Bricks were shat.
Bricks were shat
What the fuck is his problem? He manages to have the objective worst opinion about everything
MovieBlob's a cuck for Anita Sarkeesian.
he skipped his grandfather's (who he was close with) funeral to replay smb3
a game he had played many times before
he's just broken
if you wanna laugh, check out that shit about him thinking he deserves to lead humans into space or some dumb shit
I'm aware of all that and it's hilarious because I actually work on the cutting edge of some future bullshit technologies within pissing distance of his hovel, but I want to specifically how someone ends up that way. He has to be the least pleasant person on the planet to be around
Hey shut your mouth, reviewing superhero movies is a great contribution to the world
Not even the best 2d mario
i remember when i was a kid and just starting to discover these kinds of videos i actually thought his overthinker series was pretty good and he was kind of cool and insightful
when he started adding the "stories" i began to realize the truth about him and guys like him
Certainly there are others that would be annoying to be around like dobby and whoever else.
But the more I read about bob I think he might be worse than dobson. At least he has the odd moment of clarity. or did at least.
I can't really think of what exact circumstances could get someone to be like this. Maybe it's like dobby and just some weird massive insecurity issue from bullying.
reminder that bob went to the mat for your freedom and fought in the console wars, his own personal vietnam
>he skipped his grandfather's (who he was close with) funeral to replay smb3
PLEASE somebody post this section
Anyone got the “Who said it? Hitler/Stalin/Moviebob picture?”
Just a reminder this is the motherfucker who said on his twitter that Middle Americans deserved to be GENOCIDED for voting for Trump.
I wonder how far 90's nostalgia go until we get a remake of The Wizard. We already got Chips remake
I can't tell if this guy is far left or far right.
Skipping the funeral I could at least sympathize with. If he was so emotionally shattered by her passing that he didn't have the strength to go to her funeral, I could get it. Is it possible he just worded it poorly and used Mario as a coping mechanism?
I love the Oculus Rift, it’s so bad!
Power Glove kid was IRL arrested for sexual assault
Claims to be left, but y’know political Horseshoe and all that Jazz.
He deep throats DNC dick but advocates for the genocide of people he disagrees with, namely Trump supporters and anyone right of center. I don't know what you call that.
Did he use the glove?
What do you think Movieblob's close friends are like?
I would unironically fucking love if the Fighter Pass 2 trailer was Nintendo characters telling the audience to not be a TOXIC ALT RIGHT MEANIE HEAD I'M TELLING MOM just to see what would happen, especially on Yas Forums.
Im not surprised at all white people choose politics over family. White people are anti family.
>will continue to treat Sarkeesian
I literally haven't heard from her since GG. Did she ever actually finish femfreq?
The book is basically saying just that. SMB3 was his one safe space as a child and so whenever he felt stressed or couldn't deal with his emotions he'd play it. The problem is that he's so autistic, he doesn't even realize that's what he's saying and he himself doesn't know SMB3 was his coping mechanism.
Radical neoliberal fascist consumer
The short term is "Bobist"
No, but that sounds hilarious. I have this, though.
same honestly.
No, she dropped it and ran another successful kickstarter after that femfreq money went away. whether she has actually has delivered on I don't know and don't give enough of a shit to check. Also I think she sometimes bitches about games to devs on twitter in an attempt to get them to hire her as a female empowerment consulting agent or something.
The idea that most people probably don't know what's best for them is probably accurate in a lot of cases, and I'd be interested in hearing what examples he would pull up of that happening throughout history though. There are surely tons of Men of Action out there, who think they're making the world a better place, but are in fact, not.
Is this the guy who has that twerking goomba OC or is that someone else
>I want to be a nazi without the social stigma of being a nazi
I-is this guy secretly based?
>wanting a 2020s remake of The Wizard where instead of SMB3 it's Fortnite 3 or Call of Duty Black Ops 7
White people are the superior race
The term nowadays is simp
Does he even have actual fans?
I mean if you voted for Trump then you deserve what you get, which is gonna be 7 figure body count.
Levels were too short.
Ugly green thing on the right side of the screen.
what did he do? He never leaves his house
Yeah, this virus wouldn't exist if it weren't for Trump. The sky would be bluer and our shit would smell like cinnamon rolls, too.
Did Bob even go to college?
How great would it be if someone that Moviebob idolized just told him he was a shit person? Like, imagine if Miyamoto told Moviebob that he didn't like him and thought he was a bad person. You'd think he'd off himself after that? Or would he just assume Miyamoto got corrupted by the alt-right somehow?
Don't insult Luigi like that.
I wish was correct, but... he does have fans, it seems.
Bob is incapable of self reflection and empathy. He'd piss and moan for the rest of his life and remain a hateful vindictive asshole
>Painted walls for a greenscreen
>Painted the fucking doorknob
He's playing a character like Borat no way is he real
That's more like liberalism honestly
Look at Margaret Sanger and her ilk, eugenics used to be pretty popular on both sides in the 30s and 40s
>comparing SMB3 to two national tragedies
So he thinks its shit?
Why does Bob act like he's some famous freedom fighter when all he does is bitch on twitter and run his youtube channel that when compared to other gaming/movie related channels, he's on the low end.
The fuck is the mat?
Hey man, he retweets LGBTQ stuff. He's obviously doing his part to make the world better!
This happened in high school.
Oh God, he's just like Dobson.
i remember he cited david mamet once. I actually know mamet in person; i showed him moviebob and we shared a laugh
Dobson and Bob are like two long lost brothers
God, this is written horribly. The fact that this talentless tub of lard has managed to make a living off media criticism makes me optimistic that I can do the same, at least.
His book is truly cursed.
>tries to act morally superior to the people who don't send their kids to schools with mexicans and blacks
>still calls blacks and mexicans "hoodlums"
What did he mean by this?
Ah yes. The console wars. Historically, a thing that only happened for Bob Chipman.
He's probably trying to hide that he's a racist, and if he is then he's fucking horrible at it