Please talk me out of buying a switch.
Please talk me out of buying a switch
I'll do it for 100 bucks.
You're a tranny, it's too late
Is Mario worth the no third party support for you? Think about all those games that won't go to the switch, and those that come downgraded.
Get a vita off yahoo japan. Has better games and CFW.
Buying any console is risky now because most models that are currently in store were manufactured in china during the height of their outbreak.
Just because we spoke about Animal Crossing a lot at work today doesn't mean you should rush into a purchase. That said, you clearly want the game, and I highly doubt you'd suffer for spending some money on yourself for once.
How's Dorian? Alternatively, how's Riley?
Sorry bro I can't because these days 90% of the games I play, I play on Switch.
this desu, play more on my 7 game switch than one my 400 game PC
95% of the games are available for free on mobile
when I see people with a switch outside I follow them for a little bit, then spit flem on their back when they're not looking. only adults, not kids. that could be you OP (unless you're a literal child)
save up for a PS5
You already have 2 user, no need to get a third
Can't Nintendo choose nice colors for their fucking consoles?
>supposedly a handheld but too large and performs better docked
>dock scratches screen
>cheap, flimsy joycons
>library consisting of rehashes, shovelware, the worst versions of multiplats and kiddie games.
>insufferable, delusional community
>manchildren love it
>system of choice for trannies and the morbidly obese.
>smash tournaments known for being comprised of people with no concept of personal hygiene
>an embarrassment to be seen playing in public
>horrible online, overpriced.
>console is overpriced, very low value in general
>often referred to as several derogatory names, some examples include “cucktendo shitch” or just “shitch”, “Fischer price tablet” or more rarely the “NINtENDO SWItCH” (the lowercase t’s representing the low testosterone of the typical Nintendo console owner)
I could go on but I think we’ve all seen enough to agree that owning a Nintendo Switch is undesirable.
get a psvita instead.
you mean xbox 2?
>185 search results
lmfao you're so angry. Get help.
No, you want Japanese games and not the kind that get put on Xbox.
Buy it for the 5 exclusives that are worth playing, get all the multiplats on PC
This isn't true, is it?
Of course not you stupid fuck, virus can only live on surfaces for a couple of hours. And most production plants these days are automated anyway.
The games and accessories are overpriced.
The online is horrible and NESflix doesn't make up for it.
The online shop is also trash because games aren't rated, curated, or filtered in any meaningful way.
There is ZERO (0) customization whatsoever.
The controllers do not have headjacks, and the Switch cannot be charged properly while in tabletop mode without buying yet another accessory.
You have to cough up another $60-$70 just to properly play the Switch because the Joy-Cons are fucking trash for anything 2-D.
You will always pay the most for the most watered down version of games because of the Switch tax.
Switch games almost never go on sale or depreciate, and even when they do, it's never more than 25%.
First-party Nintendo games never drop in price.
You will raped thoroughly in the wallet if you try to go physical, especially with Indie titles because you've already missed the boat on plenty of them.
You have no purpose of buying one if you don't care for Nintendo or Indies.
The Switch usually has the worst ports of console/PC multiplats.
It is still a failure as an actual handheld because neither model can properly fit in a pocket unless you're a fatass.
The Switch Lite can't do TV Out, the whole point of the Switch.
Covid-19 can last up to 24 hours on cardboard, plastic, and metal.
Get your head out of your ass and stop spreading misinformation.
>up to 24 hours
Do you think Switches get manufactured and shipped from production planet straight to High St stores in 24 hours? Learn to commerce.
lmao this nigga buy a new joycon
Animal Crossing
no you fucking retard, how fucking old are you to be this retarded?
I can't, it's actually fun, especially if you commute/travel a lot like me.
It's hard to reccomend for someone who can't afford it. Though if you like nintendo exclusive games it's the only way to play all the newest ones. Not that that's worth much considering most of the games on the switch were ported from the wiiu. If you're just trying to play nintendo exclusives, just emulate or buy a wiiu. I's cheaper. BUT if you wanna play smash Smash 4 is the second worst in the series so have fun disappointing your friends when they come over after telling them you have smash because they sure as shit don't wanna play 4 after ultimate came out and showed how shit smash 4 was. buy a switch if you want it for smash and future releases like botw 2 and such. as of right now though a wiiu will do just fine
They're sold out everywhere anyway so you're shit out of luck. Don't encourage scalpers.
If you want a real reason to not buy a switch, really and truly there just aren't alot of GOOD games on the switch. Don't get me wrong I don't regret buying mine whatsoever, but that being said I find myself looking through the e-shop alot and not finding anything I'd be willing to drop a couple of bucks on because most of the shit that comes out on the switch is shovelware. There are alot of good games on the switch, but compared to the vast amount of bullshit that is also on the switch the good games are very hard to find or under a bunch of shit like that stupid ass baby party game where it's all about shitting as much as humanly possible. Unless you know what you want out of a switch you won't derive any enjoyment out of owning one and you'll have some serious buyers remorse 2 days after you purchase it. Wait for more exclusives
>there just aren't alot of GOOD games on the switch.
Wat? Are you one of these fags who just hates everything? Switch is drowning in great games.
No, I like mine. There are some truly fun games on it and even some multiplats are worth getting for playing handheld mode that you can't get on others without mirroring services. That said, depending on how many games are out currently that interest you, you might wanna wait for an eventual hardware upgrade like the supposed Switch Pro or just wait until it becomes as easy to hack as the ds or 3ds.
on the other hand, the virus may shut down production of everything for the next year in which case just get an OG switch since you'll be at home most of the time anyway and might get tired of handheld only gameplay
Why? The Switch is great. I own more games on that than I do my Ps4, now.
