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Some stuff from the old thread
poopy nigger lol poopy!!! poopy nigger hahaha stinky
>No Hunter Scars
One Job.
do you suck your mother's dick with that mouth?
She looks fucking disgusting now. She was barely passable before but shit, what a disservice, she looks a lot older than HL2.
Alyx looks horrid now, but they made gordon unironically pretty hot, moreso than before
How do vortigaunts poop and pee?
He looks like he has a dad bod. Nothing against bara, but it's not how I imagined Gordon.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Gordon has no bio augmentation, therefore he would definitely not be wearing 400lb armor.
She looks fine here. I'm certain it's just the shitty lighting in the model viewer
Sweet jesus she's hideous. Why are game developers making women so hideous in games? Wouldn't most girls still want to play the prettiest option?
They made Gordon look like a fucking neckbeard, Holy shit.
Why the fuck did they give it a lower lip? looks digusting
Gordon looks like a human being. Alyx looks like she was handcrafted to be somewhat ugly, in the same lighting conditions.
What if the suit is actually gordon freeman and the nerd in it is just in for the ride?
Just like Stephen Hawking. People thought it was the man, but it was the wheelchair all along.
Nah dude he looks pretty shite too. Both models look strangely low quality
its in blender with no fucking lighting or anything
literally every model looks like shit when its datamined like this
You might be onto something
why is her hair gray
Vorts always had a lower lip, it's just that their mouths point down like an octopus. It only looks weird because of the screenshot, in-game it's not that different from how they looked in HL2.
It's fashion
I dunno, he still looks relatively thin from the neck up, I imagine he's pretty toned after all the bullshit he's been through but I think it's more the bulk of the HEV than his own body
so they kept him exactly the same?
he looks like he teaches college physics courses
Never go full nig
Sounds about right.
shhh, don't interrupt his tantrum time
The models are pretty low quality compared to the others but it makes sense considering they were only used for like a minute at max.
>i-i-it's just bad lighting! she looks better ingame!
>Seething mutt thinks jokes are le leddit thing because he cant come up with good jokes
This model seems fine.
Someone post the webms
Why the fuck does it have normal human proportions?
How dare they! He used to be a chad!
>imagine if
>*takes a hit*
>imagine if, if Stephen hawking
>imagine if Stephen hawking wasn't controlling the wheelchair...
>*everyone leans in*
>but the WHEELCHAIR was controlling HIM!?
why do you choose to humiliate yourself like this?
Campo Santo and Ozioma Akagha are evil bitches.
Does anyone have a link to the Alyx lines by Merle Dandridge?
I've heard the vocaroo but I'm wondering just how much there is.
>Wouldn't most girls still want to play the prettiest option?
No, girls want to play as someone uglier than them to validade their 6/10, instagram filtered looks
With insight like that, its safe to draw a conclusion that you are a leditor yourself and are reflecting on your own insecurities. Now go back to ledit, retard
Have sex
Gordon was the progenitor bugman
It’s a retard in a chair what’s there to control? The only proof that he aware is a voice from the wheelchair that could easily be manipulated. He didn’t know what was going on so he never resisted when he was an ngo mouthpiece. Literally crippled a scientist so they could use his reputation to validate all the lies put through that wheelchair, if you believe that you’re the type to believe why Osama’s body totally had to be erased from existence.
How does one actually extract usable meshes from HLA?
Is it similar to how Source 2 DOTA tools have worked?
This is the only model they actually put effort into.
Pretty much, the hammer method probably works just fine for converting the vmdls.
Alyx is a nigger...
Compared to....?
does she still wear purple panties?
Isn't this the only of the models in this thread that was intended to be seen clearly? If so then it makes total sense.
you dopey fucks, these screenshots were taken in blender with flat lighting and incorrect shader setups (the grey hair in particular would be because most of the hair shine effect is done with special shader effects ingame)
the models will look very different in the actual game
Well no shit lad.
Him and the Vortigaunt are like the only times a player is given the chance to really stare and ogle at a known character in the franchise.
hammers have been basically the same for thousands of years dude
i have a brain injury
fucking retards ITT
Based and technicallytruepilled
old 47 with hair
They were taken in valve's model viewer, but you are right about the flat lighting and the grey hair. Shaders are not incorrect though, I can tell you that for a fact.
She looks blacker now. Less yellow than HL2.
What the fuck did they do to Alyx
>alyx's face is still some 40 year old spic instead of a more teen-like face
yeah no
lighting aint gonna fix that one chief
wtfffffffff she used to be hot.
why does she look older
Oh no, it's retarded