So is it really not this week?
So is it really not this week?
Announced tomorrow.
Source: dude trust me.
I don't know how much in advance Directs are usually announced but one day seems wrong, so no.
>Source: Anime profile picture twitter account.
Stop believing fur fag, trannies on Twitter
Imagine being so out of touch you let seven months go by without updating your customers.
Of course it isn't user, it never was. You think a country that is practically on lockdown due to corona has time to throw together a passable direct? This is what you get for trusting people on Yas Forums user. Never have faith in anyone on this website.
The past four have been announced one day in advance, retard.
They literally just had one last week.
Indie Worlds aren't directs dumbass
no direct until September out of fear of Corona.
If it's thursday (leakers usually get the dates right, they did for the AC and Indies one), the announcement would be a day before. So, it's tomorrow or nothing.
Only thing that makes me believe that is happening this week is this Nate Drake post
NateDrake was the first one to confirm Pokemon Direct in January, AC Direct for February 20th, No Direct in March, and he double down on TWEWY 2 and lots of ports
How would I know? It's still extremely stupid.
they take the same amount of effort to put together though retard.
Don't go making moronic posts like "uwu this FEELS wrong" when you know absolutely nothing then.
Have sex
Yep, tomorrow seems to be the deadline. Although there's the possibility that Nintendo announce it on Thursday and the Direct is shown this Friday.
Longest drought ever.
Yeah ik I'm not the guy saying no direct cause lock down. But indie world ain't no direct
Still stupid.
>Although there's the possibility that Nintendo announce it on Thursday and the Direct is shown this Friday.
No there isn't. There has never been a Direct on Friday.
when will people finally understand that everything i canceled until the corona is over??
Because that's not true and doomers need to fuck off.
I mean, Nintendo loves to be unpredictable, and you can expect everything from them.
Anyway, I don't want a Direct, I already have a big backlog.
>duuuuuuude purple and orange are the same color
>you spend as much time mixing one as the other which makes them the same
Tomorrow he'll go "huh whaaat my source said this week for sure idk what happened you guys :("
All these insiders are the same
They do announce them on wednesday rarely. If there's no announcement tomorrow then there's definitely not one.
yea, a bunch of mobile games added onto the list of shovelware on the estrogentendo soitch
I don't think there's a direct with the coronavirus around.
Nice shopped text, user.
Seethe, cope, cry harder, etc.
>implying people actually care about indie shovelware
I don't fucking care if you chimpanzees care or not, you already got your fucking direct, now stop making a thread every god damn day!
It isn’t a real direct
I was expecting the announcement on wednesday anyways, but I am still nervous
You seem very upset.
if there isn't an announcement tomorrow just stop expecting one until june/july. nintendo would let animal crossing carry them until holiday season of this year.
>got an e-mail pre-purchasing fighters pass 2 today
We'll just have to wait and see. If we don't hear anything tomorrow, then it's for sure a no.
>preodering unknown dlc
retards like you deserve anime swordsman
>Because that's not true
>Everywhere on lockdown
>Retarded Japanese who can't into technology choose to just shut their doors instead of working from home
It literally is true
>Indie World Showcase
>Nintendo Direct
They're literally different things, user. We know about nothing past AC except that Xenoblade and Battle for Bikini Bottom will release around May. We're properly starved of information. Also fucking filter these threads or hide them if they bother you so much, Jesus Christ.
Learn to read retard.
Tomorrow bros...
You're a retard. I'd rather be in the dark than just be thrown some announcements with no release dates because of Corona. If you don't think Corona is running the world right now, you're a fucking idiot.
But muh smash
If not tomorrow, see y'all at "E3"
Except the fiscal year ends next week and that means an investors meeting. Even Nintendo wouldn't be stupid enough to walk into that with nothing on the docket for the rest of the year, especially when stocks are in such bad shape right now.
No one fucking cares, gamexplain. Furfag Crossing is doubtlessly their biggest game this year. Throw in some low-effort ports via e-Shop and maybe more Smash DLC and Nintendo will be cocky enough to think they can coast by. Why they didn't just stick to their release format from 2017 I will never know. Would have given games like Deus x Machina, Astral Chain and DQXI more of a fighting chance.
>Even Nintendo wouldn't be stupid enough to walk into that with nothing on the docket for the rest of the year
do you really believe that? I do believe they are stupid enough.
"We had to delay our announcements due to the coronavirus outbreak, please understand"
Wow that was hard.
prease understandu, corona even takes priority to them
Nintendo is so antiquated they don't understand what a teleconfrence is.
The investor meeting is getting canceled.
Nintendo is sending out emails about the second fighter's pass. I think that alludes to something, so tomorrow maybe.
My dad said they're doing it tomorrow.
What's in them?
man this pandemic is coming in so strong for Nintendo
puts full undivided attention on their latest big game and whats currently floating around in their eShop, and the perfect cover-up excuse to clearly having nothing else ready until Fall/Holiday
Just the usual 'pre-purchase this now!' marketing that they always do with releases. This is the first time they've sent out emails about the second fighter's pass though.
That's probably simply cause the marketing team no longer has to promote Animal Crossing so they moved on to the one known thing they can promote.
Yo, if the friggin Olympics are postponed, then we ain't seeing shit until AT LEAST later this year.
no important direct, nintendo tries a little bit with their actual direct but due to corona no one can shoot it