You're beyond reasoning with if you're already considering it.
Exclude the titles found elsewhere, it has about 5 games worth owning the thing for. Who the fuck would play the worst versions of a game? Switch has the worst versions of any game found elsewhere.
I like my Switch quite a bit but the library isn't that impressive just yet. Wait to see if Bayo 3, Metroid Prime 4, and SMTV are good before buying.
just buy one you're not poor, are you?
I've also considered panic buying a switch
OP, right now you could buy a 3ds, hack it, and have way more games to play.
For the price of a 3ds, a larger sd card, and a sd card reader, you could have enough vidya to last you another 4 or 5 years, easy.
The Switch Lite is a nice little piece of kit. The OG Switch feels like cheap plastic.
>Switch has the worst versions of any game found elsewhere.
Dragon Quest says hi.
why? Switch is great!
mainly this, op.
I love my switch but like a lot of people say in this thread the library for it isn't *quite* there yet. Maybe in a few years, or maybe when there's a backwards compatible Switch2
But if you aren't broke, no reason to not get one now and enjoy it as your secondary or even tertiary console
>not emulating the superior Friends of Mineral Town
big yikes
No I don't hate the switch, If you haven't bought a switch yet then you probably don't have interest in their current titles. It's hard to reccomend a switch to someone when they probably don't even wanna buy it for the exclusives. Also, good switch games aren't cheap and the ones you want the switch for are typically 60 bucks. And yeah that's the normal price for a game, alot of people wait for sales but nintendo games rarely go on sale unless 1. the console is dead or 2. the game didn't sell. Like i said I love my switch, it just really depends on the person you are. I grew up with nintendo games and I love all the games I did decide to buy, but it's hard to find games that are worth buying unlike on the playstation or xbox or hell even steam, but all of these have GOOD sales, the sales on the switch suck dick and balls compared to other platforms and I'm 100% sure I'm not alone when I say that.
keep it in the box for two to three weeks till the virus dies off.
>wanting extra censorship
Are you a soi-chugging numale faggot? If you are, then buy a Switch, suck Nintendo's cock for all their low-effort bullshit that died with their damage control console.
You can emulate the games
Damn, that's a lot of buzzwords.
>the sales on the switch suck dick and balls compared to other platforms and I'm 100% sure I'm not alone when I say that
This is true but ultimately cartridges cost alot more than discs to manufacture.
>but digital sales cost the same!
Thats not Nintendo's fault its an industry issue. High St stores basically held a gun to the industry's head and said if digital prices were cheaper than retail prices they would refuse to stock their products.
Thankfullt digital has been slowly dying for years and will soon be gone forever.
this console gen is almost over, just suck it up for another 1 or 2 years
I wasn't aware that retailers were that desperate. also digital will be the future sadly, I think you meant digital but it's cool chief. I do love buying the game and having it but it's gotten to a point to where if I'm not sure if I'm gonna like the game then I'm gonna wait for a sale anyways.
Damn, that's not an argument and you're seething you can't prove me wrong.
>Zelda: Wii U port and a shitty remake
>Mario: Odyssey is overrated, the rest are low effort ports
>no Metroid
>no SMTV
>Yoshi is a soulless cashgrab, like LM3
>No Bayo 3, probably going multiplat
>Smash uses Wii U assets, it's a port with tweaked physics and less content
>Pokemon games are 3DS games and the most blatant, low-effort bullshit the company has ever made
Fire Emblem is ugly as sin, and belongs on the PS2, but it's an okay game. Xenoblade 2 is a great game. Everything else is shit, utter fucking soulless Nintendo bullshit.
I thought the whole SMTV being cancelled thing was a rumor
The chances of you getting infected by this are extremely, and I mean extremely low. If you want to be super safe just let it air out overnight somewhere before you open it and wash your hands after handling it. The only items you really need to be careful with are metallic cans bought at a supermarket, the virus lasts very long on metallic surfaces and who knows how many hands have touched that can before you did, I reccomend washing all cans and the like with some soap or rubbing alcohol and leaving them on the counter for a while before storing them.
Damn, that's a lot of buzzwords.
>no argument again
Say hi to your wife's boyfriend for me.
switch has chad uncensored games versus sony tho
This but take into consideration that the switch is actually past the middle of it's lifespan. It'll be hard to reccomend the purchase of the console at the end of it's lifespan. But to be clear, It's an extremely bad sign that we're already halfway through the switches lifespan and we barely have a library, I understand growing pains are tough, but cmon man give us some games.
>Arguing with people on Yas Forums
You really are retarded aren't you
My argument is that I have fun playing video games while you get mad and use buzzwords.
Unless you're okay with a Lite, this is a terrible time to buy a Switch. Manufacturing ground to a halt because of the virus, and everyone already snapped up the ones out there. Some wanted to play Animal Crossing, others wanted to scalp.
Chads don't play anime games. If anything, Chads fuck women when they tire of beating their meat to doujinshi. You haven't and will never fuck a woman, hence why you bought an incel tablet.
>too stupid to argue
Okay, I get it, you're a retarded mouthbreather.
This. My Switch is also a Stardew Valley (and now AC) machine there is nothing more comfy than playing those games in bed and then you also have the possibility to dock it for its just the flexibility but i wouldn’t own it as a primary system
>I have fun
You don't, you're a sad, impotent faggot unable to argue.
You see the fact you don't see that there's an inherant problem with arguing on Yas Forums, is very telling to what kind of person you are. I don't have to explain it, because it's obvious and I'll let you figure it out by yourself.