMG_8730.jpg (640x649, 53.55K)

>it's shit

the gameplay is fast-paced and difficult

all girls look same and act like children say uguu uguu baka

Attached: fish.png (743x715, 394.6K)

Romantic interactions you can tell were written by male virgins.

>horror games
it's good
>third person action game
probably good
>anything else
it's a pile of trash

>character talks while closing their eyes and facing away from everyone else

Attached: Tactical Espionage Action.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>can romance every girl but none of them are canon

>Everyone has to sigh and exclaim confusion loudly

Hate this shit. Uh, eh? hah etc.

what's this one called again?


Metal Gear

its good

>the NEET antisocial virgin gets to the new world, and is suddenly able to talk to everyone without anxiety
>the cool character of the group walks with his arms behind his head
>main girl is unequivocally shit, but the game railroads you into romancing her

dogshit pc optimization

Incredibly shallow writing

>the translation is just a fanfiction

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>world isn't brown on brown realism simulator

>morality is only white or black
>there is only white and black people too

Yandere Simulator

This is definitely one of them, how some manage it I don't know

Non-existent lip syncing

Attached: sonic-adventure-gif-11.gif (397x275, 972.77K)

Natsuiro no Piko

So you've never played an otome game

Tight controls with a touch of jank.
Still 500x better than western AAA controls, those things are just unresponsive and janky ass shit.

In the words of Yahtzee, it’s not a JRPG until a group of teenagers have killed God with the power of friendship.

All characters are teens/students


No forced diversity

Depends on how much they pay the Polaks they outsource it to. At least in terms of performance, controls will always be fucked.

oh no the church was the bad guys oooooooh...

>barely has any graphics or other options
>if they exist you have to quit out of the game and change them in a launcher

The problem is that Japanese writers (this goes for Anime as well) think everyone else is a retard so they rely on heavy exposition.

>"What's your dream?"/"What is your reason to fight?" repeated over and over.
>"Show me the strength of your resolve" just before a rival fight.

Got recommended on it by Yas Forums

>Please eat to your hearts content

>Isn't shoving political propaganda down my throat at every opportunity.

All diversity is forced you apologetic faggot.

>You HUMANS are pathetic!
>Human scum is beneath me
>It's humans who are the true monster!

It's always something about humans humans humans. I know only one word in Japanese and it's ningen

Classic Randy!

>girl's major character flaw is that she's enthusiastic about eating a certain food

They don't think it, they know it. Every time they try to make a remotely subtle narrative people don't get it, especially westerners

>character has a hand in front of their mouth or they conveniently turn away from the camera to speak

>school festival
>idol event

>western game shoves it in your face non stop and makes it a focal point for a character's personality or the plot
>japanese game it's just there in the background and never talked about ever

Yeah it's forced in the west trannyera

Gotta love the Yas Forums hivemind
>game comes out thats full of problematic writing and downright offensive stereotypes/actions you can commit etc



>ignorant weeb thinks he knows enough about japanese politics to say anything like "it's just in the background dude"


Ahh, the great Final Fantasy 7, MGS1-2-3-4-V, Nier Automata.. no politics

>forced politics through shit plot and strawman fiddles
>genuine comedic and humorous representation of stereotypes that arent the main part of the plot

>le problematic

That's actually worse. I prefer the portrayal to be obnoxious because it shows them for what they are - disgusting, abominable degenerates. The type you are describing is what subversives do to try and normalize that shit.

Attached: call this number.jpg (512x344, 42.2K)

Just because the west is worse for it doesn't stop all diversity being forced.

>comedic relief character has inordinate amount of violence perpetrated against him for his antics, usually by female characters
>everybody laughs

Natsuiro High School


E.European > American >>>>>> Japanese (absolute WOAT)


American=Japanese >>> E.European



Art style

Japan>>> everyone else by far


American>>everyone else

"Any thing that counters my opinions is bait"
Nazis are so predictable. Next you'll call a fact b8... Like how Trump doomed America by saying "this Chinese virus won't affect us".
Here's another one.
"I have no rebuttal so let me throw in a buzzword so I can fit in with the alt righties that plague this cesspool XDXD"
Quit trying to fit in

Meanwhile if a woman lays a finger on a male in an American game, Yas Forumsncels will seethe about feminism.

夏色ハイスクル青春白書〜転校初日のオレが幼馴染と再会したら報道部員にされていて激写少年の日々はスクープ大連発でイガイとモテモテなのに何故かマイメモリーはパンツ写真ばっかりという現実と向き合いながら考えるひと夏の島の学園生活と赤裸々な恋の行方。〜, Natsuiro HaisukuruSeishun Hakusho ~Tenkou Shonichi no Ore ga Osananajimi to Saikai shitara Houdoubuin ni Sarete ite Gekisha Shounen no Hibi wa Sukuupu Dairenpatsu de Igai to Motemote nanoni Nazeka Mai Memori wa Pantsu Shashin Bakkari toiu Genjitsu to Mukiainagara Kangaeru Hitonatsu no Shima no Gakuen Seikatsu to Sekirarana Koi no Yukue.~, lit. "Summertime High School: A Young Man's Notes—How a New Exchange Student Like Myself Ran Into His Childhood Friend on the School Tour, Then for Some Reason Became Super-Popular with the Girls for His Daily Scoops on the School Photography Club Even Though He Only Takes Panty Shots, and What He Thinks as He Goes on Dates During His Summer of Island School Life.

seethe more tranny, you'll never be a woman.

