>difficulty selection:
>difficulty selection:
I keep seeing this gif and nobody will tell me if its real or not
>You have to finish normal to unlock hard
>You have to finish hard to unlock insane/very hard
>you have to beat insane without dying once to get the real ending
every single cat on the planet does this when you're not looking
Seems like a good idea actually
Normal: The way the game is meant to be played
Easy: scaled down for girls and game journos
>game is 15+ hours long and story intensive
>difficulties are
>very hard
>mega hard
>have to beat every difficulty to unlock the next one
I have no idea why Square keeps pulling this shit.
just enter the cheat code to enable hard mode lmao
ummmm wtf is that a cat? dancing? uhhh is this real?
>hardest difficulty is the name of the game
It is real, but people don't like to talk about it
That cat was harshly trained multiple months in a row for that clip. Show business being what it is, he never got real help for all the mental trauma he went through, he was found dead 2 weeks after the clip was finished. He overdosed on cat mint.
Knowing it makes it hard to enjoy the dance he learned, so people rather ignore the truth
user, just because games doesn't come with a Super Easy difficulty, doesn't mean you should uninstall them. You just need to get good enough to play on easy.
How would you know unless you were a filthy c*t
what the fuck
>easy (for journos and femoids)
>normal (for newcomers and strategychads)
>hard (way meant to be played)
>*MC* must die (makes you erect everytime you play)
Wow is such a shit game reeeeee
how the fuck does he do it bros?
>He doesnt have a cat with unlocked dance animation
Never gonna make it
>game has difficulty settings
>Easy is too easy
>Medium works like shit because the NPC's were designed for a hard experience so they act stupid but deal a lot of damage
>Insane will make you pop a blood vessel
>Hard is the only playable difficulty
Thanks CoD World at War
holy shit how did they get a cat to do that?
i too played mgs2
But this used to be the norm back in the day. Normal was normal, easy was for casuals.
>only options are Very Easy and Easy
>both violently kick your ass
Guess that game
>Baby's first game
>Baby's 2nd game
>Default Difficulty
>Gimmick extra hard mode no one but autists play seriously
this guy is a cat abuser. he forces them to dance
I think DMC is the only series to do this right. Hardest difficulty is almost always out of scope for the mechanics and causes the game loop to break down. Only games I played that do this properly are DMC DOOM and Hollow Knight.
No way this is real
I've seen this webm countless times, but the replies are still funny every single time
its fake, how some retards dont see the strings, that always amazes me.
I don't know why but these are my favorite threads
>normal difficulty is actually extremely difficult
lil nigga got some fresh move doe
>the higher the difficulty, the better the rewards you get
>difficulty selection
difficulty settings are cringe
This is because the game's hard mode wasn't intended for new players. Making it an unlockable is to retard-proof the game so people don't get frustrated and quit because they decided to select a difficulty meant for people who already played the game.
>XP scales with difficulty
>Hardest difficulty is the easiest since you get upgrades faster
Good old Underrail.
>only four more days until caturday
>difficulty selection screen kills you
Which SCP this?
What games do this?
>hardest difficulty makes the game easier
Name four games that do this.
Based Quake bro
Is this fucking real????
TWEWY and Kid Icarus Uprising
Dragon Dogma
And uhhhhh shit!!!!
Europa Universalis IV.
This cat is epic, epic for the win!!
Metro 2033
>super easy
>super hard
>there are no other difficulty modes
and MGR. there.
>Combat and puzzles have different difficulty settings
It's fake I dont know why people keep spamming it even though its obviously fake, dumb tv memes
>game mocks you for picking the lower difficulties
Because we aren't discussing video games and, subsequently, flinging shit at one another.
>Hard mode is overtuned and beyond frustrating
>normal mode is piss easy and unenjoyable
>normal is too easy
>hard is too hard
I just wanna say this shit is pure and takes me back to old Yas Forums
This is beyond cursed.
Halo but with Legendary and Heroic.
yo what was he vibin to tho?????