Post yours

Post yours.

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i'm lazy sorry

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good taste user


Do it for real and I'll make it an A-

Attached: Favourite Everything.jpg (1999x1896, 3.45M)

amazing taste, slightly hampered by harry potter and furfaggotry but that's ok

Superb taste in vidya, damn fine taste in alcohol and food.
If your favorite book is really Harry Potter, I'm alright with getting a D+ from you; Deathly Hallows isn't bad, but it's not even the best in the series.

I couldn't be bothered to find pictures sorry anons.

Attached: probably jaws.png (1994x1885, 156.59K)

I'm not much of a reader. I did greatly enjoy the Potter saga, but I'm honestly ashamed I didn't use them as a launching pad to get into more books. I wouldn't even defend Deathly Hallows as the best in the series for actual book reader reasons, it's more that I take the series as a whole, and my enjoyment grew from book to book as the whole thing built to a climax. DH is the only time I genuinely couldn't put a book down until I'd finished it. So there you go. It's only there because the template called for it.


to long to find pics and resize, thread would prolly have died by then

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I think i'm dumb, maybe just happy
uhh, I really like cream soda too.
don't feel it
uhhh bottled coca colas good

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N for nice?


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damn right

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Very mixed bag

>I think i'm dumb
I think so too

man fuck you guys

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Honestly I'm not much of a reader but I decided to separate Book & Manga anyway. I count plays as literature and of all the plays I've read/watched the most interesting was the one I have here. Death of a Salesman and 12 Angry Men are obvious runners up as well, and I recall reading Six Characters in Search of an Author in my first year of college and enjoying the novelty of it.

Not gonna lie my man you're losing points for the porn.
Don't worry, I'm also a pussy that generally doesn't want his drink to taste like alcohol.
I stopped caring about Harry Potter in the final act of Book 5. All my desire to know what happens to the characters just kind of died and I didn't care much for the setting. Kind of glad given how much Rowling has shit on people who do still care lately.
>it has the fewest anime tropes that I hate
user, Dragonball invented or at least popularized a dozen or so of the biggest anime cliches to the point of countless parody.
A good 90s cartoon adaptation of some other property can be a decent time and Beetlejuice definitely looked like one of the more inspired ones.

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threads like these die fast since the casuals wont take the time
so the rest of us who would like to take time don't because the thread wont live long enough for us to do so

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I forget anons need validation sometimes
Don't you @ me retard. Glad you want to start shit because your taste is all nintendo garbage you never let go from your childhood. Doesn't even play vidya anymore.

Yeah but DBZ doesn't have lolis making ahegao faces.

You can avoid that pretty easily if you watch/read the right stuff my man. Maybe read manga instead and watch the adaptations of the ones you like that have them.

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I feel like we get along even if I hate Sanic

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>ass man
And you call my porn out.

>Hong Kong 97
legendarily based

Attached: a_box_of_fuckin_ugly_reds.jpg (5312x2988, 2.48M)

Great tastes my key lime brother


A, very based
Half-Life, Mega Man, Ocarina, and Team Fortress 2 also rank very highly with me. Hidden World was a bit of a let down though, just in how weak I felt the justification was for sending the dragons into hiding. Definitely prefer the first two movies.

The animated Beetlejuice is chock full of stupid puns and I love that shit. The whole warped netherworld architecture is really appealing to me naturally as well.

You don't know how bad I wish arcades were around.

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there thread survived long enough to find pics

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I haven't actually been to too many arcades in my life but I've always really enjoyed myself. My dad used to drive up to a resort town on occasion and there would be a great spread of 80s through then-recent arcade games, and I had more than one birthday there as well. One of my strongest memories with a good friend of mine was visiting the same mall on three different occasions so we could finally beat House of the Dead 4 in a single shot. If/when I have enough disposable income and space I will be getting a couple cabinets, preferable stuff with hardware that enhances the experience compared to just emulating it, like Silent Scope 2.
I just can't get into guro. I don't want high levels of pain or big messes anywhere near my fap material. At least you're cooler than footfags.

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my tastes change on the fly but whatever
read another book but good taste especially in animals and porn
based boomer and big ups for cobra
everything except dark souls 2. for what purpose?

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Never expected to have to use this template again.

Please get some hobbies besides Video Games and Anime 3/5


0/5 Fuck Pizza Hut




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What's the appeal of watching Nip porn

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It's not because their nips. It's the fact that they're total nymphs and do their cock sharing and worship that does it for me. They could be white or latinas for all I care.

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>Please get some hobbies besides Video Games and Anime 3/5
I don't even watch anime,but I'll try to get some hobbies dad

But it's censored,and most Nip women seem to have boy bodies

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I like metal gear but could never understand why anyone would call it their favorite game.

Good food and good choice of racing games.

Good choices for anime, show and pokemon.

Good anime, but I got tired of waiting for that shit to move on.

Good anime, location and games. Would hang out with. nohomo

>too illegal to post

drink is fine, as well as food
Terraria is best choice

I enjoy 3's Cold War setting and James Bond-esque cheesiness

I'm a new fag zoomer go easy on me

Attached: My personal list.jpg (1999x1896, 1.04M)

spaghetti is fucking gross

>Metroid Prime

I like you

>Good anime, but I got tired of waiting for that shit to move on.
You missed out on one of the best shonen

You're fucking gross

It really depends. There's so much western porn that's unappealing to me, too, because the females are faking it or just lay down and moan. I sometimes see this in Japanese porn too. If the females are great, I don't even mind it if it's censored.

What is that food?

Attached: my taste.jpg (1999x1896, 1005.28K)

Not as gross as you Spaghetti eater.Wow meatballs,noodles,and chunks of bitter tomatoes what a meal


>all these terraria
You motherfuckers better serb when the update comes out

Oh boy, it's the reddit ID tag thread again. Let's look at the redditors post their extremely shit taste in this thinly veiled off-topic thread to discuss things which a clearly no vidya.

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کله پاچه
It's basically cooking the head and leg of a sheep to perfection with a lot of oil and seasoning (including the brain, the eyes, the tongue and etc...)

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>reddit ID tag thread again
Leave and take your reddit boogie man with you

That's some satanist shit.

I ain’t got no image manipulation software on me so fuck it
Ghost Trick
Hotline Miami
The Witness
Crypt of the Necrodancer
DOOM 2016
Hamtaro Ham-Ham Heartbreak
Ocean’s 11
I dunno, the best of Fleetwood Mac or something, I just listen to individual songs
Caught between Clannad and Mob Psycho 100
The Swiss Family Robinson
Incest doujins
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge
>Drug & Alcohol
Toss-up between hummus and chili
Japan, god damn I miss living there
Pigeons and doves

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P*zza Hut is pretty tasty, ngl

Attached: mytastes.png (1984x1900, 3.27M)

How about eating actual food

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>cooking the head and leg of a sheep to perfection
>with a lot of oil and seasoning
I have an idea of how tender and flavorful the meat would be.