What did he do?
Why does Yas Forums hate this guy?
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he shat on super mario odyssey thats why majority of Yas Forums hates him
Gave his sister a bad review on pornhub
I don't know he's great. My favorite youtube autist by a mile.
He lightyears better than any long form vidya analysis on Youtube. Name a better one (with a sexy accent).
He played video games
Talked shit about Dark Souls 2
The funny part is that he still says he liked Dark Souls 2 in the video
He didn't do anything wrong per say, but people care WAY too much about what he says for no reason.
I was fine with him until I realized that he actually likes video games
Yas Forums doesn't approve of incest. It's wrong.
They care because he makes valid, well-thought-out points, and he actually takes the time to go in and find/reproduce gameplay to corroborate his observations. This triggers the insecure Yas Forumstards that like to make one-line shitposts on Yas Forums and offer no evidence to support their claim.
I only hate that he's a lazy piece of shit who won't make a video unless he can find an excuse to suck Kamiya's dick again.
Literally who? Why do you zoomers eorshipp these YouTube fags so much
He has more non-kamiya game videos than kamiya game videos.
I hate him because he claims he is learning Japanese yet couldn't pronounce basic Japanese words like "ookami" in his latest Viewtiful Joe playthrough.
>phoneposts while calling others zoomers
Kill yourself.
Did he? I haven't heard his opinion on it.
He's not contrarian. He says things that he genuinely believes instead of just passing off the least popular opinion as a sign of his intelligence. This has made the seethies of Yas Forums go ballistic since he was supposed to be "/ourguy/" yet has the capacity to like games like The Last of Us and Viewtiful Joe at the same time without it hurting some ridiculously fragile ego.
Phinrpodting has been a thing since 2010 retarded zoomer
I've grown to dislike him over the years i guess cause i disagree with him more often than not. His botw video was utter dogshit and i haven't even played that game.
Matt is very overrated by Yas Forums, his videos are good but certainly flawed. He makes the same mistake all vidya essayists seem to when taking on the role of armchair dev and blindly speculating as if their guesses are truth.
His Dark Souls 2 and Infinite videos are quite poorly written and pedantic and I say this as someone who has never played a Soulsborne title / thinks Infinite is mediocre.
That being said I like his passion and respect that he doesn't make filler fotm videos
Tom O'Regan, Shammy, Mechagamezilla...
>2 e-celeb threads at once about the same guy
can we please stop this
Yeah we need 5+ ACNH threads instead
dark souls 2 is garbage liked by subhumans
He's gotten much better over the years.
What if good thing, but also bad thing?
he stopped reviewing popular games and slowed down to releasing like three videos a year.
>shitting on his bioshock infinite video where he criticizes the devs for not saying nigger
how soi can you get?
I bet that gaylord didn't even like Matt's Shinobi streams
He said God of War wasn't brilliant.
He's no Mario Odyssey video, besides, EVERYONE has hated Odyssey since last year for some reason
>Dublin accent
>Predictive text
Fucking phone posters
He utterly annihilated some of their favorite trash games like va11 ha11-a
ummm based?
he's an e-celeb
when? I'd like to read that
His Infinite video is completely on point. Dark Souls 2 one is more debatable, but his points at least make sense from that perspective
He's a little too FIRST GAME BEST for my tastes. Like I'm currently playing Demon's Souls and it's pretty flawed in some aspects, often being convoluted or difficult just for the sake of it, but if you only knew the game from Matt's videos on it you would imagine it's some forgotten gem of total originality which later games strayed from.
He's said he prefers Dark Souls to Demon's Souls. He just wishes the series would be more experimental or do different things deliberately more like Demon's Souls did
>BioShock Infinite tries to tackle heavy themes such as racism, yet refuses to use the word nigger
>On the subject of niggers I'd like to take a moment and talk about those filthy apes and how they should be sent back to their shithole huts or preferably hung from the nearest tree
Holy fuck, how did he get past the YouTube censorship?
keep sayin' it
zero IQ posts
I like him but i hate those guys who pretend like his opinion on vidya is above everyone else and he is always right
thought terminating cliche.
How is a zero IQ post? I'm just explaining what his opinion is, not even offering my own
who did it better?
>How is a zero IQ post?