Incomprehensible and generally fucktarded GUI and menu.

>goaded twink and his party of mostly waifus + shill, one-sided romantic tsundere rival have to beat up a one-dimension bad guy who the fandom ends up loving more than the main characters
extra points if you have to fight a dragon at the end

Protagonist looks gay as fuck with faggy hair.

as expected, the shitposter never stops!

>art style
oh no no no

make yourself more obvious trannyera, go back to your hugbox and make sure all the mean people who hurt your feefees are banned for independant thought.

This, this, this!
I see lots of little girls in scantily clad armor wrecking enemy men in Japanese games. The minute a narrative focused event happens in a Western game (take Uncharted 4 for example), the collective alt right hive mind loses their minds. Notice how I said "little girls in armor". Alt Right dudes are pedo incels.

It's the only thing they're good at.

comic relief character has dark skin where the rest of the cast is pale skinned


Holy shit, make it more obvious that you're a Stormfront asshole.

Sexy girls beating the shit out of nameless mooks in a fantasy game is hot
Ugly gorillas beating the shit out of the protagonist in a grounded setting is retarded


It's a good game.

it has JYB


It has problematic portrayals and doesn't respect modern sensibilities.

>especially westerners
Shield Hero is a perfect example of this
>Meanwhile not even 10 minutes before Naofumi is reading a book that only talks praise of the other three heroes while the shield hero is barely even a foot note.
The second Jap's do something subtle every retarded gaijin is screaming how things don't make sense anymore and the story telling is trash because they don't pay attention.
They act like Let's Players who spend excessive amounts of time talking about their dicks and the last shit they took instead of paying attention to the game and then screaming about how they have no idea what to do, blaming the game for not telling them despite being told exactly what to do while they were busy talking about how much they want to suck a dick.

"Ugly gorillas"
And another racist asshole shows himself. Everyone, point at him and laugh! There's a reason you're a kissless incel with no friends. Try being a little nicer to people.
Anonymous posting is the worst thing to happen to the internet. It gives literal psychotic assholes free reign to say hateful shit with zero consequences. Content and discussion on this god foreskin site will steadily improve if they implemented an account/username model. Shitposts would go down and literal assholes won't have a safehaven to freely post inane drivel all day long.

Attached: the 'sweaty sexist fat neckbeards' at compile who make icky games with anime boobies that make sjws LITERALLY shake.jpg (800x600, 144.9K)

>game has CUNNY

>Weeb trash is poorly written shit for kids and teenagers at best
>Surprised that anything outside of their comfort zone of waifu fantasies and childish imaginations angers and confuses them

>psychotic assholes
>try being nice
who hurt you?

This is why I don't get people revere Sonic Adventure as much as they do, even back then this looked bad.

>click icon to launch game
>launcher starts up
>click on "play"
>developer screen
>click to skip it
>distributor screen
>click to skip it
>technology screen
>click to skip it
>another tech screen
>click to skip it
>main menu screen
>click to skip music and video
>menu options screen
>click on "play"
>"would you like to play your last saved game, user?"
>click yes
>game finally starts
>play a while
>dinner time
>hit ESC
>menu appears
>click "system"
>click exit
>"are you sure?"
>click yes
>exits to main menu
>click to skip music and video
>menu options screen
>click "exit"
>"are you sure, user?"
>click yes

Fucking japs and all the fucking clicking their shitty games.

yes the japanese writers writing in japanese for their japanese audience only do it for those pesky westerners!!
are you retards actually reading what you're typing

Attached: [006679].jpg (1645x2524, 1018.97K)

Are you 3 years old? The menus are simple to follow, they just don't use that god awful minimalist style western games seem obsessed with. They have game specific UI designs that make them actually stand out. It's far superior to that ugly ass "minimalist" UI that doesn't even try to fit the environment the game is in.

>disdain for NINGEN

Imagine denying you're a racist incel after using the words "ugly gorilla" in a sentence aimed towards a woman. Again, usernames on this site would increase ACTUAL discussion instead of racial shit flinging.

>can't you see you're just like him

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>impying I'm him
again who hurt you?

Actually Utena is a perfect example of this, most westerners just think it's lesbian porn or something.

Only in games that ape shounen shit. There are plenty of jap games where the church is neutral/good guys.

The example I gave with Shield Hero DOESN'T beat you over the head with why the people hate the Shield Hero, the Japs understood it just fine but so many god damn westerners were saying it was poorly written since they didn't understand anything that was happening despite it being clearly explained with foreshadowing but no, that was too hard for the little EOPs to wrap their heads around. Face it, the entire basis of people saying Jap writing is trash is because you don't know Japanese so you need a mentally disabled gaijin to "localize" the script for you and since they're not professional writers the script becomes trash.

>main cast is teenagers
>they're all stupid hormonal and petty
>all the reasonable characters are adults
>nearly everything bad that happens is due to the characters acting like children
>coming of age arc or the character was a whiney baby that gets his shit together near the end and learns to care about others

its realistic but god is it stupid.

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or they're just bad writers

dont care didnt read

This, but place E.European at far left in every category.

>muhahaha yes I will destroy the entire universe to end human suffering so from a certain point of view I'm like the good guy r-right?

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People only say this shit is just happening now because everyone decided to jump into politics recently... Every board is now also Yas Forums forever

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