
What can be done to revive the Naruto vidya series. Yas Forums?

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Nothing. Naruto is done, Boruto is a hilarious failure with how full retard the plot becomes and Kishimoto's new manga got axed. It's over.

A reboot then.

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I dunno. Some sort of Fortnite ninja war mode. Wait Naruto fans are actually older than Fortnite kiddies by now. Wow time sure flies.

spinoff about Anko

2D fighting game instead of 3D trash

make it porn

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Did anyone else used to go to a lot when they were younger?

If Naruto can get a FighterZ level of fanservice 2d fighter, then you just know there'd be people all over that. Hell doesn't even have to be like that, go revive the Clash of Ninja series and refine it.

>Kishimoto's new manga got axed
Really? I was interested in trying it. I never did much Naruto, but I liked what I read of the other Kishi's stuff.

Naruto has god awful porn because of the shadow clone shit meaning it's all just gangbangs

>that one megaman porn site I forgot the name of

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I miss the days when I would fap to something as simple as this

From my understanding there were a lot of issues with Samurai 8 and it didn't have anything going for its story or characters.
To be fair to Kishimoto though, it's got to be hard to follow up such a massive series.
Bruh I wish I was as pure as that from the start.

I coom to Temari, post more

Clonecest is best cest.

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The amount of vanilla NaruHina doujins disagree with you.

some kind of MMO or battle royale with naruto ninja setting sounds good enough to hype and cheap enough to make

Character Creation but don't make it like Shinobi Striker. Give us a nice big and detailed hub to explore and give us plenty of shit to do in single player.

>tfw used to read NaruHina fanfics and doujins obsessively
Good times

DBFZ style fighting game is literally the only hope. Maybe a well done Kakarot style game retelling the entire story of Naruto and Shippuden would work since unlike DBZ it has never been done before.

It really hasn't, has it? Closest we've gotten were how the Ultimate Ninja Storm games would tell chunks of story, or the Rise of Ninja back on the 360. I'm surprised there hasn't been a game that really follows the story and gives you full control yet. Maybe Naruto hasn't hit the nostalgic peak to make it happen.

It's not so much that but rather Naruto himself being the main guy involved in most of these doujins and cg sets, followed by the Raikage and some literally whos.

Make tsunade wear bikini at all time

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Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 5

Is she ever lewded up officially?

Single player open world game where you create your own character. You can be the village hero or a rouge ninja and can turn sides at any point in the game.

Every once in the while characters make comments about her breasts, I think Konohamaru and Sakura are the only ones to have touched them though.

Soft reboot covering the third ninja war. Build your own character/squad with a control scheme that allows you to have access to multiple jutsu's at once.

It would be awesome to get a strategy rpg style of gameplay, but with actual budget unlike the dozens of mobile-bait games.

temario is a BITCH haha lmao

It needs a proper Xenoverse style game but executed better. Shinobi Strikers touched upon it but it was mainly MP only and shit because of it. Give people a game where they can go to ninja school as their OC, become a 3 man cell (possibly customizing your team like Dragons Dogma) and eventually rising through the ranks until you have a ninja team of your own to lead, and it will sell millions. Similar premise could be applied to so many anime as well, people want to be their super special OC's in these worlds they like and expand on it, not retread the plots over and over like in Dragonball Z vidya.

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A proper, non-CyberConnect2, broken as fuck naruto fighting game more akin to GNT4.

That's not the same as narutopixxx, right? Those fucking shits eternally scarred every single source of Naruto porn in the internet with their shitty traced boring off model images.

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Who is the artist for this?

Oh, not lewd enough. She's the one character I wouldn't mind seeing fan service of :(



She has this one skimpy one piece outfit that appears in one of the endings for Shippuden and as a dlc costume for some Naruto games.

Nothing official as far as I know but she can be put in a swimsuit in some Naruto games

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>the character that gave me a Milf and strong woman fetish

I regret nothing. Forever my Waifu.

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I've never played them. I suppose her not having very lewd shit makes her all the more appealing.

Make a Budokai Tenkaichi 3 clone, release it on PC. Boom, it'll have at least 5k concurrent players

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>closest thing Naruto girls gave me was an appreciation of huge boobs from Tsunade
I have no regrets as well. I just wish I didn't apply my kinks to them so much, I need to let go.

A time management life sim where you play as a jounin sensei and have three genin kids you can develop any way you like would be cool.

Listen to this man!
He clearly knows what's up.


Is there a good game that represents the show properly and is worth checking out? Decided to start with the manga and just finished part 1 and so far it was alright.



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caught between two peer groups!

IIRC kishimoto said the ninja storm games show the fighting spectacles better than the manga or anime

I remember jerking to this exact frame as a kid.

source google being gay

Now that Shippuden has finally been fully translated to English, is there a collection I can buy somewhere?

Didn't they make one like that? I just wanna make my own ninja waifu with big boobies in fishnet jump around the in game world

its from pixiv. Thats the full pic.

Kishimoto was never a good writer, and Naruto was never a good series. It just happened to debut during a time when children were starved for a new series like Dragon Ball, then it snowballed from there.

Too bad it was complete shit with unbalanced multiplayer too
>Pick Rock Lee

>playing mutlishit
That's your own fault for ignoring the single player.

Oh I wasn't implying he was ever a good writer to begin with, it's clear he got lucky in his timing. Naruto hit a lot of the right notes for kids at the time like you said, the series is overall pretty meh at best, but it's hard to deny its appeal.
Samurai 8 never stood a chance to begin with.

HEH its fine, not like a love that manga ;_;

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I'm thinking a Lesbian owns that car though why a Naru-Hina sticker?

nu-male that thinks he's funny is what I thought it was

Naruto is shit and only liked by underage mexicans

Samurai 8 was just full of unique ideas that were executed in worst ways imaginable. The characters are extremely bland, the chapters are full of infodumps, ironically despite the infodumps the power levels are all over the place while at the same time never fully explained the tier range of each power. Also it has a Fortnite arc.
I would've gave the series a chance since I liked Kishimoto's Part 1 Naruto style of writing, but it didn't have that and on top of that Yas Forums revealed that it was the editor that helped Kishimoto do most of the writing. On top of all of that, Samurai 8 has Fairy Tail-tier of apologists on the amount of bullshit I read up to chapter 20ish.

It's just going to churn out rehashes or half assed new concept games every other year like DBZ does.


No that's Dragonball Z user. That and Simpsons.