Because his preference for Dark souls is irreverent even if true without substantiation and moreover it's just typical NPC debate tactics by trying to appease the other party by disingenuously suggesting they actually agree with them.
kek is this him dabbing on robin williams?
He spent an entire video substantiating it. It's called "The Lost Soul Arts of Demon's Souls." You're just trolling. Also, you meant "irrelevant," not "irreverent."
Gotta give this one to owen. His one is actually funny. Matt's is just GAME BAD attached to a celebrity who has just died.
Matt is not always right. But with Matt at least he tries to explain his point and gives examples (to an almost autistic degree sometimes). He also doesnt quickly crank out reviews for hot new games to get the sheckels. if he reviews something thats because he is passionate about the subject. There is legit passion to his work. Thats more than other youtube game critiques give.
>ou would imagine it's some forgotten gem of total originality which later games strayed from.
That's exactly what it is. You are just a retarded casual playing Demon's Souls 10 years later fully removed from the context and zeitgeist of the game. You're analytical skills are also clearly poor, failing to look at how a games systems work together holistically which is why "it's pretty flawed in some aspects, often being convoluted or difficult just for the sake of it" is a brainlet take.
>He spent an entire video substantiating it.
Lol yet another zero IQ post. What you didn't substantiate is why he allegedly prefers dark souls over demons souls and in what respects.
obviously mecha since he didn't have to delete the tweet
>Matt is not always right.
You slave morality fags are clearly saying this as some cope and pathological fear of "elitism" and not for any principled refutations of anything Matt has said.
annoying and irish
>God, wouldn't it be terrible if a game everyone was so, so excited for ended up boring them to tears when it finally came out. Not that that happened here - no no, non-stop excitement start to finish. I'm talking about some other game, because Persona 5 absolutely did live up to the hype. It did, ask anyone.
Why was Mecha the only person capable of pointing out the single biggest flaw with Persona 5?
Watch the video if you want to know, you lazy fuck
He's better than that Dragon Virgin
The video is specifically about what games including Dark souls progressively lost from Demon's souls. Why would I watch it to get an understanding of why he prefers Dark souls to Demon's souls? Is this that 0 IQ posting again?
He rarely gives a serious opinion about games because he's more interested in comedy but whenever he does talk about them you can tell that he has pretty good taste and opinions but more importantly actually likes them
the xmas special where he talked about games being good and games media and youtube being full of people who will spoil your enjoyment of them literally changed how I felt about the whole hobby and made me love games again
I have a feeling this is why he seems to be the only other person on youtube matthew has any respect for
Someone said he streamed a bunch recently but I never saw his channel go live. Where does he stream?
hes too based for Yas Forums
Then watch his Dark Souls commentary (near the end I think) if you're that curious
I think the funniest thing in the world is that fucking Joseph Anderson made a better video on BOTW than Matt. Although his GOW video was so shit even Matt's shitty take managed to mog him. Matt is falling for that psued trap where he tries too hard to talk about what the essence of a game represents and keeps going on about "experience driven games" instead of thoroughly analyzing and critiquing the games mechanical systems. Ironic for someone whose favorite game is the wonderful 101.
YouTube. Check matthewmatosis extra
sensible chuckle'd
Somehow he is completely unburdened by the expectations of others. I wish he released stuff more frequently but I wouldn't want the quality to dip so I stay patient.
Matthew is the most based reviewer there is, name ONE thing he's EVER said that was wrong
Pro tip: you can't
E-beggar board when? These fucking fags will never stop shilling their shitty videos.
>someone compares my videos to matthew's and says i could make stuff as good as him
oh... oh gosh...
>(near the end I think
How about you give accurate citations for your claims. Some offhand comments in an unscripted video isn't exactly substantiated reasons why he prefers one over the other and in what respects. He could very well prefer it for novel and superficial reasons like the initial playthough being more memorable due to the connected world, or simply having more content for builds and the like. He may simply prefer the lore, in other words, he may prefer for reasons that aren't in totality and might not resonate with the Dark souls fan. It's natural to prefer an iterative sequel for general play. Dark souls didn't lose as much of the spirit of Demon's souls as the following games, but it didn't add much new that wasn't purely mechanical either. People are already waking up and realizing the second half of dark souls is subpar and Demon's remains the most non-linear in a series that later went open world to let players explore whereever they want (another irony)
newfag alert