It's gonna flop isn't it

it's gonna flop isn't it

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Only an idiot would think that.

It's going to be nothing more than GTA with a cyberpunk paintjob but normies are going to celebrate it as the 2nd coming of christ.

It'll be budget GTA but if it does even 10% of GTA sales it'll be a resounding success

this desu

even a mediocre game can now be considered goty because the industry has terminal cancer

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It's gonging to both sale well and be reviewed well, expect to see multiple cope threads on Yas Forums some will be ironic and some will be genuine and then everyone will forget about it 5 months later

It will sell great, but is going to be a mediocre game.

Are you going to make a screenshot of your own thread and then later say "AHAHAH Yas Forums BTFO"?

Of course it won't flop and no one seriously thinks that. Or maybe insane people do, dunno.

>It's going to be nothing more than GTA

You can't commit impromptu crimes, the city is a backdrop, somewhere you drive through to get to shops or missions.

No, it's going to be goty 2020 and an excellent game, better than any shitty gta, any shitty jrpg, completely mogs halo infinite, the joke of a vtmb sequel, it will mog everything

witcher 3 cope cycle all over again, same routine

It's gonna be great.
Most of this place will want it to fail just because its popular and they must be autistically contrarian and because it dares to show the existence of the sun.

Actually that's wrong. You can commit crime. The actual police response depends upon location.
>"In Pacifica (one of the poorer areas) you could probably shoot someone, and if nobody would see then nobody would care," producer Richard Borzymowski told USgamer. "If you would do that in the City Center you would probably get some law enforcement. Because those areas are way more patrolled. If you do get noticed by law enforcement, you're better off pulling a fast one than making a stand."
The game also has options for a full non-lethal playthrough which is basically the anti-thesis of GTA.

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Witcher 3 still has cope threads 5 years later
This will have cope threads for the rest of v's existence

>people in the thread implying it will come out in 2020


I've expected open world Deus Ex for years and that seems to be exactly what we're getting. I hope the non-aug run is still supported and its not like Human Revolution where some are forced onto you.


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Nah, it's going to be a fantastic game.

i think the main story necessitates your character having a chip in their head

>its another voice actor spoiled the plot episode

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That might be HUD stuff, just like HR. I hope its just a chip and no actual in-game augs.

iirc the only mandatory augs are the chips which fucking everybody has, the basic eye-implant and hand-implant.
Because those form part of the U.I.

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give me a prompt sprintbelow on that

even the casuals and normies are talking about how they wish they had cyberpunk during the quarantine

unironically yes, it's gonna be worse than fallout 76

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What little gameplay they've shown looks like GTA mixed with Fallout 4.

That's a letdown. I'm sure there will be a HUD off option to let me pretend I'm fully human but its not the same.

>I did my voice acting for Lizzy Wizzy, that game is going to be fucking good. I mean I haven’t played it, but I saw someone play an hour of the game. The game was fantastic, and I play a pop star who committed suicide on stage, and they had to quickly come and perform emergency surgery and replace her whole body with cybernetics while she was dead for an hour and then she finished the show as a cyborg. One of the greatest pieces of performance art ever made.
Isnt that her backstory though? Shes obviously already gone full cyborg in-game. Even if it isnt just the backstory its not exactly plot critical. Its 1 character.
Grimes sure sounds like a stupid bitch in this though. Honestly thats my 1 fear.
I dont give a fuck about Keanu Reeves or whatever the fuck celebs they pull out.

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Fully human isnt really an option though. Even the radical anti-cyber Inquisitors in the tabletop relied on bioware modifications which uses nanotech.

I mean there are scenes where she looks mostly human in the trailers, so I assumed it would happen in game. Maybe its not a spoiler afterall

Yes and No.
>It'll sell a billion zillion copies at launch due to the hype surrounding it.
>The gameplay is meh enough to hook normies due to its GTA-like mechanic with subpar story.
>The game will be forgotten like The Outer World. Remember it?

there's a hardcore mode that only displays hud elements if you have the right cyber eyes

Thats because the Outer Worlds relied upon nostalgia for old Fallout, Fallout New Vegas and VTMB because it was "made by the same people". Surprisingly nostalgia can only go so far.

Cool that there is at least lore to support that. Its not a deal breaker by any means but I assume the chip will be the minimum we have to get.

It'll be sell well, review well, win multiple GOTY awards and Yas Forums will spam pictures of black npcs, random low level community manager's tweets and find a couple of vaguely jewish sounding names in the credits.

Yeah. After all the chip and jacking into stuff is literally how you communicate with other people judging by the gameplay videos. You call that corpo woman because Dexter Deshawn gives you a chip with her info in it.
There's no cellphones.

Bloodlines 2 is going to have the same problem. Almost all of the people hyped for it didn't play VTMB. It'll turn out like Vampyr and disappear just as quickly.

Actually I see it having the opposite problem.
The only people hyped for it are those who played VTMB. It has no strong marketing or anything. I never see it mentioned outside of VTMB communities.
Now when it releases it will inevitably not be half as good as VTMB and it will drop like the twin towers.

>The only people hyped for it are those who played VTMB.
not anymore, not even ironically

the game will have trigger warnings before each quest and let you know what kind content to expect

This game NEEDS to fail

I sure fucking hope so

Hopefully, fuck faggots, trannies and whatever other bullshit they try to force in these "games".

It's had cope threads years before release

That's kind of what I mean. You are already seeing people becoming disillusioned with how shit it is especially after that gamely.

Nope, it's the immortality chip and is crucial to the story


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>Yas Forums want it to fail just because its popular and they must be autistically contrarian

When will you retards finally develop some basic pattern recognition? Your predictions on what's going to flop are always wrong.

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I'm going to guess there will be a use it/destroy it/give it away option for the immortality chip, the game needs multiple endings to tick AAA RPG boxes. It'd be neat if the whole thing was a ruse, the chip proven to be a myth in the first few missions and the rest of the game is about something completely different, but I can't see that happening.


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I think it's possible. Usually in cyberpunk stories anything big like that gets subverted and a threat takes its place

Flop? Definitely not.
Not be nearly as good as initially imagined? Definitely.

If they wanted to fully capture the tabletop they'd basically need to make a different game for every single role from Corpo to Rockerboy.
Being a mercenary with a variety of skills who can choose to back up certain groups is the best compromise if you want to have an actual story instead of an empty sand-box.
There's a Corpo background and the 2 quests shown both have options for supporting corps in them. I'd bet money one of the endings is corpo-focused.

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I hope it's not like gta5 where you kill someone in the middle of the desert barehanded and yet somehow the cops find out and chase you

It’s game of the year.

>tortanic faggots move on to 2077 now that Alyx and Eternal made profit

based but that's outdated bro, you need to post the bonus seethe version

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Agreed. I just hope the existing paths are all interesting, first run I want to side with the corporate assholes

Actually now that they've shed Yas Forums from their fanbase they will be even more successful.

That's the opposite of what he is describing. Law-enforcement only effectively exists in the rich zones where Corps have influence. Gang-ridden neighbourhoods are left to rot and you can get away with more shit there.
I don't want to make assumptions. But. I do feel like in those neighborhoods the gang would sort of police you. Like how in the 2018 gameplay video those scavengers attacked because V had completed that quest against them earlier. So if you shoot a guy the gang would attack you. Now this is just speculation. But makes sense to me and its clearly doable.

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Why is Yas Forums full of contrarian hipster faggots

I'm going to buy it just to pump up the sales number so you can lose your shit over it.

It'll sell but it will be a shit game.