This game is too easy
This game is too easy
They should remove the mechanics shitters use to bypass every enemy like sloth.
Get rid of 2kat
Get rid of sloth
get rid of lightining
It's less mechanics and more just how powerful everything is, though Sloth is still just awful to play through, with or against. As I was going to say though, even the Alpha of the first game had Sloth, if you want to really understand how bad people bitching were, and it had plenty of flaws, it was just overall VASTLY better designed since it was actually designed around the mechanics in place, and had they not wasted their time creating new problems based on uninformed feedback they could have fixed the real problems and made the game even better. Which is what happened with Nioh 2 as well.
why do shitters think the game is hard without sloth
2Kat is so good. Kinda surprised they made even better with all the skill drops for it.
How long until we as a community realize that a single, focused artistic vision is always superior to giving the masses what they think they want based on consumer feedback?
Of course, first we need to learn that not everything needs to pander to us specifically and to be open to new experiences instead of expecting everything to conform to our existing tastes.
I know some retards who managed to get about halfway through Nioh without realizing there is a skill tree. Imagine someone getting through half of Ninja Gaiden without realizing you could use techniques or upgrade weapons by just spamming ninpos. It should be removed just like how interceptions were removed with Black.
>let me tell you how you should play this game
That is generally what game developers do when designing a balanced game.
Yes, this is what everyone constantly does whenever someone brings up flaws in the game's balance and how to fix it. If you look past the irony of your statement maybe you can understand that just because that's a valid thing to do doesn't mean that it's what people should HAVE to do, and if such things were fixed then everyone would actually enjoy every part of the game in new and different ways instead of just cutting out 3/4s of it whether you're good or bad at the game.
How's everyone looking?
I'm feeling large and in charge
You're mom is too easy.
>Heavy Armor
How's easy mode?
Does Nobunaga drop a skill?
It's called axe, retard.
post build. Will be impressed 10/10 bare handed
That's not heavy armor, retard.
how is axe in high level gameplay? still triangleroll?
Actual fucking dumbass.
>What is a subclass
your mom is subclass
Is odachi an honest weapon to main?
>thing is ALWAYS superior when it doesn't listen to me, but I need to realize sometimes that means I get an inferior product when it doesn't listen to me
2.000 iq post here.
No. Literal unga bunga hyper armor low IQ trash.
Leveling strength and Stamina also mean you wear heavy armor, which is easy mode.
only honest weapons are 2axe, 1axe, and spear since none of those have broken shit you can spam and faceroll the entire game
yes, but if you do you are enjoying the game wrong
When that Rage, Carnage, yokai realm, backstab, and critical health make you hit for 12k life is feeling good
They're all honest, don't listen to these subhumans
On the ground floor it's remarkably braindead (unless you have a wooden one, but you can't get those at the beginning, go figure) because just swinging it gives you high reach, damage and Break that can plow through a lot of things, but if you try to learn how to use it entirely it has a huge level of nuance and utility. The honesty comes from the wielder though, not the weapon, since every weapon has tard damage.
>An ARPG with a focus on inventory and stat focus that allows players to build their own characters how they want with a wide range of weapons, abilities and tools
Why do all the spirits fucking suck? God this is so disappointing. I don't even look forward to getting new ones anymore. I'm still using Mikami for fucks sake.
Who Axe/Nodachi CHAD?
spear has nothing comparable to water sword or tonfa infinite stamina stunlock
Just started the game, what should I aim for a 2kat build? Skills, specs, etc. I did Spear in the first Nioh and want to try something new.
yeah, they're really fucking lame this time around.
I'm on NG+ and I'm still using the retarded two-headed rooster
I main hatchets.
You know what this game needs? Not better tracking, not more enemy varieties nor balancing. What it actually needs is social links and romance options.
Fuck you my Girl is for me!
Damn son I just took 4 attempts at doing an expedition to try and get a new level snake core but it didn't even drop.
Holy based
It's an easily obtainable skill that trivializes the whole game. Old Team Ninja put care and effort into designing and balancing their games and they should be held to that same standard even now.
Does anyone else avoid using Yokai Shift? I hate absolutely everything about it. If I could, I wouldn't use counters as well but unfortunately Team Ninja wants to remind you every bit of the way about burst counter by having enemies spam their red moves every fucking moment.
I tried but the fun isn't there
>Le everything was better in the version which doesn't exist and which nobody played meme
Spearchads, check in here.
Post Yokai pussy
How much stamina do you need to have B agility with heavy armor?
But the focus is on the deep combat and challenge of mastering said combat. That's what they've actually came out with every single time they've discussed the game, and all the RPG elements exist to help vary and bolster and reward and incentivize doing more of it.
>wear heavy armor
>giving a shit about agility
pick one
Disagree. Playing it pretty much pure melee on NG before you can deck out in a busted set and not just relying on magic/ninjutsu because "its in the game so its fair" makes it pretty hard. But half the shitters saying it is easy just threw enhanced iga bombs at bosses and think they didn't just by pass the learning curve.
Pro tip: TM left the broken Nioh 1 shit in so shitters could beat the game and feel powerful.
Depends on the set I guess.
I am wearing full giganigger and it takes 78.
>Purposely gimping yourself to have more of a challenge
yours is a dying breed
This might be a little too saucy for you, user...
Gun tonfaaaaas, who drops the text?
70-80 for full ungabunga 30-40 for medium
do you still have to find +1 divine weapons in this game or can you make them now?
whats the best place to farm divine+ equipment?
both /vg/ pastebin and a hackers spreadsheet say last, last boss
This but unironically
any of the dropable Nodachi skills good?
Are you fucking kidding me? I wanted fun BEFORE fighting him
>make honda my husbando
>he treats me nice and tells me how much I improve after each duel
that just makes every game better, it's just a nice goal to work towards
Confirmed, got it last round.
People just figuring this out? It was the same with the first game
I don't use it or soul cores because I forget they exist most of the time
You don't need to use any Magic or Ninjutsu to take advantage of the drastically low enemy health revealed just from using the base mechanics well, they just do it to the point where it's impossible for people to ignore, so they blame it on said Magic and Ninjutsu instead of the root cause, but that damage is indeed what lets people bypass the learning curve. The game was always full of several tools and items to help struggling players, it just doesn't have to also take the interesting ones as well and make everything melt bosses and enemies in seconds, while playing without them melts them only slightly longer.
It pains me they wasted time and resources on this yokai shifting soul core shit instead of going ham on more weapons and more weapon movesets.
I didn't use it last game and I don't use it now. I just don't like it.
Your entire point is IMMEDIATELY INVALIDATED with yokai abilities behind available to every build
Moonlit Snow is weird. I dont get the sparkles the skill demo has
why would anyone dislike bust counters or ths just being a boomer? it's just a parry and it doesn't really get in the way of the other combat mechanics at all. doubly so because it's almost instant to use.
please note, Expeditions are scaled to level, and sloth is pretty much turned useless because of how resistant things become to it
shame the rewards dont seem to worth it
Really though how do I get a new snake core? I was going to infuse it with a mortal core but it stays level 24.
I'm sorry
Charge each strike. It makes the last hit do huge damage.
Just be a visitor and do the quest again.
Kill the snake again
It makes an easy game even easier. Everything about Yokai Shift was designed for people who don't want to learn how to play well.